
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "app_name": "NS Wallet",
  "db_version_name": "Database version",
  "version_label": "Version",
  "build_label": "Build",
  "platform_label": "Platform",
  "premium_status": "Premium forever",
  "premiumlegacy_status": "Basic premium",
  "free_status": "Free",
  "app_disclaimer": "Disclaimer of warranty",
  "error": "Error!",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "next": "Next",
  "ok": "OK",
  "close": "Close",
  "logout_confirm": "Do you really want to logout?",
  "yes": "Yes",
  "no": "No",
  "later": "Later",
  "system_lang": "System",
  "search": "Search",
  "alert": "Alert",
  "attention": "Attention",

  "not_implemented": "We are sorry but this functionality is not implemented yet. We will develop it very soon, keep yourself updated and thank you for patience.",

  "create_password_not_match": "Passwords don't match. Try again.",
  "create_password_short": "Password is too short. You should use at least 3 symbols.",
  "create_password_empty": "One of the fields is empty. You should use at least 3 symbols.",

  "nswallet_premium": "NS Wallet Premium",
  "buy_subscription": "Buy subscription",
  "price_loading": "The price is loading",
  "price_loading_failed": "We are sorry, the price loading has failed. Check price by clicking the buy button.",
  "yearly_subscription_price": "Yearly subscription price",

  "expiringsoon_folder": "Expiring soon",
  "recentlyviewed_folder": "Recently viewed",
  "mostlyviewed_folder": "Mostly viewed",

  "premium": "Premium",
  "premium_description": "You should have premium subscription to use this feature ",
  "premium_buy": "Buy",

  "admin_password_placeholder": "Enter your admin password",
  "admin_password_enter": "Sign in",
  "admin_password_success": "Admin panel has been successfully activated",
  "admin_password_empty": "Password can't be empty",
  "admin_password_wrong": "Wrong password",
  "admin_panel": "Admin panel",
  "admin_panel_premium_toggle": "Switching to premium",

  "password_placeholder": "Type your master-password",
  "password_check_placeholder": "Confirm your master-password",
  "password_remember": "Remember or write down your master password. If you forget it, you will not be able to restore access to your data!",
  "password_hint": "Password hint",
  "login_button": "Login",
  "context_menu": "Context menu",
  "featuresource_search": "Search",
  "featuresource_search_description": "Possibility to perform quick search through all the items and fields",
  "featuresource_themes": "Themes",
  "featuresource_themes_description": "Select one of the many app themes, including dark one",
  "featuresource_special_folders": "Special folders",
  "featuresource_special_folders_description": "Expiring soon, recently viewed, mostly viewed",
  "featuresource_feedback": "Feedback",
  "featuresource_feedback_description": "More points for voting and possibility to request new features",
  "featuresource_other": "Other features",
  "featuresource_other_description": "Changing fonts, setting password tips and etc.",
  "buypremium_button": "Premium (more details)",

  "menu_premium": "Buy Premium (if not yet bought)",
  "menu_settings": "Settings",
  "menu_backup": "Backup",
  "menu_labels": "Fields labels",
  "menu_about": "About",
  "menu_logout": "Logout",
  "menu_home": "Home",
  "menu_import": "Import",

  "search_symbol_restriction": "Enter at least 3 symbols to start the search",

  "field_placeholder": "Enter data",

  "mainpage_add": "Add",

  "labelpage_used_label_multiple": "This label is used by multiple fields",
  "labelpage_used_label_single": "This label is used by one field",
  "labelpage_used_label_delete_multiple": "Delete these fields first",
  "labelpage_used_label_delete_single": "Delete this field first",
  "labelpage_add_label": "Add label",

