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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module utils/dom/createelement

import isIterable from '../isiterable';
import { isString } from 'lodash-es';

 * Creates element with attributes and children.
 *        createElement( document, 'p' ); // <p>
 *        createElement( document, 'p', { class: 'foo' } ); // <p class="foo">
 *        createElement( document, 'p', null, 'foo' ); // <p>foo</p>
 *        createElement( document, 'p', null, [ 'foo', createElement( document, 'img' ) ] ); // <p>foo<img></p>
 * @param {Document} doc Document used to create element.
 * @param {String} name Name of the element.
 * @param {Object} [attributes] Object keys will become attributes keys and object values will became attributes values.
 * @param {Node|String|Array.<Node|String>} [children] Child or array of children. Strings will be automatically turned
 * into Text nodes.
 * @returns {Element} Created element.
export default function createElement( doc, name, attributes = {}, children = [] ) {
    const namespace = attributes && attributes.xmlns;
    const element = namespace ? doc.createElementNS( namespace, name ) : doc.createElement( name );

    for ( const key in attributes ) {
        element.setAttribute( key, attributes[ key ] );

    if ( isString( children ) || !isIterable( children ) ) {
        children = [ children ];

    for ( let child of children ) {
        if ( isString( child ) ) {
            child = doc.createTextNode( child );

        element.appendChild( child );

    return element;