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3 days
Test Coverage
package pointer

// This file implements the generation and resolution rules for
// constraints arising from the use of reflection in the target
// program.  See doc.go for explanation of the representation.
// For consistency, the names of all parameters match those of the
// actual functions in the "reflect" package.
// To avoid proliferation of equivalent labels, instrinsics should
// memoize as much as possible, like TypeOf and Zero do for their
// tagged objects.
// TODO(adonovan): all {} functions are TODO.
// TODO(adonovan): this file is rather subtle.  Explain how we derive
// the implementation of each reflect operator from its spec,
// including the subtleties of reflect.flag{Addr,RO,Indir}.
// [Hint: our implementation is as if reflect.flagIndir was always
// true, i.e. reflect.Values are pointers to tagged objects, there is
// no inline allocation optimization; and indirect tagged objects (not
// yet implemented) correspond to reflect.Values with
// reflect.flagAddr.]
// A picture would help too.

import (


// -------------------- (reflect.Value) --------------------

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Addr(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).Bytes() Value ----------

// result = v.Bytes()
type rVBytesConstraint struct {
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVBytesConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Bytes()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVBytesConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVBytesConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, slice, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        tSlice, ok := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Slice)
        if ok && types.IsIdentical(tSlice.Elem(), types.Typ[types.Uint8]) {
            if a.onlineCopy(c.result, slice) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Bytes(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (Value).Call(in []Value) []Value ----------

// result = v.Call(in)
type rVCallConstraint struct {
    cgn       *cgnode
    targets   nodeid
    v         nodeid // (ptr)
    arg       nodeid // = in[*]
    result    nodeid
    dotdotdot bool // interpret last arg as a "..." slice

func (c *rVCallConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Call(n%d)", c.result, c.v, c.arg)

func (c *rVCallConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVCallConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    if c.targets == 0 {
        panic("no targets")

    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, fn, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        tSig, ok := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
        if !ok {
            continue // not a function
        if tSig.Recv() != nil {
            panic(tSig) // TODO(adonovan): rethink when we implement Method()

        // Add dynamic call target.
        if a.onlineCopy(c.targets, fn) {
            // TODO(adonovan): is 'else continue' a sound optimisation here?

        // Allocate a P/R block.
        tParams := tSig.Params()
        tResults := tSig.Results()
        params := a.addNodes(tParams, "rVCall.params")
        results := a.addNodes(tResults, "rVCall.results")

        // Make a dynamic call to 'fn'., params, 1, a.sizeof(tParams))
        a.load(results, fn, 1+a.sizeof(tParams), a.sizeof(tResults))

        // Populate P by type-asserting each actual arg (all merged in c.arg).
        for i, n := 0, tParams.Len(); i < n; i++ {
            T := tParams.At(i).Type()
            a.typeAssert(T, params, c.arg, false)
            params += nodeid(a.sizeof(T))

        // Use R by tagging and copying each actual result to c.result.
        for i, n := 0, tResults.Len(); i < n; i++ {
            T := tResults.At(i).Type()
            // Convert from an arbitrary type to a reflect.Value
            // (like MakeInterface followed by reflect.ValueOf).
            if isInterface(T) {
                // (don't tag)
                if a.onlineCopy(c.result, results) {
                    changed = true
            } else {
                obj := a.makeTagged(T, c.cgn, nil)
                a.onlineCopyN(obj+1, results, a.sizeof(T))
                if a.addLabel(c.result, obj) { // (true)
                    changed = true
            results += nodeid(a.sizeof(T))
    if changed {

// Common code for direct (inlined) and indirect calls to (reflect.Value).Call.
func reflectCallImpl(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode, site *callsite, recv, arg nodeid, dotdotdot bool) nodeid {
    // Allocate []reflect.Value array for the result.
    ret := a.nextNode()
    a.addNodes(types.NewArray(a.reflectValueObj.Type(), 1), "rVCall.ret")
    a.endObject(ret, cgn, nil)

    // pts(targets) will be the set of possible call targets.
    site.targets = a.addOneNode(tInvalid, "rvCall.targets", nil)

