namespace Anax\HTMLForm;
* Factory to create form elements.
class FormElementFactory
* Create a formelement from an array, factory returns the correct
* instance.
* @param string $name name of the element.
* @param array $attributes to use when creating the element.
* @return the instance of the form element.
public static function create($name, $attributes)
// Not supported is type=image, <button>, list, output, select-optgroup
$types = [
// Standard HTML 4.01
'text' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementText',
'file' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementFile',
'password' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementPassword',
'hidden' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementHidden',
'textarea' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementTextarea',
'radio' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementRadio',
'checkbox' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementCheckbox',
'select' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementSelect',
'select-multiple' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementSelectMultiple',
'submit' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementSubmit',
'reset' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementReset',
'button' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementButton',
// HTML5
'color' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementColor',
'date' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementDate',
'number' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementNumber',
'range' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementRange',
'tel' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementTel',
'email' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementEmail',
'url' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementUrl',
'search' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementSearch',
'file-multiple' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementFileMultiple',
'datetime' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementDatetime',
'datetime-local' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementDatetimeLocal',
'month' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementMonth',
'time' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementTime',
'week' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementWeek',
// Custom
'search-widget' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementSearchWidget',
'checkbox-multiple' => '\Anax\HTMLForm\FormElementCheckboxMultiple',
// Address
// $attributes['type'] must contain a valid type creating an object
// to succeed.
$type = isset($attributes['type']) ? $attributes['type'] : null;
if (!($type && isset($types[$type]))) {
throw new Exception("Form element does not exists and can not be created: $name - $type");
return new $types[$type]($name, $attributes);