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Test Coverage
 * Math-Matrix library
 * @author Ashley Kitson <>
 * @copyright Ashley Kitson, UK, 2014
 * @copyright Jan-Erik Revsbech <>
 * @copyright Andres Angulo <>
 * @licence GPL V3 or later :
 * @link

namespace Chippyash\Math\Matrix\Decomposition;

use Chippyash\Math\Matrix\NumericMatrix;
use Chippyash\Math\Matrix\Traits\CreateCorrectMatrixType;
use Chippyash\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixIsNumeric;
use Chippyash\Math\Matrix\Exceptions\SingularMatrixException;
use Chippyash\Matrix\Traits\AssertParameterIsMatrix;
use Chippyash\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixIsSquare;
use Chippyash\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixRowsAreEqual;
use Chippyash\Math\Type\Calculator;
use Chippyash\Math\Type\Comparator;
use Chippyash\Type\Number\Rational\RationalTypeFactory;

 * Gauss Jordan Elimination
 * This is largely copied from the moc/math library with variation to fit
 * this library and it's use of strong numeric types.
 * Unlike the original, this does not alter the original matrices and returns
 * (a clone of) itself to fit with the Decomposition interface.
 * The inline comments are largely the same, so hopefully the original authors
 * will recognise it :-)
class GaussJordanElimination extends AbstractDecomposition

    use AssertParameterIsMatrix;
    use AssertMatrixIsNumeric;
    use AssertMatrixIsSquare;
    use AssertMatrixRowsAreEqual;
    use CreateCorrectMatrixType;

     * Products of the decomposition
     * - left : NumericMatrix - product of left side
     * - right : NumericMatrix - product of right side
     * @var array [productName => mixed,...]
    protected $products = array(
        'left' => null,
        'right' => null

     * Perform Guass Jordan Elimination on the two supplied matrices
     * @param NumericMatrix $mA First matrix to act on - required
     * @param NumericMatrix $extra Second matrix to act upon - required
     * @return \Chippyash\Math\Matrix\DecompositionAbstractDecomposition Fluent Interface
     * @throws \Chippyash\Math\Matrix\Exceptions\SingularMatrixException
    public function decompose(NumericMatrix $mA, $extra = null)
        $this->assertParameterIsMatrix($extra, 'Parameter extra is not a matrix')
                ->assertMatrixIsNumeric($extra, 'Parameter extra is not a numeric matrix')
                        'Parameter mA is not a square matrix')
                ->assertMatrixRowsAreEqual($mA, $extra, 'mA->rows != extra->rows');

        $rows = $mA->rows();
        $dA = $mA->toArray();
        $dB = $extra->toArray();
        $zero = function(){return RationalTypeFactory::create(0, 1);};
        $one = function(){return RationalTypeFactory::create(1, 1);};
        $calc = new Calculator();
        $comp = new Comparator();

        $ipiv = array_fill(0, $rows, $zero());
        $indxr = array_fill(0, $rows, 0);
        $indxc = array_fill(0, $rows, 0);

        // find the pivot element by searching the entire matrix for its largest value, but excluding columns already reduced.
        $irow = $icol = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
            $big = $zero();
            for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) {
                if ($comp->neq($ipiv[$j], $one())) {
                    for ($k = 0; $k < $rows; $k++) {
                        if ($comp->eq($ipiv[$k], $zero())) {
                            $absVal = $dA[$j][$k]->abs();
                            if ($comp->gt($absVal, $big)) {
                                $big = clone $absVal;
                                $irow = $j;
                                $icol = $k;
                        } elseif ($comp->gt($ipiv[$k], $one())) {
                            throw new SingularMatrixException('GaussJordanElimination');

            //Now interchange row to move the pivot element to a diagonal
            $ipiv[$icol] = $calc->add($ipiv[$icol], $one());
            if ($irow != $icol) {
                $this->swapRows($dA, $irow, $icol);
                $this->swapRows($dB, $irow, $icol);

            // Remember permutations to later
            $indxr[$i] = $irow;
            $indxc[$i] = $icol;
            if ($comp->eq($dA[$icol][$icol], $zero())) {
                throw new SingularMatrixException('GaussJordanElimination');

            // Now divide the found row to make the pivot element 1
            // To maintain arithmetic integrity we use the reciprocal to multiply by
            $pivinv = $calc->reciprocal($dA[$icol][$icol]);
            $this->multRow($dA, $icol, $pivinv, $calc);
            $this->multRow($dB, $icol, $pivinv, $calc);

            // And reduce all other rows but the pivoted row with the value of the pivot row
            for ($ll = 0; $ll < $rows; $ll++) {
                if ($ll != $icol) {
                    $multiplier = clone $dA[$ll][$icol];
                    $this->addMultipleOfOtherRowToRow($dA, $multiplier, $icol, $ll, $calc);
                    $this->addMultipleOfOtherRowToRow($dB, $multiplier, $icol, $ll, $calc);


        $this->set('left', $this->createCorrectMatrixType($mA, $dA));
        $this->set('right', $this->createCorrectMatrixType($extra, $dB));

        return clone $this;

     * Swap rows in an array
     * @param array $a
     * @param int $r1
     * @param int $r2
    protected function swapRows(array &$a, $r1, $r2)
        $tmp = $a[$r1];
        $a[$r1] = $a[$r2];
        $a[$r2] = $tmp;

     * Multiply each entry in a row by a number
     * @param array $a
     * @param int $row
     * @param NumericTypeInterface $num
     * @param \Chippyash\Math\Type\Calculator $calc
    protected function multRow(array &$a, $row, $num, Calculator $calc)
        foreach ($a[$row] as &$value) {
            $value = $calc->mul($value, $num);

     * Inter row multiplication
     * @param array $a
     * @param NumericTypeInterface $multiple
     * @param int $rowToMultiplyWith
     * @param int $rowToAddTo
     * @param \Chippyash\Math\Type\Calculator $calc
    protected function addMultipleOfOtherRowToRow(array &$a, $multiple, $rowToMultiplyWith,
            $rowToAddTo, Calculator $calc)
        $numberOfColumns = count($a[0]);
        for ($l = 0; $l < $numberOfColumns; $l++) {
            $a[$rowToAddTo][$l] = $calc->add(
