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# Examples

This page is a good place to start learning Zedux. Let's jump right in. Refer to the [api](/docs/api/ and [types documentation](/docs/types/ if you get lost.

## Counter

Nice and easy.

import { act, createStore, react } from 'zedux'

// Create a couple actors (fancy action creators)
const increment = act('increment')
const decrement = act('decrement')

// Create the reactor (fancy reducer)
const counterReactor = react(0) // 0 - the reactor's initial state
  .withReducers(state => state + 1)

  .withReducers(state => state - 1)

// Create the store
const store = createStore()

// Play with it

store.getState() // 1

See the [createStore](/docs/api/, [act](/docs/api/, and [react](/docs/api/ api docs.

See the [actor](/docs/types/ and [reactor](/docs/types/ type docs.

## Todos

### `store/todos.js`

import { act, react } from 'zedux'

// Create some actors (fancy action creators)
export const addTodo = act('addTodo')
export const toggleTodo = act('toggleTodo')

// Create the reactor (fancy reducer)
export default react([]) // [] - the reactor's initial state


let todosIdCounter = 0

// Create some hoisted sub-reducers for our reactor to delegate to
function addTodoReducer(state, { payload: text }) {
  const id = todosIdCounter++
  const newTodo = { id, text, isComplete: false }

  return [ ...state, newTodo ]

function toggleTodoReducer(state, { payload: id }) {
  return => === id
      ? { ...todo, isComplete: !todo.isComplete }
      : todo

See the [act](/docs/api/ and [react](/docs/api/ api docs.

### `store/visibilityFilter.js`

import { state, transition } from 'zedux'

// Create some states (fancy actors)
export const showAll = state('showAll')
export const showCompleted = state('showCompleted')
export const showIncomplete = state('showIncomplete')

// Create the state machine (fancy reactor)
export default transition(showAll)
  .undirected(showAll, showCompleted, showIncomplete)

This example uses the [state machine model](/docs/guides/ We declare a few [states](/docs/types/ with the built-in [`state()` factory](/docs/api/ then create a reactor using the built-in [`transition()`](/docs/api/ factory to create a [ZeduxMachine](/docs/api/

Zedux machines are awesome for describing how states transition to and from each other. Here we're using the special [`undirected()`](/docs/api/ method which creates undirected graph edges between all the given states.

### `store/index.js`

import { createStore } from 'zedux'

import todos from './todos'
import visibilityFilter from './visibilityFilter'

// Create the store, passing a hierarchy descriptor.
export default createStore()

See the [createStore](/docs/api/ api doc and the [HierarchyDescriptor](/docs/types/ type.

Now we can have fun with this guy:

import store from './store/index'
import { showAll, showIncomplete } from './store/visibilityFilter'
import { addTodo, toggleTodo } from './store/todos'

store.subscribe((newState, oldState) => {
  console.log('state changed! Old state:', oldState, 'New state:', newState)

store.dispatch(addTodo('be the super genius'))