    // All arguments are merged since they arrive in a slice.
    argelts := a.addOneNode(a.reflectValueObj.Type(), "rVCall.args", nil)
    a.load(argelts, arg, 1, 1) // slice elements

        cgn:       cgn,
        targets:   site.targets,
        v:         recv,
        arg:       argelts,
        result:    ret + 1, // results go into elements of ret
        dotdotdot: dotdotdot,
    return ret

func reflectCall(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode, dotdotdot bool) {
    // This is the shared contour implementation of (reflect.Value).Call
    // and CallSlice, as used by indirect calls (rare).
    // Direct calls are inlined in gen.go, eliding the
    // intermediate cgnode for Call.
    site := new(callsite)
    cgn.sites = append(cgn.sites, site)
    recv := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
    arg := recv + 1
    ret := reflectCallImpl(a, cgn, site, recv, arg, dotdotdot)
    a.addressOf(a.funcResults(cgn.obj), ret)

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Call(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    reflectCall(a, cgn, false)

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰CallSlice(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // TODO(adonovan): implement.  Also, inline direct calls in gen.go too.
    if false {
        reflectCall(a, cgn, true)

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Convert(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).Elem() Value ----------

// result = v.Elem()
type rVElemConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVElemConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Elem()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVElemConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVElemConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, payload, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        switch t := tDyn.Underlying().(type) {
        case *types.Interface:
            if a.onlineCopy(c.result, payload) {
                changed = true

        case *types.Pointer:
            obj := a.makeTagged(t.Elem(), c.cgn, nil)
            a.load(obj+1, payload, 0, a.sizeof(t.Elem()))
            if a.addLabel(c.result, obj) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Elem(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Field(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)           {}
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰FieldByIndex(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)    {}
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰FieldByName(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)     {}
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰FieldByNameFunc(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).Index() Value ----------

// result = v.Index()
type rVIndexConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVIndexConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Index()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVIndexConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVIndexConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, payload, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        var res nodeid
        switch t := tDyn.Underlying().(type) {
        case *types.Array:
            res = a.makeTagged(t.Elem(), c.cgn, nil)
            a.onlineCopyN(res+1, payload+1, a.sizeof(t.Elem()))

        case *types.Slice:
            res = a.makeTagged(t.Elem(), c.cgn, nil)
            a.load(res+1, payload, 1, a.sizeof(t.Elem()))

        case *types.Basic:
            if t.Kind() == types.String {
                res = a.makeTagged(types.Typ[types.Rune], c.cgn, nil)
        if res != 0 && a.addLabel(c.result, res) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Index(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (Value).Interface() Value ----------

// result = v.Interface()
type rVInterfaceConstraint struct {
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVInterfaceConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Interface()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVInterfaceConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVInterfaceConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    resultPts := &a.nodes[c.result].pts
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, payload, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        if isInterface(tDyn) {
            if a.onlineCopy(c.result, payload) {
        } else {
            if resultPts.add(vObj) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Interface(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (Value).MapIndex(Value) Value ----------

// result = v.MapIndex(_)
type rVMapIndexConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVMapIndexConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.MapIndex(_)", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVMapIndexConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVMapIndexConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, m, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        tMap, _ := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Map)
        if tMap == nil {
            continue // not a map
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        obj := a.makeTagged(tMap.Elem(), c.cgn, nil)
        a.load(obj+1, m, a.sizeof(tMap.Key()), a.sizeof(tMap.Elem()))
        if a.addLabel(c.result, obj) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰MapIndex(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (Value).MapKeys() []Value ----------

// result = v.MapKeys()
type rVMapKeysConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVMapKeysConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.MapKeys()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVMapKeysConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVMapKeysConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, m, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        tMap, _ := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Map)
        if tMap == nil {
            continue // not a map
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        kObj := a.makeTagged(tMap.Key(), c.cgn, nil)
        a.load(kObj+1, m, 0, a.sizeof(tMap.Key()))
        if a.addLabel(c.result, kObj) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰MapKeys(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // Allocate an array for the result.
    obj := a.nextNode()
    a.addNodes(types.NewArray(a.reflectValueObj.Type(), 1), "reflect.MapKeys result")
    a.endObject(obj, cgn, nil)
    a.addressOf(a.funcResults(cgn.obj), obj)

