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Test Coverage
# Contributing to Cape.JS

If you’d like to contribute a feature or bug fix,
you can [fork]( Cape.JS,
commit your changes,
and [send a pull request](

Please make sure to [search the issue tracker]( first.

## Setting up your development environment

You need [Node.js]( 6.3 to build Cape.JS and run the tests.

You also need [gulp]( and [browserify](,
which can be installed via `npm` (a package manager for Node.js):

$ sudo npm install -g gulp browserify

Then run the following command (without `sudo`) to install dependencies:

$ npm install

## How to build Cape.JS

$ gulp

You can automate building task by running `gulp watch`.

Please do not include `dist` directory to your ordinary commits.
You should include it only when you bump the version number of Cape.JS.

## How to minify (uglify) cape.js

$ gulp minify

## How to run the tests

Run the following command on the terminal:

$ gulp test

Coverage reports are created in the directory `coverage`.

You can also run the test by opening `test/runner.html` with your web browser.

## How to run the tests with jsdom (experimental)

Run the following command on the terminal:

$ npm run test2