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# SiteMapper

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Map all links on a given site.  
SiteMapper will try to respect `/robots.txt`

Works great with [Wayback Archiver](https://github.com/buren/wayback_archiver) a gem that crawls your site and submits each URL to the [Internet Archive (Wayback Machine)](https://archive.org/web/).

## Installation
Install the gem:

gem install site_mapper

## Usage

Command line usage:

# Crawl all found links on page
# that has example.com domain
site_mapper example.com

Ruby usage:

# Crawl all found links on page
# that has example.com domain
require 'site_mapper'
SiteMapper.map('example.com') do |new_url|
  puts "New URL found: #{new_url}"
# Log to STDOUT
SiteMapper.map('example.com', logger: :system) do |new_url|
  puts "New URL found: #{new_url}"

## Docs

You can find the docs online on [RubyDoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/buren/site_mapper/master).

This gem is documented using `yard` (run from the root of this respository).

yard # Generates documentation to doc/

## Contributing

Contributions, feedback and suggestions are very welcome.

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## Notes

* Special thanks to the [robots](https://rubygems.org/gems/robots) gem, which provided the bulk of the code in `lib/robots.rb`

## Alternatives

There are a couple of __great__ alternatives, which are more mature and has more features than this Gem and has. Please feel free to check them out:

* [spidr](https://github.com/postmodern/spidr#readme)
* [anemone](https://github.com/chriskite/anemone#readme)

## License

[MIT License](LICENSE)