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Test Coverage
'use strict'

var raml = require('raml-parser')
var YAML = require('yamljs')
var _ = require('lodash')

function buildPhraseDefinition (phrase) {
  var doc = {}

  // convert express URL `path/:param1/:param2` to
  // RAML URL`path/{param1}/{param2}`
  var url = phrase.url ? phrase.url.split('/') : []
  url = (item) {
    if (item[0] === ':') {
      item = item.replace(':', '{').replace('?', '')
      item += '}'
    return item

  url = '/' + url
  doc[url] = {}

  // model version
  doc[url].description = 'release ' + phrase.version

  ;['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options'].forEach(function (method) {
    if (phrase[method]) {
      doc[url][method] = phrase[method].doc

      // oauth_2_0 has specific type for common header documentation
      if (phrase[method].doc && phrase[method].doc.securedBy && phrase[method].doc.securedBy.indexOf('oauth_2_0') !== -1) {
        doc[url].type = 'secured'

  return doc

function transform (phrases, urlBase, domain, version) {
  var doc = {}

  phrases.forEach(function (phrase) {
    _.extend(doc, buildPhraseDefinition(phrase))

  var definition_0 = [
    '#%RAML 0.8',
    'title: ' + domain,
    'baseUri: ' + urlBase + domain,
    'version: ' + version,
    'protocols: [ HTTP, HTTPS ]',
    'mediaType: application/json',
    '    - title: Composr Dynamic Endpoints',
    '      content: |',

  var definition_1 = [
    '    - oauth_2_0:',
    '        description: Corbel supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.',
    '        type: OAuth 2.0',
    '        describedBy:',
    '            headers:',
    '                Authorization:',
    '                    description: Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token.',
    '                    type: string',
    '            responses:',
    '                401:',
    '                    description: Bad or expired token. To fix, you should re-authenticate the user.',
    '        settings:',
    '            authorizationUri:',
    '            accessTokenUri:',
    '            authorizationGrants: [ code, token ]',
    // workaround to show authorization headers in html doc
    '    - secured:',
    '        get?: &common',
    '            headers:',
    '                Authorization:',
    '                    description: Token to access secured resources',
    '                    type: string',
    '                    required: true',
    '        post?: *common',
    '        patch?: *common',
    '        put?: *common',
    '        delete?: *common',
    YAML.stringify(doc, 4)

  return _.concat(definition_0, definition_1).join('\n')

// return definition

 * Builds a raml definition from the doc contained into a phrase
 * @param  {String} domain
 * @param  {Object} phrase
 * @return {String}
function compileDoc (phrases, urlBase, domain, version) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    urlBase = urlBase || ''
    domain = domain || 'test-domain'
    version = version || ''

    var definition = transform(phrases, urlBase, domain, version)

    // Use the raml.load to parse the formed raml
      .then(resolve, reject)

module.exports.transform = transform
module.exports.compile = compileDoc