        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: obj + 1, // result is stored in array elems

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Method(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)       {}
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰MethodByName(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).Recv(Value) ----------

// result, _ = v.Recv()
type rVRecvConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVRecvConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Recv()", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVRecvConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVRecvConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, ch, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        tChan, _ := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Chan)
        if tChan == nil {
            continue // not a channel
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        tElem := tChan.Elem()
        elemObj := a.makeTagged(tElem, c.cgn, nil)
        a.load(elemObj+1, ch, 0, a.sizeof(tElem))
        if a.addLabel(c.result, elemObj) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Recv(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (Value).Send(Value) ----------

// v.Send(x)
type rVSendConstraint struct {
    cgn *cgnode
    v   nodeid // (ptr)
    x   nodeid

func (c *rVSendConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("reflect n%d.Send(n%d)", c.v, c.x)

func (c *rVSendConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVSendConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, ch, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        tChan, _ := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Chan)
        if tChan == nil {
            continue // not a channel
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        // Extract x's payload to xtmp, then store to channel.
        tElem := tChan.Elem()
        xtmp := a.addNodes(tElem, "Send.xtmp")
        a.typeAssert(tElem, xtmp, c.x, false), xtmp, 0, a.sizeof(tElem))

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Send(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    params := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
        cgn: cgn,
        v:   params,
        x:   params + 1,

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Set(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).SetBytes(x []byte) ----------

// v.SetBytes(x)
type rVSetBytesConstraint struct {
    cgn *cgnode
    v   nodeid // (ptr)
    x   nodeid

func (c *rVSetBytesConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("reflect n%d.SetBytes(n%d)", c.v, c.x)

func (c *rVSetBytesConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVSetBytesConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, slice, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        tSlice, ok := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Slice)
        if ok && types.IsIdentical(tSlice.Elem(), types.Typ[types.Uint8]) {
            if a.onlineCopy(slice, c.x) {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰SetBytes(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    params := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
        cgn: cgn,
        v:   params,
        x:   params + 1,

// ---------- func (Value).SetMapIndex(k Value, v Value) ----------

// v.SetMapIndex(key, val)
type rVSetMapIndexConstraint struct {
    cgn *cgnode
    v   nodeid // (ptr)
    key nodeid
    val nodeid

func (c *rVSetMapIndexConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("reflect n%d.SetMapIndex(n%d, n%d)", c.v, c.key, c.val)

func (c *rVSetMapIndexConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVSetMapIndexConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, m, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        tMap, _ := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Map)
        if tMap == nil {
            continue // not a map
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        keysize := a.sizeof(tMap.Key())

        // Extract key's payload to keytmp, then store to map key.
        keytmp := a.addNodes(tMap.Key(), "SetMapIndex.keytmp")
        a.typeAssert(tMap.Key(), keytmp, c.key, false), keytmp, 0, keysize)

        // Extract val's payload to vtmp, then store to map value.
        valtmp := a.addNodes(tMap.Elem(), "SetMapIndex.valtmp")
        a.typeAssert(tMap.Elem(), valtmp, c.val, false), valtmp, keysize, a.sizeof(tMap.Elem()))

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰SetMapIndex(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    params := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
        cgn: cgn,
        v:   params,
        key: params + 1,
        val: params + 2,

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰SetPointer(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (Value).Slice(v Value, i, j int) ----------

// result = v.Slice(_, _)
type rVSliceConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rVSliceConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect n%d.Slice(_, _)", c.result, c.v)

func (c *rVSliceConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *rVSliceConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, payload, indirect := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        if indirect {
            // TODO(adonovan): we'll need to implement this
            // when we start creating indirect tagged objects.
            panic("indirect tagged object")

        var res nodeid
        switch t := tDyn.Underlying().(type) {
        case *types.Pointer:
            if tArr, ok := t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array); ok {
                // pointer to array
                res = a.makeTagged(types.NewSlice(tArr.Elem()), c.cgn, nil)
                if a.onlineCopy(res+1, payload) {
                    a.addWork(res + 1)

        case *types.Array:
            // TODO(adonovan): implement addressable
            // arrays when we do indirect tagged objects.