  "settings_premium": "Premium",
  "settings_restore_premium": "Restore premium",
  "settings_restore_premium_success": "Legacy premium was successfully restored",
  "settings_restore_premiumsubscription_success": "Premium subscription was successfully restored",
  "settings_restore_premium_fail": "No previous purchases found, do you want to buy premium subscription?",
  "settings_purchase_premium_success": "Subscription was successfully purchased",
  "settings_purchase_premium_fail": "Subscription purchasing failed",
  "settings_purchase_premium_fail_app_store": "Subscription purchasing failed. AppStore is unavailable.",
  "settings_purchase_premium_fail_connection": "Purchasing failed due to the bad connection",
  "settings_language": "Language",
  "settings_theme": "Theme",
  "settings_font": "Font",
  "settings_android_exit": "Exit on \"Back\" button",
  "settings_android_exit_on": "Logout the app if \"Back\" button was pressed in root folder",
  "settings_android_exit_off": "Do nothing if \"Back\" button was pressed in root folder",
  "settings_visual_design": "Visual Design",
  "settings_app_behavior": "App Behavior",
  "settings_social": "Social buttons",
  "settings_social_on": "Social buttons are visible",
  "settings_social_off": "Social buttons are not visible",
  "settings_back_main": "Return to the main screen",
  "settings_security": "Security",
  "settings_backup": "Backup settings",
  "settings_autobackup": "Auto-backup level",
  "settings_backups_deletion": "Backups deletion",
  "settings_chpass": "Change password",
  "settings_autologout": "Auto logout interval",
  "settings_autologout_focus": "Just after the app lost focus",
  "settings_autologout_5": "After 5 minutes of inactivity",
  "settings_autologout_10": "After 10 minutes of inactivity",
  "settings_autologout_30": "After 30 minutes of inactivity",
  "settings_hidepass": "Hide password",
  "settings_hidepass_on": "Value in a field \"Password\" is shown as asterisks",
  "settings_hidepass_off": "Value in a field \"Password\" is shown as is",
  "settings_change_password_description": "Change password and re-encrypt data",
  "settings_expiring_period": "Expiring period",
  "settings_expiring_period_10": "10 days",
  "settings_expiring_period_30": "30 days",
  "settings_expiring_period_all": "Show all",
  "settings_is_expiring": "Expiring soon",
  "settings_is_expiring_on": "This folder shows items with the closest date in the field \"Expiring date\"",
  "settings_is_expiring_off": "\"Expiring soon\" is turned off",
  "settings_is_recently_viewed": "Recently viewed items",
  "settings_is_recently_viewed_on": "This special folder shows 10 recently viewed items",
  "settings_is_recently_viewed_off": "Disabled",
  "settings_pass_tooltip": "Enable password tip",
  "settings_pass_tooltip_off": "Tip is not active",
  "settings_pass_tooltip_enter": "Enter your tip for the password (empty tip will turn this feature off)",
  "settings_pass_tooltip_alert": "Attention! Using this feature is not safe!",
  "settings_auto_login": "Auto login",
  "settings_auto_login_off": "Auto login is off",
  "settings_auto_login_on": "Auto login when password is right",
  "settings_clipboard_clean": "Clipboard auto-cleaning",
  "settings_clipboard_clean_on": "App cleans the content of clipboard on logout",
  "settings_clipboard_clean_off": "App doesn't clean the content of clipboard on logout",
  "settings_special_folders": "Special folders",
  "settings_is_mostly_viewed": "Mostly viewed items",
  "settings_is_mostly_viewed_on": "This folder shows 10 items viewed more frequently",
  "settings_is_mostly_viewed_off": "Disabled",
  "settings_group_extra": "Danger zone",
  "settings_delete_all": "Delete everything",
  "settings_delete_all_alert": "All your data and backup files will be deleted! Are you sure that you want to continue?",
  "settings_optimize": "Optimize data storage",

  "create_item_placeholder": "Enter new item name",
  "create_folder_placeholder": "Enter new folder name",
  "create_item_empty": "The field cannot be empty",

  "share_backup": "Share the backup",
  "backup_from": "Backup from",
  "manual": "Manual",
  "auto": "Auto",

  "backupmenu_delete": "Delete",
  "backupmenu_restore": "Restore",
  "backupmenu_export": "Export",

  "autobackup_no_backup": "No auto-backup",
  "autobackup_weekly": "Reasonable (weekly)",
  "autobackup_daily": "Safe (daily)",

  "backups_deletion_5": "Older than 5 days",
  "backups_deletion_10": "Older than 10 days",
  "backups_deletion_30": "Older than 30 days",
  "backups_deletion_90": "Older than 90 days",
  "backups_deletion_180": "Older than 180 days",

  "manualbackup_created_success": "Backup successfully created",
  "manualbackup_created_fail": "Error during backup creation",

  "popupmenu_delete": "Delete",
  "popupmenu_changeicon": "Change icon",
  "popupmenu_changetitle": "Change title",
  "popupmenu_copylocally": "Copy",
  "popupmenu_cut": "Cut",
  "popupmenu_share": "Share it",
  "popupmenu_item": "Item",
  "popupmenu_folder": "Folder",
  "popupmenu_copytoclipboard": "Copy to\nclipboard",
  "popupmenu_change": "Change",
  "popupmenu_reorder": "Reorder\nfields",

