* This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
* @package PHPDebugConsole
* @author Brad Kent <>
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
* @since 2.0
namespace bdk\Debug\Route\Html;
use bdk\Debug;
use bdk\Debug\LogEntry;
use bdk\Debug\Route\Html as RouteHtml;
use bdk\Debug\Utility\Html as HtmlUtil;
use bdk\ErrorHandler;
use bdk\ErrorHandler\Error;
* Output a summary of errors
class ErrorSummary
/** @var Debug */
protected $debug;
/** @var HtmlUtil */
protected $html;
/** @var ErrorHandler */
protected $errorHandler;
/** @var RouteHtml */
protected $routeHtml;
/** @var array{
* counts: array<string,array{
* inConsole: int,
* notInConsole: int,
* suppressed: int}>,
* inConsole: int,
* inConsoleCategories: list<string>,
* notInConsole: int,
* }
protected $stats = array();
/** @var array<string,array<string,string>> */
private $catStrings = array(
'deprecated' => array(
'header' => 'Deprecated',
'msg' => 'There were %d deprecated notices',
'error' => array(
'header' => 'Errors',
'msg' => 'There were %d errors',
'notice' => array(
'header' => 'Notices',
'msg' => 'There were %d notices',
'strict' => array(
'header' => 'Strict',
'msg' => 'There were %d strict errors',
'warning' => array(
'header' => 'Warnings',
'msg' => 'There were %d warnings',
* Constructor
* @param RouteHtml $routeHtml Route\Html instance
* @param ErrorHandler $errorHandler ErrorHandler instance
public function __construct(RouteHtml $routeHtml, ErrorHandler $errorHandler)
$this->routeHtml = $routeHtml;
$this->errorHandler = $errorHandler;
$this->debug = $routeHtml->debug;
$this->html = $this->debug->html;
* Returns an error summary LogEntry
* LogEntry['args'][0] could be an empty string
* @param array $stats error statistics
* @return LogEntry
public function build($stats)
$this->stats = $stats;
$summary = ''
. $this->buildFatal()
. $this->buildInConsole()
. $this->buildNotInConsole();
return new LogEntry(
$summary !== ''
? $this->routeHtml->debug->getChannel('phpError')
: $this->debug,
'attribs' => array(
'class' => array(
'error-summary' => true,
'have-fatal' => \array_sum($this->stats['counts']['fatal']) > 0,
'data-detect-files' => true,
'dismissible' => false,
'level' => 'error',
'sanitize' => false,
* If lastError was fatal, output the error
* @return string
protected function buildFatal()
$haveFatal = \array_sum($this->stats['counts']['fatal']) > 0;
if ($haveFatal === false) {
// no fatal errors
return '';
$error = $this->errorHandler->get('lastError');
$fatal = new FatalError($this->routeHtml);
return $fatal->output($error);
* Returns summary for errors that were logged to console (while collect = true)
* @return string
protected function buildInConsole()
$stats = $this->stats;
if (!$stats['inConsole']) {
return '';
$haveFatal = \array_sum($stats['counts']['fatal']) > 0;
if (!$haveFatal && \count($stats['inConsoleCategories']) === 1) {
// only one category of error and it's not fatal
return $this->buildInConsoleOneCat();
$countsInConsole = $this->getCountsInConsole();
return '<h3>' . $this->buildInConsoleHeader() . '</h3>' . "\n"
. '<ul class="list-unstyled in-console">' . "\n"
. \implode("\n", \array_map(function ($vals) {
$category = $vals['name'];
return $this->html->buildTag(
'class' => 'error-' . $category,
'data-count' => $vals['inConsole'],
$category . ': ' . $vals['inConsole']
}, $countsInConsole))
. '</ul>' . "\n";
* Build header
* @return string
private function buildInConsoleHeader()
$haveFatal = \array_sum($this->stats['counts']['fatal']) > 0;
if ($haveFatal === false) {
return 'There were ' . $this->stats['inConsole'] . ' errors';
$inConsoleCount = $this->stats['inConsole'] - $this->stats['counts']['fatal']['inConsole'];
return \sprintf(
'There %s %d additional %s',
$inConsoleCount === 1 ? 'was' : 'were',
$inConsoleCount === 1 ? 'error' : 'errors'
* Returns summary for errors that were logged to console (while collect = true)
* Assumes only 1 category of error was logged
* (multiple errors in this category may have been logged)
* @return string
protected function buildInConsoleOneCat()
$category = $this->stats['inConsoleCategories'][0];
$inConsoleCount = $this->stats['counts'][$category]['inConsole'];
$msg = \sprintf($this->catStrings[$category]['msg'], $inConsoleCount);
if ($inConsoleCount === 1) {
$error = $this->getErrorsInCategory($category)[0];
$msg = \sprintf(
'%s (line %s): %s',
? $error['message']
: \htmlspecialchars($error['message'])
return '<h3>' . $this->buildInConsoleOneCatHeader() . '</h3>' . "\n"
. '<ul class="list-unstyled in-console">'
. $this->html->buildTag(
'class' => 'error-' . $category,
'data-count' => $inConsoleCount,
. '</ul>';
* Build header
* @return string
private function buildInConsoleOneCatHeader()
$category = $this->stats['inConsoleCategories'][0];
$inConsoleCount = $this->stats['counts'][$category]['inConsole'];
return $inConsoleCount === 1
? \ucfirst($category)
: $this->catStrings[$category]['header'];
* Returns summary for errors that occurred while log collect = false
* @return string
protected function buildNotInConsole()
$errors = $this->getErrorsNotInConsole();
$count = \count($errors);
if ($count === 0) {
return '';
$header = \sprintf(
'There %s captured while not collecting debug log',
$count === 1 ? 'was 1 error' : 'were ' . $count . ' errors'
return '<h3>' . $header . '</h3>' . "\n"
. '<ul class="list-unstyled">' . "\n"
. \implode("\n", \array_map(static function (Error $error) {
return \sprintf(
'<li class="error-%s">%s: %s: %s</li>',
? $error['message']
: \htmlspecialchars($error['message'])
}, $errors)) . "\n"
. '</ul>' . "\n";
* Get count statistics for errors logged to console
* @return array
private function getCountsInConsole()
$stats = $this->stats;
foreach (\array_keys($stats['counts']) as $category) {
$stats['counts'][$category]['name'] = $category;
return \array_filter($stats['counts'], static function ($vals) {
return $vals['name'] !== 'fatal' && $vals['inConsole'];
* Get all unsuppressed errors that were not logged in console
* @return Error[]
private function getErrorsNotInConsole()
if (!$this->stats['notInConsole']) {
return array();
$errors = $this->errorHandler->get('errors');
return \array_filter($errors, static function (Error $error) {
$isErrorInConsole = \count(\array_intersect_assoc(array(
// at least one of these is true
'category' => 'fatal',
'inConsole' => true,
'isSuppressed' => true,
), $error->getValues())) > 0;
return $isErrorInConsole === false;
* Get the error for the given category
* @param string $category error category
* @return Error[]
protected function getErrorsInCategory($category)
$errors = $this->errorHandler->get('errors');
return \array_values(\array_filter($errors, static function (Error $error) use ($category) {
return $error['category'] === $category && $error['inConsole'];