        case *types.Slice:
            res = vObj

        case *types.Basic:
            if t == types.Typ[types.String] {
                res = vObj

        if res != 0 && a.addLabel(c.result, res) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Slice(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// -------------------- Standalone reflect functions --------------------

func ext۰reflect۰Append(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)      {}
func ext۰reflect۰AppendSlice(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}
func ext۰reflect۰Copy(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)        {}

// ---------- func ChanOf(ChanDir, Type) Type ----------

// result = ChanOf(dir, t)
type reflectChanOfConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid
    dirs   []ast.ChanDir

func (c *reflectChanOfConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.ChanOf(n%d)", c.result, c.t)

func (c *reflectChanOfConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *reflectChanOfConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(tObj)

        for _, dir := range c.dirs {
            if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(types.NewChan(dir, T))) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

// dirMap maps reflect.ChanDir to the set of channel types generated by ChanOf.
var dirMap = [...][]ast.ChanDir{
    0:               {ast.RECV, ast.SEND, ast.RECV | ast.SEND}, // unknown
    reflect.RecvDir: {ast.RECV},
    reflect.SendDir: {ast.SEND},
    reflect.BothDir: {ast.RECV | ast.SEND},

func ext۰reflect۰ChanOf(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // If we have access to the callsite,
    // and the channel argument is a constant (as is usual),
    // only generate the requested direction.
    var dir reflect.ChanDir // unknown
    if site := cgn.callersite; site != nil {
        if c, ok := site.instr.Common().Args[0].(*ssa.Const); ok {
            v, _ := exact.Int64Val(c.Value)
            if 0 <= v && v <= int64(reflect.BothDir) {
                dir = reflect.ChanDir(v)

    params := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      params + 1,
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),
        dirs:   dirMap[dir],

// ---------- func Indirect(v Value) Value ----------

// result = Indirect(v)
type reflectIndirectConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    v      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectIndirectConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.Indirect(n%d)", c.result, c.v)

func (c *reflectIndirectConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.v

func (c *reflectIndirectConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for vObj := range delta {
        tDyn, _, _ := a.taggedValue(vObj)
        var res nodeid
        if tPtr, ok := tDyn.Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
            // load the payload of the pointer's tagged object
            // into a new tagged object
            res = a.makeTagged(tPtr.Elem(), c.cgn, nil)
            a.load(res+1, vObj+1, 0, a.sizeof(tPtr.Elem()))
        } else {
            res = vObj

        if a.addLabel(c.result, res) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Indirect(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        v:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func MakeChan(Type) Value ----------

// result = MakeChan(typ)
type reflectMakeChanConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    typ    nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectMakeChanConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.MakeChan(n%d)", c.result, c.typ)

func (c *reflectMakeChanConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.typ

func (c *reflectMakeChanConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for typObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(typObj)
        tChan, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Chan)
        if !ok || tChan.Dir() != ast.SEND|ast.RECV {
            continue // not a bidirectional channel type

        obj := a.nextNode()
        a.addNodes(tChan.Elem(), "reflect.MakeChan.value")
        a.endObject(obj, c.cgn, nil)

        // put its address in a new T-tagged object
        id := a.makeTagged(T, c.cgn, nil)
        a.addLabel(id+1, obj)

        // flow the T-tagged object to the result
        if a.addLabel(c.result, id) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰MakeChan(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        typ:    a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰MakeFunc(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func MakeMap(Type) Value ----------

// result = MakeMap(typ)
type reflectMakeMapConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    typ    nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectMakeMapConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.MakeMap(n%d)", c.result, c.typ)

func (c *reflectMakeMapConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.typ

func (c *reflectMakeMapConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for typObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(typObj)
        tMap, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Map)
        if !ok {
            continue // not a map type

        mapObj := a.nextNode()
        a.addNodes(tMap.Key(), "reflect.MakeMap.key")
        a.addNodes(tMap.Elem(), "reflect.MakeMap.value")
        a.endObject(mapObj, c.cgn, nil)

