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35 mins
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require "pp"
require "erubi"
require "uri"

require "better_errors/version"
require "better_errors/code_formatter"
require "better_errors/inspectable_value"
require "better_errors/error_page"
require "better_errors/middleware"
require "better_errors/raised_exception"
require "better_errors/repl"
require "better_errors/stack_frame"
require "better_errors/editor"

module BetterErrors
  class << self
    # The path to the root of the application. Better Errors uses this property
    # to determine if a file in a backtrace should be considered an application
    # frame. If you are using Better Errors with Rails, you do not need to set
    # this attribute manually.
    # @return [String]
    attr_accessor :application_root

    # The logger to use when logging exception details and backtraces. If you
    # are using Better Errors with Rails, you do not need to set this attribute
    # manually. If this attribute is `nil`, nothing will be logged.
    # @return [Logger, nil]
    attr_accessor :logger

    # @private
    attr_accessor :binding_of_caller_available

    # @private
    alias_method :binding_of_caller_available?, :binding_of_caller_available

    # The ignored instance variables.
    # @return [Array]
    attr_accessor :ignored_instance_variables

    # The maximum variable payload size. If variable.inspect exceeds this,
    # the variable won't be returned.
    # @return int
    attr_accessor :maximum_variable_inspect_size

    # List of classes that are excluded from inspection.
    # @return [Array]
    attr_accessor :ignored_classes
  @ignored_instance_variables = []
  @maximum_variable_inspect_size = 100_000
  @ignored_classes = ['ActionDispatch::Request', 'ActionDispatch::Response']

  # Returns an object which responds to #url, which when called with
  # a filename and line number argument,
  # returns a URL to open the filename and line in the selected editor.
  # Generates TextMate URLs by default.
  #   BetterErrors.editor.url("/some/file", 123)
  #     # => txmt://open?url=file:///some/file&line=123
  # @return [Proc]
  def self.editor
    @editor ||= default_editor

  # Configures how Better Errors generates open-in-editor URLs.
  # @overload BetterErrors.editor=(sym)
  #   Uses one of the preset editor configurations. Valid symbols are:
  #   * `:textmate`, `:txmt`, `:tm`
  #   * `:sublime`, `:subl`, `:st`
  #   * `:macvim`
  #   * `:atom`
  #   @param [Symbol] sym
  # @overload BetterErrors.editor=(str)
  #   Uses `str` as the format string for generating open-in-editor URLs.
  #   Use `%{file}` and `%{line}` as placeholders for the actual values.
  #   @example
  #     BetterErrors.editor = "my-editor://open?url=%{file}&line=%{line}"
  #   @param [String] str
  # @overload BetterErrors.editor=(proc)
  #   Uses `proc` to generate open-in-editor URLs. The proc will be called
  #   with `file` and `line` parameters when a URL needs to be generated.
  #   Your proc should take care to escape `file` appropriately with
  #   `URI.encode_www_form_component` (please note that `URI.escape` is **not**
  #   a suitable substitute.)
  #   @example
  #     BetterErrors.editor = proc { |file, line|
  #       "my-editor://open?url=#{URI.encode_www_form_component file}&line=#{line}"
  #     }
  #   @param [Proc] proc
  def self.editor=(editor)
    if editor.is_a? Symbol
      @editor = Editor.editor_from_symbol(editor)
      raise(ArgumentError, "Symbol #{editor} is not a symbol in the list of supported errors.") unless editor
    elsif editor.is_a? String
      @editor = Editor.for_formatting_string(editor)
    elsif editor.respond_to? :call
      @editor = Editor.for_proc(editor)
      raise ArgumentError, "Expected editor to be a valid editor key, a format string or a callable."

  # Enables experimental Pry support in the inline REPL
  # If you encounter problems while using Pry, *please* file a bug report at
  def self.use_pry!
    REPL::PROVIDERS.unshift const: :Pry, impl: "better_errors/repl/pry"

  # Automatically sniffs a default editor preset based on the EDITOR
  # environment variable.
  # @return [Symbol]
  def self.default_editor

  require "binding_of_caller"
  require "better_errors/exception_extension"
  BetterErrors.binding_of_caller_available = true
rescue LoadError
  BetterErrors.binding_of_caller_available = false

require "better_errors/rails" if defined? Rails::Railtie