* This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
* @package PHPDebugConsole
* @author Brad Kent <>
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
* @since 3.3
namespace bdk\Debug\Utility\PhpDoc;
* PhpDoc parsing helper methods
* @psalm-import-type TagInfo from \bdk\Debug\Utility\PhpDoc
class Helper
* Split description and summary
* @param string $comment Beginning of doc comment
* @return array{desc?:string,summary?:string}
public static function parseDescSummary($comment)
Do some string replacement
$comment = \preg_replace('/^\\\@/m', '@', $comment);
$comment = \str_replace('{@*}', '*/', $comment);
split into summary & description
summary ends with empty whitespace line or "." followed by \n
$split = \preg_split('/(\.[\r\n]+|[\r\n]{2})/', $comment, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$split = \array_replace(['', '', ''], $split);
// assume that summary and desc won't be "0".. remove empty value and merge
return \array_filter(array(
'desc' => self::trimDesc($split[2]),
'summary' => \trim($split[0] . $split[1]), // split[1] is the ".\n"
* Trim leading spaces from each description line
* @param string $desc string to trim
* @return string
public static function trimDesc($desc)
$desc = \rtrim((string) $desc);
$lines = \explode("\n", $desc);
$leadingSpaces = array();
$trimLineStart = 0;
// collect leadingSpaces on non-empty lines
foreach (\array_filter($lines) as $i => $line) {
$leadingSpaces[$i] = \strspn($line, ' ');
if (\count($leadingSpaces) === 0) {
// no non-empty lines
return '';
$lines = \array_slice($lines, \key($leadingSpaces)); // start with first non-empty line
if (\reset($leadingSpaces) === 0) {
// first non-empty line has no leading spaces (ie a line-wrapped param description)
$trimLineStart = 1;
\array_shift($leadingSpaces); // don't include first line when determining trimLen
} elseif (\min($leadingSpaces) === 4) {
// special case where desc contains only code example(s)
return $desc;
$trimLen = $leadingSpaces
? \min($leadingSpaces)
: 0;
for ($i = $trimLineStart, $count = \count($lines); $i < $count; $i++) {
$lines[$i] = \substr($lines[$i], $trimLen);
return \implode("\n", $lines);