  "field_save": "Save",
  "field_cancel": "Cancel",
  "field_clipboard_copied": "Field's value was successfully copied to clipboard",

  "accesspoint": "Access Point",
  "airplane": "Airplane",
  "amazon": "Amazon",
  "americanexpress": "American Express",
  "apple": "Apple",
  "document": "Note",
  "aspirin": "Medicine",
  "badoo": "Badoo",
  "banking": "Banking",
  "bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
  "blackberry": "Phone with keyboard",
  "blogger": "Blogger",
  "book": "Book",
  "calendar": "Calendar",
  "cd": "Compact Disk",
  "chrome": "Chrome",
  "clock": "Clock",
  "coins": "Coins",
  "comp": "Laptop",
  "comp2": "Big laptop",
  "comp3": "Desktop computer",
  "compass": "Compass",
  "corona": "Corona",
  "cp": "Control Panel",
  "dollar": "Dollar",
  "droid": "Android",
  "dropbox": "Dropbox",
  "earth": "Internet (color)",
  "earth2": "Internet (black/white)",
  "ebay": "Ebay",
  "ebook": "E-book",
  "euro": "Euro",
  "evernote": "Evernote",
  "exchange": "Outlook",
  "facebook": "Facebook",
  "firefox": "Firefox",
  "fireman": "Fireman",
  "firstaid": "First Aid",
  "flag": "Red flag",
  "forpdaru": "4PDA",
  "gameloft": "Gameloft",
  "gift": "Gift box",
  "giftcard": "Gift card",
  "giftcard2": "Gift",
  "gmail": "Google Mail",
  "googlecheckout": "Google Checkout",
  "googledrive": "Google Drive",
  "gplay": "Google Play",
  "gplus": "Google+",
  "gtalk": "Google Talk",
  "heart": "Love",
  "helicopter": "Helicopter",
  "home": "Home",
  "hostgator": "Hostgator",
  "hrs": "HRS",
  "icq": "ICQ",
  "info": "Information",
  "instg": "Instagram",
  "ipad": "Tablet Computer",
  "ipad2": "iPad",
  "ipad3": "Square iPad",
  "iphone": "Phone",
  "iphone2": "Android Phone",
  "iphone3": "iPhone",
  "key": "Orange Key",
  "key2": "Gray Key",
  "kinopoisk": "Kinopoisk",
  "lingualeo": "Lingua Leo",
  "linkedin": "LinkedIn",
  "linux1": "Linux Tux",
  "linux2": "Linux Tux Portrait",
  "live": "Live",
  "lj": "LifeJournal",
  "lock": "Lock",
  "mac": "Mac",
  "maestro": "Maestro Card",
  "mail3": "Mail",
  "mailbox": "Mailbox",
  "mastercard": "Master Card",
  "medical": "Red Cross",
  "milesmore": "Miles & More",
  "money": "Wallet",
  "money2": "Money Box",
  "oovoo": "Oovoo",
  "passport": "Passport",
  "paypal": "Paypal",
  "pencil": "Writer",
  "phone1": "Phone",
  "phone2": "Phone with big screen",
  "phone3": "Old phone",
  "phone4": "Classic Phone",
  "phone5": "Another Phone",
  "picasa": "Picasa",
  "pocket": "Pocket",
  "police": "Police",
  "psp": "PlayStation",
  "owncloud": "OwnCloud",
  "redcar": "Sport Car",
  "rss": "RSS",
  "safe": "Safe",
  "satellitedish": "Satellite Dish",
  "securitye": "Security Exclamation",
  "securityq": "Security Question",
  "server": "Server",
  "settings": "Settings",
  "skydrive": "Skydrive",
  "skype": "Skype",
  "sportcar": "Car",
  "steam": "Steam",
  "stick": "USB Stick",
  "surfingbird": "Surfing Bird",
  "sync": "Synchronisation",
  "taxi": "Taxi",
  "teamviewer": "Team Viewer",
  "terminal": "Terminal",
  "truck": "Truck",
  "truecrypt": "TrueCrypt",
  "tune": "Tuning",
  "twitter": "Twitter",
  "ubuntu": "Ubuntu",
  "unfuddle": "Unfuddle",
  "user": "User",
  "utorrent": "μTorrent",
  "vacation": "Vacation",
  "vimeo": "Vimeo",
  "visa": "Visa",
  "visadebit": "Visa Debit",
  "visaelectron": "Visa Electron",
  "vkontakte": "Vkontakte",
  "wall": "Firewall",
  "whitecar": "Family Car",
  "wiki": "Wiki",
  "win": "Windows",
  "windows": "Old Windows",
  "wireless": "Router",
  "wmk": "WebMoney",
  "wmlogo": "WebMoney",
  "wordpress": "Wordpress",
  "xcode": "Development",
  "xmarks": "Xmarks",
  "yahoo": "Yahoo",
  "yandex": "Yandex",
  "youtube": "Youtube",

