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import { findDOMNode } from 'react-dom'

import mouseMath from './mouseMath.js'

export default class selectList {
  nodes = []
  bounds = []
  indices = {}
  selectedIndices = []
  removed = []
  added = []
  transaction = {

  constructor() {
    const self = this
    this.accessor = {
      nodes() {
        return [...self.nodes]

      node(idx) {
        return self.nodes[idx]

      nodeIndicesOfType(types) {
        const mytypes = [].concat(types)
        return self.nodes.filter(node => mytypes
          .every(type => node.types.indexOf(type) !== -1))
          .map(node => self.nodes.indexOf(node))

      selectedIndices() {
        return [...self.selectedIndices]

      selectedNodeList() {
        return self.selectedIndices.map(idx => self.nodes[idx].component)

      selectedValueList() {
        return self.selectedIndices.map(idx => self.nodes[idx].value)

      selectedNodes() {
        return self.selectedIndices.reduce((val, idx) => {
          const ret = val
          ret[self.nodes[idx].key] = {
            node: self.nodes[idx].component,
            bounds: self.bounds[idx]
          return ret
        }, {})

      selectedValues() {
        return self.selectedIndices.reduce((val, idx) => {
          const ret = val
          ret[self.nodes[idx].key] = self.nodes[idx].value
          return ret
        }, {})

  setNodes(nodes) {
    this.nodes = nodes
    this.nodes.forEach((node, idx) => { this.indices[node.key] = idx })

  begin(selectedIndices, props) {
    this.transaction = {
      previousSelection: [...selectedIndices],
      mostRecentSelection: [...selectedIndices],
      additionalSelectionMap: {},
      firstNode: false

    this.selectedIndices = []
    this.removed = []
    this.added = []
    this.props = props

  commit() {
    this.transaction = {}

  addItem(idx, selectedIndices = this.selectedIndices) {
    if (!this.transaction.firstNode) {
      this.transaction.firstNode = this.nodes[idx]
    const si = selectedIndices
    // determine how to insert the value prior to insertion sort
    if (!si.length || idx > si[si.len - 1]) {
    if (idx < si[0]) {
    const len = si.length
    // if the index is closer to one end than the other, start there
    if (si[len - 1] - idx <= idx - si[0]) {
      let curIdx = len
      // insertion sort from end
      while (curIdx >= 1 && si[curIdx - 1] > idx) {
        si[curIdx] = si[curIdx - 1]
        si[--curIdx] = idx
    } else {
      let curIdx = 0
      // insertion sort from start
      while (curIdx <= len && si[curIdx + 1] < idx) {
        si[curIdx] = si[curIdx + 1]
        si[++curIdx] = idx

  removeItem(idx) {
    const index = this.selectedIndices.indexOf(idx)
    if (index === -1) return
    this.selectedIndices.splice(index, 1)

  selectItem(idx) {
    // first check to see if this index is the same type as the first node selected
    const node = this.nodes[idx]
    if (!node.selectable) return
    if (this.props.hasOwnProperty('acceptedTypes')) {
      // by default we accept all types, this prop restricts types accepted
      if (!this.props.acceptedTypes.reduce((last, type) =>
          last || node.types.indexOf(type) !== -1, false)) {
    if (this.transaction.firstNode) {
      // does this node share any types in common with the first selected node?
      if (!this.transaction.firstNode.types.reduce((last, type) =>
          last || node.types.indexOf(type) !== -1, false)) {
        // no
    if (this.selectedIndices.indexOf(idx) !== -1) return

  deselectItem(idx) {

  testNodes({ selectionRectangle, props, findit, mouse }, node, idx) {
    let bounds
    if (node.bounds) {
      bounds = node.bounds
    } else {
      const domnode = findit(node.component)
      bounds = domnode ? mouse.getBoundsForNode(domnode) : false
    this.bounds[idx] = bounds

    if (bounds && mouse.objectsCollide(selectionRectangle, bounds, this.clickTolerance, node.key)) {
      // node is in the selection rectangle
    } else {
      // node is not in the selection rectangle

  changed(newSelected, prevSelected) {
    return prevSelected.filter(idx => newSelected.indexOf(idx) === -1)

  xor(newSelected, prevSelected) {
    const ret = [...prevSelected]
    newSelected.forEach(idx => (prevSelected.indexOf(idx) === -1 ?
      this.addItem(idx, ret) :
      ret.splice(ret.indexOf(idx), 1)))
    return ret

  or(newSelected, prevSelected) {
    const ret = [...prevSelected]
    newSelected.forEach(idx => prevSelected.indexOf(idx) === -1 ?
      this.addItem(idx, ret) :
    return ret

  selectItemsInRectangle(selectionRectangle, props, findit = findDOMNode, mouse = mouseMath) {
    if (!this.transaction.previousSelection) {
      // fail-safe
    this.selectedIndices = []
    this.props = props
    this.removed = []
    this.added = []

    // get a list of all nodes that are potential selects from the selection rectangle
    this.nodes.forEach(this.testNodes.bind(this, { selectionRectangle, props, findit, mouse }))

    // add the nodes that are logically selected in-between
    const options = props.selectionOptions
    if (options.inBetween && this.selectedIndices.length) {
      const min = Math.min(...this.selectedIndices)
      const max = Math.max(...this.selectedIndices)
      const filled = Array.apply(min, Array(max - min)).map((x, y) => min + y + 1)
      filled.forEach((idx) => this.selectItem(idx))

    // for additive, we will use xor
    if (options.additive) {
      this.selectedIndices = this.xor(this.selectedIndices, this.transaction.previousSelection)
    } else {
      this.selectedIndices = this.or(this.selectedIndices, this.transaction.previousSelection)

    const test = this.transaction.additionalSelectionMap[this.keyize(this.selectedIndices)]
    if (test) {
      this.selectedIndices = test
    if (this.selectedIndices.length === this.transaction.mostRecentSelection.length) {
      if (this.selectedIndices
            .every((idx, i) => this.transaction.mostRecentSelection[i] === idx)) {
        return false
    this.removed = this.changed(this.selectedIndices, this.transaction.mostRecentSelection)
    this.added = this.changed(this.transaction.mostRecentSelection, this.selectedIndices)
    this.transaction.previousMostRecentSelection = [...this.transaction.mostRecentSelection]
    this.transaction.mostRecentSelection = [...this.selectedIndices]
    return true

  notifyChangedNodes() {
    this.removed.map(idx => (this.nodes[idx].callback ? this.nodes[idx].callback(false) : null))
    this.added.map(idx => (this.nodes[idx].callback ? this.nodes[idx].callback(true) : null))

  clear() {
    this.added = []
    this.removed = []
    if (this.selectedIndices.length === 0) return false
    this.selectedIndices.forEach(idx => this.nodes[idx].callback && this.nodes[idx].callback(false))
    this.selectedIndices = []
    return true

  revert() {
    const add = this.removed
    const remove = this.added

    add.forEach(idx => this.addItem(idx, this.selectedIndices))
    remove.forEach(idx => this.removeItem(idx, this.selectedIndices))

  keyize(indices) {
    return indices.toString()

  setSelection(indices) {
    this.transaction.additionalSelectionMap[this.keyize(this.selectedIndices)] = indices
    this.selectedIndices = [...indices]
    this.removed = this.changed(this.selectedIndices, this.transaction.previousMostRecentSelection)
    this.added = this.changed(this.transaction.previousMostRecentSelection, this.selectedIndices)
    this.mostRecentSelection = [...indices]