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 * This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
 * @package   PHPDebugConsole
 * @author    Brad Kent <bkfake-github@yahoo.com>
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
 * @version   v3.3

namespace bdk\Debug\Utility\PhpDoc;

 * PhpDoc parsing helper methods
 * @psalm-import-type TagInfo from \bdk\Debug\Utility\PhpDoc
 * @psalm-import-type ParserInfo from \bdk\Debug\Utility\PhpDoc
class Parsers
    /** @var Helper */
    protected $helper;
    /** @var ParserInfo[] */
    protected $parsers = array();
    /** @var ParseMethod */
    protected $parseMethod;
    /** @var ParseParam */
    protected $parseParam;

     * Constructor
     * @param Helper $helper Helper instance
    public function __construct(Helper $helper)
        $this->helper = $helper;
        $this->parseMethod = new ParseMethod();
        $this->parseParam = new ParseParam();

     * Get the parser for the given tag type
     * @param string $tag phpDoc tag
     * @return array
     * @psalm-return ParserInfo
    public function getTagParser($tag)
        $parser = array();
        foreach ($this->parsers as $parser) {
            if (\in_array($tag, $parser['tags'], true)) {
        // if not found, last parser was default
        return \array_merge(array(
            'callable' => array(),
            'parts' => array(),
            'regex' => null,
        ), $parser);

     * Get the tag parsers
     * @return void
    protected function setParsers() // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.FunctionLength.FunctionLength
        $this->parsers = array(
                'callable' => array(
                    array($this->helper, 'extractTypeFromBody'),
                'parts' => array('type', 'name', 'desc'),
                'tags' => array('param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'var'),

     * Parser "definition" for @author tag
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserAuthor()
        return array(
            'parts' => array('name', 'email', 'desc'),
            'regex' => '/^(?P<name>[^<]+)'
                . '(?:\s+<(?P<email>\S*)>)?'
                . '(?:\s+(?P<desc>.*))?' // desc isn't part of the standard
                . '$/s',
            'tags' => array('author'),

     * Default parser "definition"
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserDefault()
        return array(
            'parts' => array('desc'),
            'regex' => '/^(?P<desc>.*?)$/s',
            'tags' => array(),

     * Parser "definition" for @link tag
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserLink()
        return array(
            'parts' => array('uri', 'desc'),
            'regex' => '/^(?P<uri>\S+)'
                . '(?:\s+(?P<desc>.*))?$/s',
            'tags' => array('link'),

     * Parser "definition" for @method tag
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserMethod()
        return array(
            'callable' => array(
            'parts' => array('static', 'type', 'name', 'param', 'desc'),
            'regex' => '/'
                . '(?:(?P<static>static)\s+)?'
                . '(?:(?P<type>.*?)\s+)?'
                . '(?P<name>\S+)'
                . '\((?P<param>((?>[^()]+)|(?R))*)\)'  // see http://php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.recursive.php
                . '(?:\s+(?P<desc>.*))?'
                . '/s',
            'tags' => array('method'),

     * Parser "definition" for @return & @throws tags
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserReturnThrows()
        return array(
            'callable' => array(
                array($this->helper, 'extractTypeFromBody'),
                 * @psalm-param TagInfo $info
                static function (array $parsed, array $info) {
                    $parsed['type'] = $info['phpDoc']->type->normalize($parsed['type'], $info['className'], $info['fullyQualifyType']);
                    return $parsed;
            'parts' => array('type', 'desc'),
            'regex' => '/^(?P<type>.*?)'
                . '(?:\s+(?P<desc>.*))?$/s',
            'tags' => array('return', 'throws'),

     * Parser "definition" for @see tag
     * @return ParserInfo
    private function parserSee()
        return array(
            'parts' => array('uri', 'fqsen', 'desc'),
            'regex' => '/^(?:'
                . '(?P<uri>https?:\/\/\S+)|(?P<fqsen>\S+)'
                . ')'
                . '(?:\s+(?P<desc>.*))?$/s',
            'tags' => array('see'),