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<p>Dear user!</p>

    We would like to thank you for your loyalty and support. You have already purchased premium version of the app and all current premium functionality will stay for you forever. Nevertheless, we changed marketing strategy, as application maintenance and enhancement requires quite a lot of resources, we decided to switch to subscription mode and we encourage you to buy premium subscription if you want the application to be continuously improving.

    What will you gain if you use premium subscription? You will have full access to all new cool features we are planning to implement next months! Just some of them in our queue for 2018:

    <li>Storing images in the database (of course, they will be also encrypted)</li> 
    <li>Flawless adding credit cards in one shot</li> 
    <li>Backuping informtion in the cloud (Google Drive, iCloud & more)</li> 
    <li>Synchronization between different devices</li> 
    <li>Autologin websites with stored user/password in embedded browser (with automatic logout if not in use)</li> 
    <li>Many, many other interesting stuff</li> 

    We also proud to announce that in the beginning of 2018 we will provide to you feedback platform embedded directly in the app where you will be able to vote for the new features according to your own priorities and request new features. All of you who is actively using our app will become real product owners and you will decide long term roadmap for the application!
    Thank you again for supporting us and we hope to see you as our premium user soon!