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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module widget/widgetresize/resizerstate

import Rect from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/rect';

import ObservableMixin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/observablemixin';
import mix from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/mix';

 * Stores the internal state of a single resizable object.
export default class ResizeState {
     * @param {module:widget/widgetresize~ResizerOptions} options Resizer options.
    constructor( options ) {
         * The original width (pixels) of the resized object when the resize process was started.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Number} #originalWidth

         * The original height (pixels) of the resized object when the resize process was started.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Number} #originalHeight

         * The original width (percents) of the resized object when the resize process was started.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Number} #originalWidthPercents

         * The position of the handle that initiated the resizing. E.g. `"top-left"`, `"bottom-right"` etc. or `null`
         * if unknown.
         * @readonly
         * @observable
         * @member {String|null} #activeHandlePosition
        this.set( 'activeHandlePosition', null );

         * The width (percents) proposed, but not committed yet, in the current resize process.
         * @readonly
         * @observable
         * @member {Number|null} #proposedWidthPercents
        this.set( 'proposedWidthPercents', null );

         * The width (pixels) proposed, but not committed yet, in the current resize process.
         * @readonly
         * @observable
         * @member {Number|null} #proposedWidthPixels
        this.set( 'proposedWidth', null );

         * The height (pixels) proposed, but not committed yet, in the current resize process.
         * @readonly
         * @observable
         * @member {Number|null} #proposedHeightPixels
        this.set( 'proposedHeight', null );

        this.set( 'proposedHandleHostWidth', null );
        this.set( 'proposedHandleHostHeight', null );

         * A width to height ratio of the resized image.
         * @readonly
         * @member {Number} #aspectRatio

         * @private
         * @type {module:widget/widgetresize~ResizerOptions}
        this._options = options;

         * The reference point of the resizer where the dragging started. It is used to measure the distance the user cursor
         * traveled, so how much the image should be enlarged.
         * This information is only known after the DOM was rendered, so it will be updated later.
         * @private
         * @type {Object}
        this._referenceCoordinates = null;

     * @param {HTMLElement} domResizeHandle The handle used to calculate the reference point.
     * @param {HTMLElement} domHandleHost
     * @param {HTMLElement} domResizeHost
    begin( domResizeHandle, domHandleHost, domResizeHost ) {
        const clientRect = new Rect( domHandleHost );

        this.activeHandlePosition = getHandlePosition( domResizeHandle );

        this._referenceCoordinates = getAbsoluteBoundaryPoint( domHandleHost, getOppositePosition( this.activeHandlePosition ) );

        this.originalWidth = clientRect.width;
        this.originalHeight = clientRect.height;

        this.aspectRatio = clientRect.width / clientRect.height;

        const widthStyle =;

        if ( widthStyle && widthStyle.match( /^\d+\.?\d*%$/ ) ) {
            this.originalWidthPercents = parseFloat( widthStyle );
        } else {
            this.originalWidthPercents = calculateHostPercentageWidth( domResizeHost, clientRect );

    update( newSize ) {
        this.proposedWidth = newSize.width;
        this.proposedHeight = newSize.height;
        this.proposedWidthPercents = newSize.widthPercents;

        this.proposedHandleHostWidth = newSize.handleHostWidth;
        this.proposedHandleHostHeight = newSize.handleHostHeight;

mix( ResizeState, ObservableMixin );

// Calculates a relative width of a `domResizeHost` compared to it's parent in percents.
// @private
// @param {HTMLElement} domResizeHost
// @param {module:utils/dom/rect~Rect} resizeHostRect
// @returns {Number}
function calculateHostPercentageWidth( domResizeHost, resizeHostRect ) {
    const domResizeHostParent = domResizeHost.parentElement;
    // Need to use computed style as it properly excludes parent's paddings from the returned value.
    const parentWidth = parseFloat( domResizeHostParent.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( domResizeHostParent ).width );

    return resizeHostRect.width / parentWidth * 100;

// Returns coordinates of the top-left corner of an element, relative to the document's top-left corner.
// @private
// @param {HTMLElement} element
// @param {String} resizerPosition The position of the resize handle, e.g. `"top-left"`, `"bottom-right"`.
// @returns {Object} return
// @returns {Number} return.x
// @returns {Number} return.y
function getAbsoluteBoundaryPoint( element, resizerPosition ) {
    const elementRect = new Rect( element );
    const positionParts = resizerPosition.split( '-' );
    const ret = {
        x: positionParts[ 1 ] == 'right' ? elementRect.right : elementRect.left,
        y: positionParts[ 0 ] == 'bottom' ? elementRect.bottom :

    ret.x += element.ownerDocument.defaultView.scrollX;
    ret.y += element.ownerDocument.defaultView.scrollY;

    return ret;

// @private
// @param {String} resizerPosition The expected resizer position, like `"top-left"`, `"bottom-right"`.
// @returns {String} A prefixed HTML class name for the resizer element.
function getResizerHandleClass( resizerPosition ) {
    return `ck-widget__resizer__handle-${ resizerPosition }`;

// Determines the position of a given resize handle.
// @private
// @param {HTMLElement} domHandle Handle used to calculate the reference point.
// @returns {String|undefined} Returns a string like `"top-left"` or `undefined` if not matched.
function getHandlePosition( domHandle ) {
    const resizerPositions = [ 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left' ];

    for ( const position of resizerPositions ) {
        if ( domHandle.classList.contains( getResizerHandleClass( position ) ) ) {
            return position;

// @private
// @param {String} position Like `"top-left"`.
// @returns {String} Inverted `position`, e.g. it returns `"bottom-right"` if `"top-left"` was given as `position`.
function getOppositePosition( position ) {
    const parts = position.split( '-' );
    const replacements = {
        top: 'bottom',
        bottom: 'top',
        left: 'right',
        right: 'left'

    return `${ replacements[ parts[ 0 ] ] }-${ replacements[ parts[ 1 ] ] }`;