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package transpiler

import (


// WrapEndpoint adds conditional Go statements
// around the specified h parameter. Parameter
// h is Go code. parameter r (samb.Route) specifies
// which condition is evaluated.
func WrapEndpoint(path string, r samb.Route, h string) string {
    res := fmt.Sprintf(`
        if  basePath := "%s"; strings.Contains(r.URL.Path , basePath) `, path+r.Path)

    if r.Strict {
        res = fmt.Sprintf(`
        if  basePath := "%s"; r.URL.Path == basePath `, path+r.Path)

    if r.Method != "" &&
        r.Method != "*" {

        res += fmt.Sprintf(`&& r.Method == "%s"`, strings.ToUpper(r.Method))


    return fmt.Sprintf(endpointWrapper, res, h)

// GetHandler Generates the Go code executed specified to
// be executed by
// a samb route.
func GetHandler(p *samb.Project, r samb.Route, providers []string) (middleware, handler string) {

    gocode := GetCustomCode(r)
    var providerInitializer = GetProviderInits(p, providers, gocode + r.Handler)

    middleware = providerInitializer + gocode

    if r.Handler != "" {
        handler = "\n\ntools.ShortenPath(basePath, r)\n" + r.Handler + "\nreturn"


// GetCustomCode returns the Go
// code to be ran, by the specified
// samb route.
func GetCustomCode(r samb.Route) string {
    return strings.Join(r.Go.Do, "\n") + "\n"

// WriteRecoveryFuncs generates a file
// with the recovery function called
// on panic.
func WriteRecoveryFuncs(r []string) error {

    for i := range r {
        r[i] += "(w,r,n.(string))"

    recovFile := fmt.Sprintf(recoveryWrapper, strings.Join(r, "\n"))

    err := ioutil.WriteFile("./pkg/api/recover.go", []byte(recovFile), 0700)

    return err