  "MAIL": "E-mail",
  "EXPD": "Expiration date",
  "PASS": "Password",
  "NOTE": "Note",
  "LINK": "Web page",
  "ACNT": "Account",
  "CARD": "Card number",
  "NAME": "Name",
  "PHON": "Phone",
  "PINC": "PIN code",
  "USER": "User name",
  "OLDP": "Previous password",
  "DATE": "Date",
  "TIME": "Time",
  "SNUM": "Serial number",
  "ADDR": "Address",
  "SQUE": "Secret question",
  "SANS": "Secret answer",
  "2FAC": "Two-Factor Authentication",

  "enter_new_password": "Enter new password",
  "confirm_new_password": "Confirm new password",
  "password_empty": "Password cannot be empty",
  "password_not_confirmed": "Passwords do not match!",
  "password_changed": "Password was successfully changed",

  "theme_choose": "Choose theme",
  "theme_default": "Basic Light",
  "theme_dark": "Basic Dark",
  "theme_red": "Red",
  "theme_green": "Green",
  "theme_gray": "Gray",
  "theme_yellow": "Yellow",

  "expired": "Expired!",
  "expire_in": "It will be expired in {{DAYS}} days",
  "expire_in1": "It will be expired tomorrow!",

  "why_storage_access": "Access to storage is required to create backups and restore the data from backups ",
  "permission_granted": "Permission is granted ",
  "permission_denied": "Permission is denied ",

  "create_new": "Create new",

  "share_link": "Share",
  "init_items_banking": "Banking",
  "init_items_credit_card_sample": "Sample of Credit Card",
  "init_items_internet": "Internet",
  "init_items_support": "NS Wallet support",
  "init_items_facebook": "Facebook",
  "init_items_twitter": "Twitter",
  "init_items_readme": "Read me",
  "init_items_readme_text": "Tap the field to view full text, modify it, delete it or copy it to clipboard",
  "search_type_text": "Searching...",

  "change_item_title": "Change item title",
  "change_item_title_empty": "The item's title can't be empty",
  "change_folder_title": "Change folder title",
  "change_folder_title_empty": "The folder's title can't be empty",
  "change_label_title": "Change label title",
  "change_label_title_empty": "The label's title can't be empty",
  "create_label": "Create new label",
  "create_label_empty": "The label's title can't be empty",
  "create_label_choose_type": "Choose label value type",

  "admin_check_premium": "Check premium items",
  "admin_premium_list": "List available premium items",
  "settings_restore_premium_description": "Use this action to restore any previous purchases",
  "events_xmas_congrats": "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!",
  "events_xmas_discount_50": "Christmas discount 50%",

  "languages_other": "Other languages",

  "release_notes": "Release Notes",

  "default": "Default",

  "features_header": "Premium functions (swipe for more)",

  "text": "Text",
  "date": "Date",
  "time": "Time",
  "pass": "Password",
  "link": "URL",
  "phon": "Phone",
  "mail": "E-mail",

  "faq": "Help and support",

  "restore_confirm": "Confirm restoring",
  "restore_details": "Are you sure you want to restore the backup dated {RESTORE_DATE} ?",

  "previous_password_duplicate": "You can't create more than one 'Previous Password' field in this item.",
  "previous_password_description": "This field is populated automatically in the moment when you change your password field in the same item, so when you save new password you always have a copy of the previous one",

  "clever_password_description": "Clever password generation creates your new password using current password as a template, so you can be sure that your new password is always compliant to the same rules as the previous one (the same length, the same quantity of lower & upper case, special symbols and digits)",
  "password_generation": "Generate new password",
  "clever_generation": "Clever password generation",
  "password_length": "Password length",
  "manage_password_no_chosen": "You should activate at least one switch",
  "upper_case_letters": "Upper case letters",
  "lower_case_letters": "Lower case letters",
  "digits": "Digits",
  "special_symbols": "Special symbols",

