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/** js sequence diagrams
 *  (c) 2012-2017 Andrew Brampton (
 *  Simplified BSD license.
/*global Diagram, _ */

if (typeof Raphael == 'undefined' && typeof Snap == 'undefined') {
  throw new Error('Raphael or Snap.svg is required to be included.');

if (_.isEmpty(Diagram.themes)) {
  // If you are using stock js-sequence-diagrams you should never see this. This only
  // happens if you have removed the built in themes.
  throw new Error('No themes were registered. Please call registerTheme(...).');

// Set the default hand/simple based on which theme is available.
Diagram.themes.hand = Diagram.themes.snapHand || Diagram.themes.raphaelHand;
Diagram.themes.simple = Diagram.themes.snapSimple || Diagram.themes.raphaelSimple;

/* Draws the diagram. Creates a SVG inside the container
* container (HTMLElement|string) DOM element or its ID to draw on
* options (Object)
Diagram.prototype.drawSVG = function(container, options) {
  var defaultOptions = {
    theme: 'hand'

  options = _.defaults(options || {}, defaultOptions);

  if (!(options.theme in Diagram.themes)) {
    throw new Error('Unsupported theme: ' + options.theme);

  // TODO Write tests for this check
  var div = _.isString(container) ? document.getElementById(container) : container;
  if (div === null || !div.tagName) {
    throw new Error('Invalid container: ' + container);

  var Theme = Diagram.themes[options.theme];
  new Theme(this, options, function(drawing) {
}; // end of drawSVG