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package services.impl

import{Inject, Singleton}
import dao.LaboratoryDAO
import model._
import services.LaboratoryService
import services.state.ActionState

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

  * @author Camilo Sampedro <>
class LaboratoryServiceImpl @Inject()(laboratoryDAO: LaboratoryDAO)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends LaboratoryService {
    * Get a laboratory by its ID
    * @param id Laboratory ID
    * @return Laboratory with rooms and each room with computers
  def get(id: Long): Future[Option[(Laboratory, Map[Room, Seq[(Computer, Option[(ComputerState, Seq[ConnectedUser])])]])]] = {
    // Access to database using the laboratory's DAO
    laboratoryDAO.getWithChildren(id).map { res =>
      // res will have a sequence of (laboratory, room, computer, computerState, connectedUser)
      // Then group it by its first element: Laboratory
      val grouped = res.groupBy(_._1)

      grouped.headOption match {
        // If there's at least one element on the list, get the first one
        case Some((laboratory, rooms)) =>

          val flattenedRooms = for {
            room <- rooms
            validRoom <- room._2
          } yield (validRoom, room._3)

          val roomsWithComputers = flattenedRooms.sortBy( {
            // And group by room
            cleanedGroupedElements => cleanedGroupedElements._1
          }.map {
            // If the grouped elements follow this schema
            case (room, groupedRoomWithComputers) =>
              (Option(room), groupedRoomWithComputers
                // Clean already known "maybeRoom"
                // Group by computer
                .flatMap {
                  case (Some(computer), computerStateAndConnectedUsers) => Some((computer, computerStateAndConnectedUsers.flatMap {
                    // If there is a computer state related to this computer, clean  and package them
                    case (_, Some(state), user) => Some((state, user))
                    // If there is not, save a None
                    case _ => None
                  // If it is not a computer here, save a None
                  case _ => None
                .map { computerAndStates =>
                  (computerAndStates._1, computerAndStates._2
                    // Group states and user by state
                    .map {
                      groupedState =>
                        // Filter nonempty connected users
                        (groupedState._1, groupedState._2.flatMap(_._2))
                    // Convert it to a sequence
                    // Sort them by the registered date
                    // Reverse it to get the latest as the first element
                    // And save that optional first element
                // Sort computers by their IP address

          val roomWithComputersCleaned = roomsWithComputers.filterKeys(x=> x.isDefined)> room.get -> roomsWithComputers(room)).toMap

          // Return the laboratory with its packaged rooms and computers
          Some(laboratory, roomWithComputersCleaned)
        case e =>
          // Laboratory not found!

  override def listAll: Future[Seq[Laboratory]] = laboratoryDAO.listAll

  override def getSingle(id: Long): Future[Option[Laboratory]] = laboratoryDAO.get(id)

  override def add(laboratory: Laboratory): Future[ActionState] = laboratoryDAO.add(laboratory)

  override def delete(id: Long): Future[ActionState] = laboratoryDAO.delete(id)

  override def update(laboratory: Laboratory): Future[ActionState] = laboratoryDAO.update(laboratory)