  "premium_start_description": "If you bought any premium before then you can restore it right now (you can do it also later from the settings)",
  "restore": "Restore",
  "more_themes": "More themes...",
  "premium_upgrade": "Upgrade",
  "restore_premium_fail": "No previous purchases found",
  "restore_details_without_date": "Do you want to restore the data from imported backup right now?",
  "restore_wrong_file": "Imported file is not NS Wallet backup, cancelling restore procedure",

  "create_new_label": "Create new label...",
  "new_folder": "New Folder",
  "new_item": "New Item",
  "new_folder_icon": "Icon for the folder",
  "new_item_icon": "Icon for the item",

  "field_func_open_phone_dialer": "Call the phone number",
  "field_func_open_in_browser": "Open link in a browser",
  "field_func_open_mail": "Open e-mail to send a message",

  "backup_failure_high_version": "Your backup file is created with higher version of the app. Please, upgrade the app.",
  "backup_restored": "Data was successfully restored from the backup",
  "backup_restore_fail": "Error occurred during restoring data from the backup",

  "settings_fingerprint": "Fingerprint",
  "settings_fingerprint_on": "Use fingerprint or default method to enter your storage",
  "settings_fingerprint_off": "Fingerprint is disabled",
  "settings_fingerprint_unsafe": "Enter your password to activate login with fingerprint",
  "settings_fingerprint_password_wrong": "Wrong password",
  "settings_fingerprint_message": "Use your finger to unlock storage",
  "settings_fingerprint_empty_password": "Password can't be empty",
  "fingerprint_expired": "Due to security reason we need your master password instead of fingerprint",

  "menu_export_import": "Export/Import",
  "export_pdf": "Export data to PDF",
  "export_txt": "Export data to TXT",
  "export_data": "Export data",

  "menu_developer": "Developer options",
  "admin_panel_detailed_log": "Detailed log files",
  "admin_panel_diagnostics": "Launch diagnostics",

  "add_button_item_text": "Tap here to add new item",
  "add_button_field_text": "Tap here to add new field",

  "section_export": "Export",
  "section_import": "Import",
  "import_backup": "Import backup",

  "nswallet_import_backup": "Importing backup",

  "hide_admin_panel": "Hide admin panel",

  "category_common": "Common",
  "category_internet": "Internet",
  "category_travelling": "Travelling",
  "category_finances": "Finances",
  "category_technologies": "Technologies",
  "category_social": "Social",
  "category_games": "Games",
  "category_clouds": "Clouds",
  "category_development": "Development",
  "category_custom": "Custom",

  "feedback_vote": "We need your vote! You use the app for a quite long time, do you want to give us a feedback on the market?",
  "feedback_subscription": "Thank you for your loyalty! You use the app for a quite long time and if you like it and if you want it to be improved continuously, consider buying premium subscription.",
  "permission_read_write_not_granted": "Read/write permissions are not granted, check app permissions settings.",

  "main_paste_item": "Paste item here",
  "main_paste_item_description": "Now you can paste this item in another place",
  "main_paste_folder": "Paste folder here",
  "main_paste_folder_description": "Now you can paste this folder in another folder",
  "main_paste_field": "Paste field here",
  "main_paste_field_description": "Now you can paste this field in another item",

  "item_prefix_copy": "Copy of",
  "main_local_clipboard": "Local clipboard",
  "copy_here": "Copy here",
  "move_here": "Move here",

  "settings_font_size": "Font size",
  "font_sizes_standard": "Standard",
  "font_sizes_large": "Large",
  "settings_font_size_choose": "Choose fonts size",

  "copy_locally_unavailable_field": "Field cannot be copied to Folder, go to Item level",
  "copy_locally_unavailable_item": "Item cannot be copied inside of Item, go to Folder level",
  "copy_locally_unavailable_folder": "Folder cannot be copied inside of Item, go to Folder level",

  "default_font_family": "Default font",

  "send_logs": "Send logs to the developer",
  "choose_mailing_app": "Choose mailing application",
  "mail_app_ios_need": "You need to install Apple's \"Mail\" application to send log messages",
  "install_mail_app": "Install \"Mail\" application",
  "cant_open_mail_with_attachment": "Couldn't open email with attachment",

