

1 hr
Test Coverage
"""Parser for STAR-Fusion output"""

# Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Wibowo Arindrarto <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from os import PathLike
from typing import Any, Dict, List, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import click

from .utils import get_handle

__all__ = ["parse"]

# Expected column names
# Abridged column names

# Non-abridged column names

# Abridged column names star-fusion 1.6.0
_ABR_COLS_v160 = [

# Non-abridged column names star-fusion 1.6.0
_NONABR_COLS_v160 = [

# Abridged column names star-fusion 1.10
_ABR_COLS_v110 = [

# Non-abridged column names star-fusion 1.10
_NONABR_COLS_v110 = [

# Supported columns
    "v1.10": _NONABR_COLS_v110,
    "v1.10_abr": _ABR_COLS_v110,
    "v1.6.0": _NONABR_COLS_v160,
    "v1.6.0_abr": _ABR_COLS_v160,
    "v0.6.0": _NONABR_COLS,
    "v0.6.0_abr": _ABR_COLS,

# Mapping of supported columns to output format
# Column name in file -> field name in json
# Note: the JunctionReads and SpanningFrags columns are present twice in
# the output files, with different meanings and content
# special columns are excluded
    "v0.6.0": {
        "fusion_name": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReads": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFrags": "nSpanningFrags",
        "Splice_type": "spliceType",
    "v0.6.0_abr": {
        "fusion_name": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReads": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFrags": "nSpanningFrags",
        "Splice_type": "spliceType",
    "v1.6.0": {
        "FusionName": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReadCount": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFragCount": "nSpanningFrags",
        "SpliceType": "spliceType",
        "JunctionReads": "junctionReads",
        "SpanningFrags": "spanningFrags",
        "LargeAnchorSupport": "largeAnchorSupport",
        "FFPM": "FFPM",
        "annots": "annots",
    "v1.6.0_abr": {
        "FusionName": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReadCount": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFragCount": "nSpanningFrags",
        "SpliceType": "spliceType",
        "LargeAnchorSupport": "largeAnchorSupport",
        "FFPM": "FFPM",
        "annots": "annots",
    "v1.10": {
        "FusionName": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReadCount": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFragCount": "nSpanningFrags",
        "est_J": "est_J",
        "est_S": "est_S",
        "SpliceType": "spliceType",
        "JunctionReads": "junctionReads",
        "SpanningFrags": "spanningFrags",
        "LargeAnchorSupport": "largeAnchorSupport",
        "FFPM": "FFPM",
        "annots": "annots",
    "v1.10_abr": {
        "FusionName": "fusionName",
        "JunctionReadCount": "nJunctionReads",
        "SpanningFragCount": "nSpanningFrags",
        "est_J": "est_J",
        "est_S": "est_S",
        "SpliceType": "spliceType",
        "LargeAnchorSupport": "largeAnchorSupport",
        "FFPM": "FFPM",
        "annots": "annots",

# Delimiter strings
_DELIM = {
    # Gene name-id
    "gids": "^",
    # Chromosome-coordinate-strand
    "loc": ":",

def parse_lr_entry(
    break_side: str, entries: Dict[str, str]
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]:
    """Parse the gene and breakpoint entry.

    :param break_side: The side of the break, right or left
    :param entires: The entries from the current line

    if break_side == "left":
        gene = entries["LeftGene"]
        breakpoint = entries["LeftBreakpoint"]
        prefix = "Left"
    elif break_side == "right":
        gene = entries["RightGene"]
        breakpoint = entries["RightBreakpoint"]
        prefix = "Right"
        raise RuntimeError("Please specify either right or left")
    gname, gid = gene.split(_DELIM["gids"])
    chrom, pos, strand = breakpoint.split(_DELIM["loc"])

    breakpoint_side = {
        "geneName": gname,
        "geneID": gid,
        "chromosome": chrom,
        "position": int(pos),
        "strand": strand,
    }  # type: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]

    # Get the other side-specific fields from the output, excluding the
    # Rigth/LeftGene and -Breakpoint fields
    sided_fields = {
        to_camel_case(field, prefix): value
        for field, value in entries.items()
        if (
            and field not in {f"{prefix}Gene", f"{prefix}Breakpoint"}


    return breakpoint_side

def to_camel_case(field: str, prefix: str) -> str:
    """Convert a STAR-fusion output column name

    - Remove the prefix (either "Left" or "Right"
    - Convert the first character to lower case
    # Remove side from field name
    new_field = field[len(prefix) :]  # noqa: E203
    # Convert to camelCase
    camel_case = new_field[0].lower() + new_field[1:]
    return camel_case

def parse_read_columns(
    colnames: List[str], values: List[str]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, List[str]]]:
    """Parse the read columns out and return them seperately

    The JunctionReads and SpanningFrags columns can contain the actual reads,
    or just the counts of the reads. This makes parsing them correctly quite

