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package movegengo

// MoveGen chess move generator
type MoveGen struct {
    moves  [255]uint16
    index  uint
    state  *GameState
    mover  *Move
    colour uint8

// NewMoveGen initiate a new MoveGen instance
func NewMoveGen() *MoveGen {
    return &MoveGen{index: 0, state: NewGameState(), mover: NewMove(0), colour: DefaultGameStateColour()}

// NewMoveGenByState creates a new movegen instance using the following state
func NewMoveGenByState(st *GameState) *MoveGen {
    return &MoveGen{index: 0, state: st, mover: NewMove(0), colour: ( & 0x10) >> 5}

// SetState update gamestate by reusing memory space
func (mg *MoveGen) SetState(st *GameState) {
    mg.state = st

    // reset any data associated with the old state

// Clear the moves list tracker & iterator
func (mg *MoveGen) Clear() {
    mg.index = 0

// Size get the number of stored moves so far
func (mg *MoveGen) Size() uint {
    return mg.index

// AddMove to the stack
func (mg *MoveGen) AddMove(move uint16) {
    mg.moves[mg.index] = move

// SetMove set a move at a specific location
func (mg *MoveGen) SetMove(move uint16, index int) {
    mg.moves[index] = move

// GetMove returns the move for a given index
func (mg *MoveGen) GetMove(index uint) uint16 {
    return mg.moves[index]

// CreateIterator Iterator pattern
func (mg *MoveGen) CreateIterator() *MoveGenIterator {
    return NewMoveGenIterator(0, mg.index, mg)

func (mg *MoveGen) isWhite() bool {
    return mg.colour == 1

// Moves are generated here

// GenerateMoves generates all the moves for an active player
func (mg *MoveGen) GenerateMoves() {
    if mg.isWhite() { // if the active player is white

    } else { // generate moves for the black player



func (mg *MoveGen) GeneratePawnMoves() uint64 {
    pawns := mg.state.pieces[mg.colour*6]

    // attack left
    attacksLeft := mg.generatePawnLeftAttack(pawns)

    // attack right
    attacksRight := mg.generatePawnRightAttack(pawns)

    // single push
    singlePush := mg.generatePawnSinglePush()

    // double push

    // results in possible attacks
    return attacksLeft | attacksRight

// generatePawnSinglePush Move all the pawns forward once and do a promotion check.
// Promotions are handled, and removed from the resulting bitboard.
// return A bitboard for all the pawns that moved forward, without being promoted.
func (mg *MoveGen) generatePawnSinglePush() uint64 {
    pawns := mg.state.pieces[mg.colour*6]
    var to uint64

    if mg.isWhite() {
        to = (pawns << 8) &^ mg.state.colours[0] // ~(this->state.taken)
    } else {
        to = (pawns >> 8) &^ mg.state.colours[1] // ~(this->state.taken)
    cache := to

    // remove promotion pieces
    to ^= mg.generatePromotions(0, to)

    var attackDirection int
    if mg.isWhite() {
        attackDirection = -8
    } else {
        attackDirection = 8

    // single push
    for i := LSB(to); i != 64; i = NLSB(&to, i) {
        mg.mover.SetFrom(uint16(i + attackDirection))
        mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

    return cache
} // end pawn generation

// generatePawnDoublePush Generate legal double push pawn moves.
// This is a continuation on single pawn push, so the argument must be
// the pawns that has already moved once for accurate results.
// param `pawns` All pawn positions after single legal push (move). eg. 16711680ull
// return All the new pawn positions
func (mg *MoveGen) generatePawnDoublePush(pawns uint64) uint64 {
    var to uint64

    if mg.isWhite() {
        to = ((pawns & 0xff0000) << 8) &^ mg.state.colours[0] // ~(this->state.taken)
    } else {
        to = ((pawns & 0xff0000000000) >> 8) &^ mg.state.colours[1] // ~(this->state.taken)

    var attackDirection int
    if mg.isWhite() {
        attackDirection = -16
    } else {
        attackDirection = 16

    cache := to
    mg.mover.SetFlags(1) // 0b0001, double push
    for i := LSB(to); i != 64; i = NLSB(&to, i) {
        mg.mover.SetFrom(uint16(i + attackDirection))
        mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

