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 * This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
 * @package   PHPDebugConsole
 * @author    Brad Kent <bkfake-github@yahoo.com>
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
 * @version   v3.1

namespace bdk\Debug\Plugin\Method;

use bdk\Debug\LogEntry;
use bdk\Debug\Plugin\CustomMethodTrait;
use bdk\PubSub\SubscriberInterface;

 * Time methods
class Time implements SubscriberInterface
    use CustomMethodTrait;

    /** @var string[] */
    protected $methods = array(

     * Constructor
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function __construct()

     * Start a timer identified by label
     * ## Label passed
     *  * if doesn't exist: starts timer
     *  * if does exist: unpauses (does not reset)
     * ## Label not passed
     *  * timer will be added to a no-label stack
     * Does not append log (unless duration is passed).
     * Use `timeEnd` or `timeGet` to get time
     * @param string $label    unique label
     * @param float  $duration (optional) duration (in seconds).  Use this param to log a duration obtained externally.
     * @return \bdk\Debug
    public function time($label = null, $duration = null)
        $logEntry = new LogEntry(
                'precision' => 4,
                'silent' => false,
                'template' => '%label: %time',
                'unit' => 'auto',
        $args = $logEntry['args'];
        $floats = \array_filter($args, static function ($val) {
            return \is_float($val);
        $label = \array_values(\array_diff_key($args, $floats))[0];
        if ($floats) {
            $duration = \reset($floats);
            $logEntry['args'] = array($label);
            $this->appendLogEntry($duration, $logEntry);
            return $this->debug;
        return $this->debug;

     * Behaves like a stopwatch.. logs and (optionaly) returns running time
     *    If label is passed, timer is "paused" (not ended/cleared)
     *    If label is not passed, timer is removed from timer stack
     * Meta options
     *    precision: 4 (how many decimal places)
     *    silent: (false) only return / don't log
     *    template: '%label: %time'
     *    unit: ('auto'), 'sec', 'ms', or 'us'
     * @param string      $label  (optional) unique label
     * @param bool        $log    (true) log it, or return only
     *                              if passed, takes precedence over silent meta val
     * @param bool|'auto' $return ('auto') whether to return the value (vs returning $this))
     *                              'auto' : !$log
     * @return \bdk\Debug|float|false The duration (in sec).
     * @psalm-return ($return is true ? float|false : \bdk\Debug)
    public function timeEnd($label = null, $log = true, $return = 'auto')
        $logEntry = $this->timeLogEntry(__FUNCTION__, \func_get_args());
        $debug = $logEntry->getSubject();
        $label = $logEntry['args'][0];
        $elapsed = $debug->stopWatch->stop($label);
        $this->appendLogEntry($elapsed, $logEntry);
        return $logEntry['meta']['return']
            ? $elapsed
            : $debug;

     * Log/get the running time without stopping/pausing the timer
     * Meta options
     *    precision: 4 (how many decimal places)
     *    silent: (false) only return / don't log
     *    template: '%label: %time'
     *    unit: ('auto'), 'sec', 'ms', or 'us'
     * This method does not have a web console API equivalent
     * @param string      $label  (optional) unique label
     * @param bool        $log    (true) log it
     * @param bool|'auto' $return ('auto') whether to return the value (vs returning $this))
     *                              'auto' : !$log
     * @return \bdk\Debug|float|false The duration (in sec).  `false` if specified label does not exist
     * @psalm-return ($return is true ? float|false : \bdk\Debug)
    public function timeGet($label = null, $log = true, $return = 'auto')
        $logEntry = $this->timeLogEntry(__FUNCTION__, \func_get_args());
        $debug = $logEntry->getSubject();
        $label = $logEntry['args'][0];
        $elapsed = $debug->stopWatch->get($label, $label);
        $this->appendLogEntry($elapsed, $logEntry);
        return $logEntry['meta']['return']
            ? $elapsed
            : $debug;

     * Logs the current value of a timer that was previously started via `time()`
     * also logs additional arguments
     * @param string $label  (optional) unique label
     * @param mixed  ...$arg (optional) additional values to be logged with time
     * @return \bdk\Debug
    public function timeLog($label = null, $args = null)
        $logEntry = new LogEntry(
                'precision' => 4,
                'silent' => false,
                'unit' => 'auto',
        $args = $logEntry['args'];
        $meta = $logEntry['meta'];
        $label = $args[0];
        $elapsed = $this->debug->stopWatch->get($label, $label);
        if ($elapsed === false) {
            return $this->debug;
        $elapsed = $this->debug->utility->formatDuration($elapsed, $meta['unit'], $meta['precision']);
        $args[0] = $label . ': ';
        \array_splice($args, 1, 0, $elapsed);
        $logEntry['args'] = $args;
        $logEntry['meta'] = \array_diff_key($meta, \array_flip(array('precision', 'silent', 'unit')));
        return $this->debug;

     * Log timeEnd() and timeGet()
     * @param float|false $elapsed  elapsed time in seconds
     * @param LogEntry    $logEntry LogEntry instance
     * @return void
    protected function appendLogEntry($elapsed, LogEntry $logEntry)
        $debug = $logEntry->getSubject();
        $meta = $logEntry['meta'];
        if ($meta['silent']) {
        if ($elapsed === false) {
        $label = isset($logEntry['args'][0])
            ? $logEntry['args'][0]
            : 'time';
        $str = \strtr($meta['template'], array(
            '%label' => $label,
            '%time' => $debug->utility->formatDuration($elapsed, $meta['unit'], $meta['precision']),
        $debug->log(new LogEntry(
            \array_diff_key($meta, \array_flip(array('precision', 'silent', 'template', 'unit')))

     * Append a "label does not exist" log entry
     * @param LogEntry $logEntry LogEntry instance
     * @return void
    protected function appendNotFound(LogEntry $logEntry)
        $debug = $logEntry->getSubject();
        $label = $logEntry['args'][0];
        $meta = $logEntry['meta'];
        if ($meta['silent']) {
        $debug->log(new LogEntry(
            array('Timer \'' . $label . '\' does not exist'),
            \array_diff_key($meta, \array_flip(array('precision', 'silent', 'unit')))

     * Create timeEnd & timeGet LogEntry
     * @param string $method 'timeEnd' or 'timeGet'
     * @param array  $args   arguments passed to method
     * @return LogEntry
    protected function timeLogEntry($method, array $args)
        $logEntry = new LogEntry(
                'precision' => 4,
                'silent' => false,
                'template' => '%label: %time',
                'unit' => 'auto',
                'label' => null,
                'log' => true,      // will convert to meta['silent']
                'return' => 'auto',
        if ($logEntry['numArgs'] === 1 && \is_bool($logEntry['args'][0])) {
            // first and only arg is bool..  treat as 'log' param
            $logEntry['args'][1] = $logEntry['args'][0];
            $logEntry['args'][0] = null;
        $logEntry->setMeta('silent', !$logEntry['args'][1] || $logEntry->getMeta('silent'));
        if ($logEntry->getMeta('return') === 'auto') {
            $logEntry->setMeta('return', $logEntry->getMeta('silent'));
        return $logEntry;