  "icon_import_enter_name": "Enter the icon's name",
  "icon_import_choose_group": "Choose the group",
  "icon_import_success": "Your icon {0} has been successfully imported.",
  "icon_import_failure": "Something got wrong. Your icon {0} has not been imported.",
  "success": "Success",
  "failure": "Failure",

  "menu_icons": "Icons",
  "popupmenu_changegroup": "Change group",
  "popupmenu_changeshape": "Change shape",

  "icons_filter": "Filter",
  "icon_is_used_alert": "This icon is used in items. Please change it to another to delete.",
  "delete_icon_accept": "Do you really want to delete this icon?",
  "delete_icon_name_success": "You have successfully deleted this icon",
  "delete_icon_name_failure": "Error occured during icon deleting",
  "change_icon_name_success": "You have successfully changed icon's name",
  "change_icon_name_failure": "Error occured during changing icon's name",
  "change_icon_name_description": "Enter a new name for this icon",
  "icon_change_group_success": "You have successfully changed group for icon",
  "icon_change_group_failure": "Error occured during changing group for icon",
  "icon_change_shape_success": "You have successfully changed shape for icon",
  "icon_change_shape_failure": "Error occured during changing shape for icon",
  "icons_filter_custom": "Custom icons",
  "icons_filter_all": "All icons",

  "icons_gallery_picker": "Pick icon from the gallery",

  "icons_gallery_access_request_ios": "\"NSWallet\" App Would Like to Access \"Photos\"",
  "icons_gallery_access_request_android": "\"NSWallet\" App Would Like to Access \"Gallery\"",
  "icons_gallery_permission": "Your Photo Gallery will be used for importing a new icon to the application, so you can choose it for any items",
  "allow": "Allow",
  "dont_allow": "Don't allow",

  "settings_select_font": "Select font",

  "settings_auto_night_mode": "Auto night mode",
  "settings_auto_night_mode_on": "Dark theme will be used automatically at night",
  "settings_auto_night_mode_off": "Turned off",

  "run_diagnostics": "Run diagnostics",

  "diagnostics_description": "Diagnostics will be run to identify errors in your database. After diagnostics you can send the report to the developers. The report will not contain any private data.",
  "diagnostics_password_enter": "Enter your password to proceed to diagnostics",
  "diagnostics_password_wrong": "Password you have entered is wrong. Please, try again.",
  "diagnostics_running": "Diagnostics is currently running. Please wait.",
  "diagnostics_no_issues": "Diagnostics hasn't detected any issues.",
  "diagnostics_issues": "Diagnostics has detected issues. Do you want to send them to the developer?",

  "create_icon_group_popup_item": "+ Create new group",
  "create_icon_group_enter_name": "Enter name for your new group",
  "create_group_success": "Group has been successfully created",
  "create_group_failure": "Error occurred during group creating",

  "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
  "privacy_policy_description": "You should accept Privacy Policy to login",
  "privacy_policy_read_and_accept": "Read & Accept",
  "reject": "Reject",
  "accept": "Accept",

  "terms_of_use": "Terms of use",
  "terms_of_use_description": "You should accept Terms of use to login",
  "terms_of_use_read_and_accept": "Read & Accept",

  "backup_wrong_password": "Wrong password",
  "check_password_backup": "Enter password for this backup to restore",

  "feedback_activate": "Activate feedback",
  "menu_feedback_request": "Feedback",

  "change_password_critical_message_ios": "We highly recommend you to change your master password to keep the database sustainability and consistency. If the password will not be changed soon, you can lose the access to your data due to future changes in the app. Thank you for understanding.",

  "proceed_to_feedback": "Proceed to feedback",
  "nswallet_feedback": "Feedback",

  "continue": "Continue",
  "export_import_alert": "You are going to share your confidential information, make sure that the channel you are using for sharing the information is safe enough. Do we continue?",

  "new": "New",

  "settings_is_auto_fingerprint": "Automatically show fingerprint popup on login screen",
  "settings_is_auto_fingerprint_on": "Automatic fingerprint on login screen is turned on",
  "settings_is_auto_fingerprint_off": "Automatic fingerprint on login screen is turned off",
  "back": "Back",

  "info4users": "Dear users! \n NS Wallet changed the owner and became an open sourced project and it is fully free now (we granted premium features to everybody). Check our github page and become a patron of the project! Thank you for your loyality and support!",
  "become_patron": "Become a patron",
  "github": "GitHub"