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package webgo

import (

// Route defines a route for each API
type Route struct {
    // Name is unique identifier for the route
    Name string
    // Method is the HTTP request method/type
    Method string
    // Pattern is the URI pattern to match
    Pattern string
    // TrailingSlash if set to true, the URI will be matched with or without
    // a trailing slash. IMPORTANT: It does not redirect.
    TrailingSlash bool

    // FallThroughPostResponse if enabled will execute all the handlers even if a response was already sent to the client
    FallThroughPostResponse bool

    // Handlers is a slice of http.HandlerFunc which can be middlewares or anything else. Though only 1 of them will be allowed to respond to client.
    // subsequent writes from the following handlers will be ignored
    Handlers []http.HandlerFunc

    hasWildcard bool
    fragments   []uriFragment
    paramsCount int

    // skipMiddleware if true, middleware added using `router` will not be applied to this Route.
    // This is used only when a Route is set using the RouteGroup, which can have its own set of middleware
    skipMiddleware bool
    // middlewareList is used at the last stage, i.e. right before starting the server
    middlewarelist []Middleware

    initialized bool

    serve http.HandlerFunc
type uriFragment struct {
    isVariable  bool
    hasWildcard bool
    // fragment will be the key name, if it's a variable/named URI parameter
    fragment string

func (r *Route) parseURIWithParams() {
    // if there are no URI params, then there's no need to set route parts
    if !strings.Contains(r.Pattern, ":") {

    fragments := strings.Split(r.Pattern, "/")
    if len(fragments) == 1 {

    rFragments := make([]uriFragment, 0, len(fragments))
    for _, fragment := range fragments[1:] {
        hasParam := false
        hasWildcard := false

        if strings.Contains(fragment, ":") {
            hasParam = true
        if strings.Contains(fragment, "*") {
            r.hasWildcard = true
            hasWildcard = true

        key := strings.ReplaceAll(fragment, ":", "")
        key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "*", "")
        rFragments = append(
                isVariable:  hasParam,
                hasWildcard: hasWildcard,
                fragment:    key,
    r.fragments = rFragments

func (r *Route) setupMiddleware(reverse bool) {
    if reverse {
        for i := range r.middlewarelist {
            m := r.middlewarelist[i]
            srv := r.serve
            r.serve = func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
                m(rw, req, srv)
    } else {
        for i := len(r.middlewarelist) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
            m := r.middlewarelist[i]
            srv := r.serve
            r.serve = func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
                m(rw, req, srv)
    // clear middlewarelist since it's already setup for the route
    r.middlewarelist = nil

// init does all the initializations required for the route
func (r *Route) init() error {
    if r.initialized {
        return nil
    r.initialized = true

    r.serve = defaultRouteServe(r)
    return nil

// matchPath matches the requestURI with the URI pattern of the route
func (r *Route) matchPath(requestURI string) (bool, map[string]string) {
    p := bytes.NewBufferString(r.Pattern)
    if r.TrailingSlash {
    } else {
        if requestURI[len(requestURI)-1] == '/' {
            return false, nil

    if r.Pattern == requestURI || p.String() == requestURI {
        return true, nil

    return r.matchWithWildcard(requestURI)

func (r *Route) matchWithWildcard(requestURI string) (bool, map[string]string) {
    // if r.fragments is empty, it means there are no variables in the URI pattern
    // hence no point checking
    if len(r.fragments) == 0 {
        return false, nil

    params := make(map[string]string, r.paramsCount)
    uriFragments := strings.Split(requestURI, "/")[1:]
    fragmentsLastIdx := len(r.fragments) - 1
    fragmentIdx := 0
    uriParameter := make([]string, 0, len(uriFragments))

    for idx, fragment := range uriFragments {
        // if part is empty, it means it's end of URI with trailing slash
        if fragment == "" {

        if fragmentIdx > fragmentsLastIdx {
            return false, nil

        currentFragment := r.fragments[fragmentIdx]
        if !currentFragment.isVariable && currentFragment.fragment != fragment {
            return false, nil

        uriParameter = append(uriParameter, fragment)
        if currentFragment.isVariable {
            params[currentFragment.fragment] = strings.Join(uriParameter, "/")

        if !currentFragment.hasWildcard {
            uriParameter = make([]string, 0, len(uriFragments)-idx)

        nextIdx := fragmentIdx + 1
        if nextIdx > fragmentsLastIdx {
        nextPart := r.fragments[nextIdx]

        // if the URI has more fragments/params after wildcard,
        // the immediately following part after wildcard cannot be a variable or another wildcard.
        if !nextPart.isVariable && nextPart.fragment == fragment {
            // remove the last added 'part' from parameters, as it's part of the static URI
            params[currentFragment.fragment] = strings.Join(uriParameter[:len(uriParameter)-1], "/")
            uriParameter = make([]string, 0, len(uriFragments)-idx)
            fragmentIdx += 2

    if len(params) != r.paramsCount {
        return false, nil

    return true, params

func (r *Route) use(mm ...Middleware) {
    if r.middlewarelist == nil {
        r.middlewarelist = make([]Middleware, 0, len(mm))
    r.middlewarelist = append(r.middlewarelist, mm...)

func routeServeChainedHandlers(r *Route) http.HandlerFunc {
    return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

        crw, ok := rw.(*customResponseWriter)
        if !ok {
            crw = newCRW(rw, http.StatusOK)

        for _, handler := range r.Handlers {
            if crw.written && !r.FallThroughPostResponse {
            handler(crw, req)

func defaultRouteServe(r *Route) http.HandlerFunc {
    if len(r.Handlers) > 1 {
        return routeServeChainedHandlers(r)

    // when there is only 1 handler, custom response writer is not required to check if response
    // is already written or fallthrough is enabled
    return r.Handlers[0]

type RouteGroup struct {
    routes []*Route
    // skipRouterMiddleware if set to true, middleware applied to the router will not be applied
    // to this route group.
    skipRouterMiddleware bool
    // PathPrefix is the URI prefix for all routes in this group
    PathPrefix string

func (rg *RouteGroup) Add(rr ...Route) {
    for idx := range rr {
        route := rr[idx]
        route.skipMiddleware = rg.skipRouterMiddleware
        route.Pattern = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", rg.PathPrefix, route.Pattern)
        rg.routes = append(rg.routes, &route)

func (rg *RouteGroup) Use(mm ...Middleware) {
    for _, route := range rg.routes {

func (rg *RouteGroup) Routes() []*Route {
    return rg.routes

func NewRouteGroup(pathPrefix string, skipRouterMiddleware bool, rr ...Route) *RouteGroup {
    rg := RouteGroup{
        PathPrefix:           pathPrefix,
        skipRouterMiddleware: skipRouterMiddleware,
    return &rg