    Assumption: The last occurrence of the JunctionReads and SpanningFrags
    columns in the file contain the actual reads, while the first one contains
    the counts.
    If there is only one (as is the case for v1.6.0), it contains the reads

    :param values: List of values from the file
    :param colnames: List of column names from the file
    entries = dict()
    reads = dict()

    # Keep the column names and values together
    together = [(name, val) for name, val in zip(colnames, values)]

    # Extract the JunctionReads
    rev = together[::-1]
    for name, val in rev:  # pragma: no branch
        if name == "JunctionReads":
            together.remove((name, val))
    reads[name] = val.split(",")

    # Extract the SpanningFrags
    for name, val in rev:  # pragma: no branch
        if name == "SpanningFrags":
            together.remove((name, val))
    reads[name] = val.split(",")

    # The other columns are regular entries
    entries = {k: v for k, v in together}

    return entries, reads

def parse_raw_line(
    raw_line: str,
    version: str,
    is_abridged: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse a single line into a dictionary.

    :param raw_line: STAR-Fusion result line.
    :param version: The version of the output format present in the file.
    :param is_abridged: Whether the input raw line is from an abridged file.

    values = raw_line.split("\t")
    colnames = SUPPORTED[version]

    if len(values) != len(colnames):
        msg = "Line values {0} does not match column names {1}."
        raise click.BadParameter(msg.format(values, colnames))

    if is_abridged:
        entries = {k: v for k, v in zip(colnames, values)}
        reads = dict()  # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
        # If the format is not abridged, the JunctionReads and SpanningFrags
        # columns are duplicated
        entries, reads = parse_read_columns(colnames, values)

    # Create the output dictionary based on the detected star-fusion version
    ret = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    for colname in entries:
            field_name = COL_MAPPING[version][colname]
        # For mappings that are handle elsewhere, such as LeftBreakpoint
        except KeyError:
        ret[field_name] = entries[colname]

    # Cast the apropriate entries to int
    # These values should always exist
    for int_field in ["nJunctionReads", "nSpanningFrags"]:
        ret[int_field] = int(ret[int_field])

    # Handle the special columns
    ret["left"] = parse_lr_entry("left", entries)
    ret["right"] = parse_lr_entry("right", entries)

    # Parse the annotations into a list. Not present in v0.6.0
    if "annots" in ret:
        ret["annots"] = parse_annots(ret["annots"])

    # Cast the apropriate entries to float
    # These values can be missing
    if "FFPM" in ret:
        ret["FFPM"] = float(ret["FFPM"])

    # Cast right entropy to float, not present in v0.6.0
        ret["right"]["breakEntropy"] = float(ret["right"]["breakEntropy"])
    except KeyError:

    # Cast left entropy to float, not present in v0.6.0
        ret["left"]["breakEntropy"] = float(ret["left"]["breakEntropy"])
    except KeyError:

    # Cast est_J and est_S to float, not present before v1.10
    if "est_J" in ret:
        ret["est_J"] = float(ret["est_J"])
    if "est_S" in ret:
        ret["est_S"] = float(ret["est_S"])

    if reads:
        ret["reads"] = {
            "junctionReads": reads["JunctionReads"],
            "spanningFrags": reads["SpanningFrags"],
        # If there are not reads in the star-fusion output file, the column
        # will contain ".". We need to clean that up
        if ret["reads"]["junctionReads"] == ["."]:
            ret["reads"]["junctionReads"] = list()
        if ret["reads"]["spanningFrags"] == ["."]:
            ret["reads"]["spanningFrags"] = list()

    return ret

def detect_format(colnames: List[str]) -> str:
    """Return the detected column format"""
    for colformat in SUPPORTED:
        if SUPPORTED[colformat] == colnames:
            return colformat
        msg = "Unexpected column names: {0}."
        raise click.BadParameter(msg.format(colnames))

def parse_annots(annots: str) -> List[str]:
    """Split the annots field into a list"""
    # Check the format
    msg = f"Unknown annots format: {annots}"
    if not annots.startswith("[") or not annots.endswith("]"):
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # Cut of the square brackets
    annots = annots[1:-1]

    # Split on comma and remove quotes
    return [annotation.replace('"', "") for annotation in annots.split(",")]

def parse(in_data: Union[str, PathLike, TextIO]) -> List[dict]:
    """Parses the abridged output of a STAR-Fusion run.

    :param in_data: Input STAR-Fusion contents.

    payload = []
    with get_handle(in_data) as src:
        first_line = src.readline().strip()
        if not first_line.startswith("#"):
            msg = "Unexpected header line: '{0}'."
            raise click.BadParameter(msg.format(first_line))
        # Parse column names, after removing the "#" character
        colnames = first_line[1:].split("\t")
        version = detect_format(colnames)
        is_abridged = version.endswith("_abr")
        for line in (x.strip() for x in src):
            parsed = parse_raw_line(line, version, is_abridged)

    return payload