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This is a load testing library and CLI tool. It is inspired by the good parts of [Vegeta]( and [JMeter](, but hopefully leaves out the bad parts of both.

* [Test Files](#test-files)
* [Configuration](#grandmarc-file)
* [CLI](#cli)
* [API](#api)

## Install

You can install `grandma` as a global CLI tool:

npm install grandma

## [Test files][tests]

Here is a quick example of a test file:

module.exports = {
    beforeAll: function(done) {
    beforeEach: function(done) {
    test: function(done) {
    afterEach: function(done) {
    afterAll: function(done) {

All functions other than `test` are optional, and you can exclude them if you do not need them. All functions are asynchronous, and you must call the `done` callback to continue. For more information about writing tests, see the [test files help topic][tests].

## CLI

To see the most up-to-date CLI, type:

grandma help

The following commands are available.

grandma run <testname> --duration=<duration> --rate=<rate> [options]
grandma report [glob=stdin] [options]
grandma list [options]

To see help on these commands, you can type one of:

grandma run --help
grandma report --help

The following options are available as flags (some are only relevant for the `run` command):

#### [`grandma list`][cli-list]

Lists all the tests in your test suite. You can use these names in `grandma run` to run the test. See more information about it in the [`grandma list` CLI page][cli-list].

#### [`grandma run`][cli-run]

Run a test named "pineapples" for 10 minutes at a rate of 500 tests per second:

grandma run pineapples --duration 10m --rate 500 --out pineapples.log

Run a test named "peaches" for one and a half hours, running 100 concurrent tests:

grandma run peaches --duration 1h30m --concurrent 100 --out peaches.log

To find out more about the CLI, please see the [`grandma run` CLI page][cli-run].

_Note: I will assume that you have configured the test directory in the [`.grandmarc`][rc] file, so it was not included it in these examples._

#### [`grandma report`][cli-report]

Print a plain text report of the previously-described test run:

grandma report pineapples.log

You can also create an HTML page containing an interactive graph of the results:

grandma report pineapples.log --type html --out pineapples.html

By default, all reports will print to standard output, unless you specify a file in the `--out` flag.

You can find more information about the available reports and the data they provide in the [`grandma report` CLI page][cli-report].

#### [`grandma diff`][cli-diff]

Compares two or more test runs, calculating the difference in timing among them.

grandma diff --logs one.log two.log three.log

## [`.grandmarc` file][rc]

You can set up an RC file to help with managing some of the setting, such as the directory of test files. Here is the content a sample file.

To find out more, see the [`.grandmarc` doc page][rc].

## API

Grandma exposes the `run` and `report` commands as an API.

var grandma = require('grandma');

#### [``][api-run]

See more information about using run in the [`` API page][api-run].

#### [``][api-report]

See more information about using report in the [`` API page][api-report].

[tests]: docs/
[rc]: docs/
[cli-list]: docs/
[cli-run]: docs/
[cli-report]: docs/
[cli-diff]: docs/
[api-run]: docs/
[api-report]: docs/