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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module utils/diff

import fastDiff from '../src/fastdiff';

// The following code is based on the "O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm"
// by Sun Wu, Udi Manber, Gene Myers, Webb Miller.

 * Calculates the difference between two arrays or strings producing an array containing a list of changes
 * necessary to transform input into output.
 *        diff( 'aba', 'acca' ); // [ 'equal', 'insert', 'insert', 'delete', 'equal' ]
 * This function is based on the "O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm" by Sun Wu, Udi Manber, Gene Myers, Webb Miller.
 * Unfortunately, while it gives the most precise results, its to complex for longer strings/arrow (above 200 items).
 * Therefore, `diff()` automatically switches to {@link module:utils/fastdiff~fastDiff `fastDiff()`} when detecting
 * such a scenario. The return formats of both functions are identical.
 * @param {Array|String} a Input array or string.
 * @param {Array|String} b Output array or string.
 * @param {Function} [cmp] Optional function used to compare array values, by default === is used.
 * @returns {Array} Array of changes.
export default function diff( a, b, cmp ) {
    // Set the comparator function.
    cmp = cmp || function( a, b ) {
        return a === b;

    const aLength = a.length;
    const bLength = b.length;

    // Perform `fastDiff` for longer strings/arrays (see #269).
    if ( aLength > 200 || bLength > 200 || aLength + bLength > 300 ) {
        return diff.fastDiff( a, b, cmp, true );

    // Temporary action type statics.
    let _insert, _delete;

    // Swapped the arrays to use the shorter one as the first one.
    if ( bLength < aLength ) {
        const tmp = a;

        a = b;
        b = tmp;

        // We swap the action types as well.
        _insert = 'delete';
        _delete = 'insert';
    } else {
        _insert = 'insert';
        _delete = 'delete';

    const m = a.length;
    const n = b.length;
    const delta = n - m;

    // Edit scripts, for each diagonal.
    const es = {};
    // Furthest points, the furthest y we can get on each diagonal.
    const fp = {};

    function snake( k ) {
        // We use -1 as an alternative below to handle initial values ( instead of filling the fp with -1 first ).
        // Furthest points (y) on the diagonal below k.
        const y1 = ( fp[ k - 1 ] !== undefined ? fp[ k - 1 ] : -1 ) + 1;
        // Furthest points (y) on the diagonal above k.
        const y2 = fp[ k + 1 ] !== undefined ? fp[ k + 1 ] : -1;
        // The way we should go to get further.
        const dir = y1 > y2 ? -1 : 1;

        // Clone previous changes array (if any).
        if ( es[ k + dir ] ) {
            es[ k ] = es[ k + dir ].slice( 0 );

        // Create changes array.
        if ( !es[ k ] ) {
            es[ k ] = [];

        // Push the action.
        es[ k ].push( y1 > y2 ? _insert : _delete );

        // Set the beginning coordinates.
        let y = Math.max( y1, y2 );
        let x = y - k;

        // Traverse the diagonal as long as the values match.
        while ( x < m && y < n && cmp( a[ x ], b[ y ] ) ) {
            // Push no change action.
            es[ k ].push( 'equal' );

        return y;

    let p = 0;
    let k;

    // Traverse the graph until we reach the end of the longer string.
    do {
        // Updates furthest points and edit scripts for diagonals below delta.
        for ( k = -p; k < delta; k++ ) {
            fp[ k ] = snake( k );

        // Updates furthest points and edit scripts for diagonals above delta.
        for ( k = delta + p; k > delta; k-- ) {
            fp[ k ] = snake( k );

        // Updates furthest point and edit script for the delta diagonal.
        // note that the delta diagonal is the one which goes through the sink (m, n).
        fp[ delta ] = snake( delta );

    } while ( fp[ delta ] !== n );

    // Return the final list of edit changes.
    // We remove the first item that represents the action for the injected nulls.
    return es[ delta ].slice( 1 );

// Store the API in static property to easily overwrite it in tests.
// Too bad dependency injection does not work in Webpack + ES 6 (const) + Babel.
diff.fastDiff = fastDiff;