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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module utils/fastdiff

 * Finds positions of the first and last change in the given string/array and generates a set of changes:
 *        fastDiff( '12a', '12xyza' );
 *        // [ { index: 2, type: 'insert', values: [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ] } ]
 *        fastDiff( '12a', '12aa' );
 *        // [ { index: 3, type: 'insert', values: [ 'a' ] } ]
 *        fastDiff( '12xyza', '12a' );
 *        // [ { index: 2, type: 'delete', howMany: 3 } ]
 *        fastDiff( [ '1', '2', 'a', 'a' ], [ '1', '2', 'a' ] );
 *        // [ { index: 3, type: 'delete', howMany: 1 } ]
 *        fastDiff( [ '1', '2', 'a', 'b', 'c', '3' ], [ '2', 'a', 'b' ] );
 *        // [ { index: 0, type: 'insert', values: [ '2', 'a', 'b' ] }, { index: 3, type: 'delete', howMany: 6 } ]
 * Passed arrays can contain any type of data, however to compare them correctly custom comparator function
 * should be passed as a third parameter:
 *        fastDiff( [ { value: 1 }, { value: 2 } ], [ { value: 1 }, { value: 3 } ], ( a, b ) => {
 *            return a.value === b.value;
 *        } );
 *        // [ { index: 1, type: 'insert', values: [ { value: 3 } ] }, { index: 2, type: 'delete', howMany: 1 } ]
 * The resulted set of changes can be applied to the input in order to transform it into the output, for example:
 *        let input = '12abc3';
 *        const output = '2ab';
 *        const changes = fastDiff( input, output );
 *        changes.forEach( change => {
 *            if ( change.type == 'insert' ) {
 *                input = input.substring( 0, change.index ) + change.values.join( '' ) + input.substring( change.index );
 *            } else if ( change.type == 'delete' ) {
 *                input = input.substring( 0, change.index ) + input.substring( change.index + change.howMany );
 *            }
 *        } );
 *        // input equals output now
 * or in case of arrays:
 *        let input = [ '1', '2', 'a', 'b', 'c', '3' ];
 *        const output = [ '2', 'a', 'b' ];
 *        const changes = fastDiff( input, output );
 *        changes.forEach( change => {
 *            if ( change.type == 'insert' ) {
 *                input = input.slice( 0, change.index ).concat( change.values, input.slice( change.index ) );
 *            } else if ( change.type == 'delete' ) {
 *                input = input.slice( 0, change.index ).concat( input.slice( change.index + change.howMany ) );
 *            }
 *        } );
 *        // input equals output now
 * By passing `true` as the fourth parameter (`atomicChanges`) the output of this function will become compatible with
 * the {@link module:utils/diff~diff `diff()`} function:
 *        fastDiff( '12a', '12xyza' );
 *        // [ 'equal', 'equal', 'insert', 'insert', 'insert', 'equal' ]
 * The default output format of this function is compatible with the output format of
 * {@link module:utils/difftochanges~diffToChanges `diffToChanges()`}. The `diffToChanges()` input format is, in turn,
 * compatible with the output of {@link module:utils/diff~diff `diff()`}:
 *        const a = '1234';
 *        const b = '12xyz34';
 *        // Both calls will return the same results (grouped changes format).
 *        fastDiff( a, b );
 *        diffToChanges( diff( a, b ) );
 *        // Again, both calls will return the same results (atomic changes format).
 *        fastDiff( a, b, null, true );
 *        diff( a, b );
 * @param {Array|String} a Input array or string.
 * @param {Array|String} b Input array or string.
 * @param {Function} [cmp] Optional function used to compare array values, by default `===` (strict equal operator) is used.
 * @param {Boolean} [atomicChanges=false] Whether an array of `inset|delete|equal` operations should
 * be returned instead of changes set. This makes this function compatible with {@link module:utils/diff~diff `diff()`}.
 * @returns {Array} Array of changes.
export default function fastDiff( a, b, cmp, atomicChanges = false ) {
    // Set the comparator function.
    cmp = cmp || function( a, b ) {
        return a === b;

    // Convert the string (or any array-like object - eg. NodeList) to an array by using the slice() method because,
    // unlike Array.from(), it returns array of UTF-16 code units instead of the code points of a string.
    // One code point might be a surrogate pair of two code units. All text offsets are expected to be in code units.
    // See ckeditor/ckeditor5#3147.
    // We need to make sure here that fastDiff() works identical to diff().
    if ( !Array.isArray( a ) ) {
        a = a );

    if ( !Array.isArray( b ) ) {
        b = b );

    // Find first and last change.
    const changeIndexes = findChangeBoundaryIndexes( a, b, cmp );

    // Transform into changes array.
    return atomicChanges ? changeIndexesToAtomicChanges( changeIndexes, b.length ) : changeIndexesToChanges( b, changeIndexes );

