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Test Coverage
GEM Compliance

| GEM COMPLIANCE STATEMENT                                                    |
| **Fundamental GEM Requirements**      | **Implemented** | **GEM Compliant** |
| `State Models`_                       | Yes ✓           | No      | No      |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| `Equipment Processing States`_        | No              | No      |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| Host-Initiated S1,F13/F14 Scenario    | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓   |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| Event Notification                    | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓   |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| On-Line Identification                | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓   |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| Error Messages                        | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓   |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| `Documentation`_                      | Yes ✓           | No      |         |
+---------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+         +
| `Control (Operator Initiated)`_       | Yes ✓           | No      |         |
| **Additional Capabilities**           | **Implemented** | **GEM Compliant** |
| Establish Communications              | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |
| `Dynamic Event Report Configuration`_ | Yes ✓           | No                |
| Variable Data Collection              | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |
| `Trace Data Collection`_              | No              | No                |
| Status Data Collection                | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |
| `Alarm Management`_                   | Yes ✓           | No                |
| `Remote Control`_                     | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |
| `Equipment Constants`_                | Yes ✓           | No                |
| `Process Recipe Management`_          | No              | No                |
| `Material Movement`_                  | No              | No                |
| `Equipment Terminal Services`_        | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |
| `Clock`_                              | No              | No                |
| `Limits Monitoring`_                  | No              | No                |
| `Spooling`_                           | No              | No                |
| Control (Host-Initiated)              | Yes ✓           | Yes ✓             |

State Models

* While the communication and control state models are implemented, especially the control state model needs rework.

Equipment Processing States

* Not implemented yet.


* The documentation isn't complete yet. 

Control (Operator Initiated)

* Persistence for the ONLINE LOCAL/REMOTE is not yet implemented.
* The final UI (or hardware) needs the buttons required by this section. 

Dynamic Event Report Configuration

* Persistence for report definitions, report-to-event links and enable status is not yet implemented.

Trace Data Collection

* Not implemented yet.

Alarm Management

* Persistence of en-/disable states and report definitions is not implemented yet.

Remote Control

* The START and STOP remote commands must be implemented to be GEM compliant. Currently only dummy functions are provided

Equipment Constants

* Persistence of the equipment constants is not implemented yet.
* Limiting changing equipment to "safe" states is not yet implemented?
* Equipment constant changed collection event is not yet implemented.

Process Recipe Management

* Not implemented yet.

Material Movement

* Not implemented yet.

Equipment Terminal Services

* The UI requirements can't be fulfilled by the library


* Not implemented yet.

Limits Monitoring

* Not implemented yet.


* Not implemented yet.