    return cache

// generatePawnLeftAttack Generate all pawn attacks on the left side. Promotions are handled as after movement.
// param pawns uint64 over all pawns
// return uint64 with positions reached
func (mg *MoveGen) generatePawnLeftAttack(pawns uint64) uint64 {
    area := uint64(0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f)
    var attacks uint64
    var attackDirection int
    if mg.isWhite() {
        attackDirection = 9 // promotions
        attacks = (pawns & area) << 9
        attacks &= mg.state.colours[0] // TODO: en passant
    } else {
        attackDirection = -7 // promotions
        attacks = (pawns & area) >> 7
        attacks &= mg.state.colours[1] // TODO: en passant

    cache := attacks

    // promotions
    attacks ^= mg.generatePromotions(attackDirection, attacks)

    mg.mover.SetFlags(4) // 0b0100, capture
    for i := LSB(attacks); i != 64; i = NLSB(&attacks, i) {
        mg.mover.SetFrom(uint16(i + attackDirection))
        mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

    return cache

// generatePawnRightAttack Generate all pawn attacks on the right side. Promotions are handled as after movement.
// param pawns uint64 over all pawns
// return uint64 with positions reached.
func (mg *MoveGen) generatePawnRightAttack(pawns uint64) uint64 {
    area := uint64(0xfefefefefefe00)
    var attacks uint64 // TODO: en passant
    var attackDirection int
    if mg.isWhite() {
        attackDirection = -7 // promotions
        attacks = (pawns & area) << 7
        attacks &= mg.state.colours[0]
    } else {
        attackDirection = 9 // promotions
        attacks = (pawns & area) >> 9
        attacks &= mg.state.colours[1]
    cache := attacks

    // promotions
    attacks ^= mg.generatePromotions(attackDirection, attacks)

    // capture, 0b0100
    for i := LSB(attacks); i != 64; i = NLSB(&attacks, i) {
        mg.mover.SetFrom(uint16(i + attackDirection))
        mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

    return cache

// generatePromotions Generate promotion pieces.
// param FROM the bitboard offset in int8, diff between from and to position index.
func (mg *MoveGen) generatePromotions(from int, pawns uint64) uint64 {
    promotions := pawns & 0xff000000000000ff

    // single push has a FROM of 1. since this is an offset.
    var flag uint8
    if from != 8 && from != -8 {
        flag = 12 // 0b1100
    } else {
        flag = 8 // 0b1000

    for i := LSB(promotions); i != 64; i = NLSB(&promotions, i) {
        mg.mover.SetFrom(uint16(i + from))

        var t uint8
        for ; t < 4; t++ {
            mg.mover.SetFlags(uint16(flag + t))
            mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

    return pawns & 0xff000000000000ff

func (mg *MoveGen) generateKnightBoard(index int) uint64 {

    //attacks := uint64(0x28440044280000)
    //var result uint64

    //if (x & 0x3c3c3c3c0000) > 0 {
    //    origin := 45
    //    offset := uint16(origin - LSB(x))

    //    result = attacks >> offset
    //} else {
    //mask := uint64(0x7c7c7c7c7c0000)
    //origin := uint64(0x1000000000)

    return KnightMoves[index]

// GenerateKnightMoves ...
func (mg *MoveGen) GenerateKnightMoves() uint64 {
    knights := mg.state.pieces[mg.colour*6+2]
    attacks := uint64(0)
    for i := LSB(knights); i != 64; i = NLSB(&knights, i) {
        moves := mg.generateKnightBoard(i)
        attacks |= moves

        var moveAttacks uint64
        if mg.isWhite() {
            moveAttacks = moves & mg.state.colours[0]
        } else {
            moveAttacks = moves & mg.state.colours[1]
        moves ^= moveAttacks
        moves &= ^mg.state.colours[mg.colour]

        mg.mover.SetFlags(0) // quiet move
        for j := LSB(moves); j != 64; j = NLSB(&moves, j) {
            mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()

        mg.mover.SetFlags(8) // captures
        for j := LSB(moveAttacks); j != 64; j = NLSB(&moveAttacks, j) {
            mg.moves[mg.index] = mg.mover.GetMove()


    return attacks