// Finds position of the first and last change in the given arrays. For example:
//        const indexes = findChangeBoundaryIndexes( [ '1', '2', '3', '4' ], [ '1', '3', '4', '2', '4' ] );
//        console.log( indexes ); // { firstIndex: 1, lastIndexOld: 3, lastIndexNew: 4 }
// The above indexes means that in the first array the modified part is `1[23]4` and in the second array it is `1[342]4`.
// Based on such indexes, array with `insert`/`delete` operations which allows transforming first value into the second one
// can be generated.
// @param {Array} arr1
// @param {Array} arr2
// @param {Function} cmp Comparator function.
// @returns {Object}
// @returns {Number} return.firstIndex Index of the first change in both values (always the same for both).
// @returns {Number} result.lastIndexOld Index of the last common value in `arr1`.
// @returns {Number} result.lastIndexNew Index of the last common value in `arr2`.
function findChangeBoundaryIndexes( arr1, arr2, cmp ) {
    // Find the first difference between passed values.
    const firstIndex = findFirstDifferenceIndex( arr1, arr2, cmp );

    // If arrays are equal return -1 indexes object.
    if ( firstIndex === -1 ) {
        return { firstIndex: -1, lastIndexOld: -1, lastIndexNew: -1 };

    // Remove the common part of each value and reverse them to make it simpler to find the last difference between them.
    const oldArrayReversed = cutAndReverse( arr1, firstIndex );
    const newArrayReversed = cutAndReverse( arr2, firstIndex );

    // Find the first difference between reversed values.
    // It should be treated as "how many elements from the end the last difference occurred".
    // For example:
    //                 initial    ->    after cut    -> reversed:
    // oldValue:    '321ba'    ->    '21ba'        -> 'ab12'
    // newValue:    '31xba'    ->    '1xba'        -> 'abx1'
    // lastIndex:                            -> 2
    // So the last change occurred two characters from the end of the arrays.
    const lastIndex = findFirstDifferenceIndex( oldArrayReversed, newArrayReversed, cmp );

    // Use `lastIndex` to calculate proper offset, starting from the beginning (`lastIndex` kind of starts from the end).
    const lastIndexOld = arr1.length - lastIndex;
    const lastIndexNew = arr2.length - lastIndex;

    return { firstIndex, lastIndexOld, lastIndexNew };

// Returns a first index on which given arrays differ. If both arrays are the same, -1 is returned.
// @param {Array} arr1
// @param {Array} arr2
// @param {Function} cmp Comparator function.
// @returns {Number}
function findFirstDifferenceIndex( arr1, arr2, cmp ) {
    for ( let i = 0; i < Math.max( arr1.length, arr2.length ); i++ ) {
        if ( arr1[ i ] === undefined || arr2[ i ] === undefined || !cmp( arr1[ i ], arr2[ i ] ) ) {
            return i;

    return -1; // Return -1 if arrays are equal.

// Returns a copy of the given array with `howMany` elements removed starting from the beginning and in reversed order.
// @param {Array} arr Array to be processed.
// @param {Number} howMany How many elements from array beginning to remove.
// @returns {Array} Shortened and reversed array.
function cutAndReverse( arr, howMany ) {
    return arr.slice( howMany ).reverse();

// Generates changes array based on change indexes from `findChangeBoundaryIndexes` function. This function will
// generate array with 0 (no changes), 1 (deletion or insertion) or 2 records (insertion and deletion).
// @param {Array} newArray New array for which change indexes were calculated.
// @param {Object} changeIndexes Change indexes object from `findChangeBoundaryIndexes` function.
// @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of changes compatible with {@link module:utils/difftochanges~diffToChanges} format.
function changeIndexesToChanges( newArray, changeIndexes ) {
    const result = [];
    const { firstIndex, lastIndexOld, lastIndexNew } = changeIndexes;

    // Order operations as 'insert', 'delete' array to keep compatibility with {@link module:utils/difftochanges~diffToChanges}
    // in most cases. However, 'diffToChanges' does not stick to any order so in some cases
    // (for example replacing '12345' with 'abcd') it will generate 'delete', 'insert' order.
    if ( lastIndexNew - firstIndex > 0 ) {
        result.push( {
            index: firstIndex,
            type: 'insert',
            values: newArray.slice( firstIndex, lastIndexNew )
        } );

    if ( lastIndexOld - firstIndex > 0 ) {
        result.push( {
            index: firstIndex + ( lastIndexNew - firstIndex ), // Increase index of what was inserted.
            type: 'delete',
            howMany: lastIndexOld - firstIndex
        } );

    return result;

// Generates array with set `equal|insert|delete` operations based on change indexes from `findChangeBoundaryIndexes` function.
// @param {Object} changeIndexes Change indexes object from `findChangeBoundaryIndexes` function.
// @param {Number} newLength Length of the new array on which `findChangeBoundaryIndexes` calculated change indexes.
// @returns {Array.<String>} Array of changes compatible with {@link module:utils/diff~diff} format.
function changeIndexesToAtomicChanges( changeIndexes, newLength ) {
    const { firstIndex, lastIndexOld, lastIndexNew } = changeIndexes;

    // No changes.
    if ( firstIndex === -1 ) {
        return Array( newLength ).fill( 'equal' );

    let result = [];
    if ( firstIndex > 0 ) {
        result = result.concat( Array( firstIndex ).fill( 'equal' ) );

    if ( lastIndexNew - firstIndex > 0 ) {
        result = result.concat( Array( lastIndexNew - firstIndex ).fill( 'insert' ) );

    if ( lastIndexOld - firstIndex > 0 ) {
        result = result.concat( Array( lastIndexOld - firstIndex ).fill( 'delete' ) );

    if ( lastIndexNew < newLength ) {
        result = result.concat( Array( newLength - lastIndexNew ).fill( 'equal' ) );

    return result;