        // put its address in a new T-tagged object
        id := a.makeTagged(T, c.cgn, nil)
        a.addLabel(id+1, mapObj)

        // flow the T-tagged object to the result
        if a.addLabel(c.result, id) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰MakeMap(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        typ:    a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func MakeSlice(Type) Value ----------

// result = MakeSlice(typ)
type reflectMakeSliceConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    typ    nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectMakeSliceConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.MakeSlice(n%d)", c.result, c.typ)

func (c *reflectMakeSliceConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.typ

func (c *reflectMakeSliceConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for typObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(typObj)
        if _, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Slice); !ok {
            continue // not a slice type

        obj := a.nextNode()
        a.addNodes(sliceToArray(T), "reflect.MakeSlice")
        a.endObject(obj, c.cgn, nil)

        // put its address in a new T-tagged object
        id := a.makeTagged(T, c.cgn, nil)
        a.addLabel(id+1, obj)

        // flow the T-tagged object to the result
        if a.addLabel(c.result, id) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰MakeSlice(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        typ:    a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰MapOf(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func New(Type) Value ----------

// result = New(typ)
type reflectNewConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    typ    nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectNewConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.New(n%d)", c.result, c.typ)

func (c *reflectNewConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.typ

func (c *reflectNewConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for typObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(typObj)

        // allocate new T object
        newObj := a.nextNode()
        a.addNodes(T, "reflect.New")
        a.endObject(newObj, c.cgn, nil)

        // put its address in a new *T-tagged object
        id := a.makeTagged(types.NewPointer(T), c.cgn, nil)
        a.addLabel(id+1, newObj)

        // flow the pointer to the result
        if a.addLabel(c.result, id) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰New(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        typ:    a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰NewAt(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    ext۰reflect۰New(a, cgn)

    // TODO(adonovan): also report dynamic calls to unsound intrinsics.
    if site := cgn.callersite; site != nil {
        a.warnf(site.pos(), "unsound: %s contains a reflect.NewAt() call", site.instr.Parent())

// ---------- func PtrTo(Type) Type ----------

// result = PtrTo(t)
type reflectPtrToConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectPtrToConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.PtrTo(n%d)", c.result, c.t)

func (c *reflectPtrToConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *reflectPtrToConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(tObj)

        if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(types.NewPointer(T))) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰PtrTo(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰Select(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func SliceOf(Type) Type ----------

// result = SliceOf(t)
type reflectSliceOfConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectSliceOfConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.SliceOf(n%d)", c.result, c.t)

func (c *reflectSliceOfConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *reflectSliceOfConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(tObj)

        if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(types.NewSlice(T))) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰SliceOf(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func TypeOf(v Value) Type ----------

// result = TypeOf(i)
type reflectTypeOfConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    i      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectTypeOfConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.TypeOf(n%d)", c.result, c.i)

func (c *reflectTypeOfConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.i

func (c *reflectTypeOfConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for iObj := range delta {
        tDyn, _, _ := a.taggedValue(iObj)
        if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(tDyn)) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰TypeOf(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        i:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func ValueOf(interface{}) Value ----------

func ext۰reflect۰ValueOf(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // TODO(adonovan): when we start creating indirect tagged
    // objects, we'll need to handle them specially here since
    // they must never appear in the PTS of an interface{}.
    a.copy(a.funcResults(cgn.obj), a.funcParams(cgn.obj), 1)

// ---------- func Zero(Type) Value ----------

// result = Zero(typ)
type reflectZeroConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    typ    nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *reflectZeroConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = reflect.Zero(n%d)", c.result, c.typ)

func (c *reflectZeroConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.typ

func (c *reflectZeroConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for typObj := range delta {
        T := a.rtypeTaggedValue(typObj)

        // TODO(adonovan): if T is an interface type, we need
        // to create an indirect tagged object containing
        // new(T).  To avoid updates of such shared values,
        // we'll need another flag on indirect tagged objects
        // that marks whether they are addressable or
        // readonly, just like the reflect package does.

        // memoize using a.reflectZeros[T]
        var id nodeid
        if z := a.reflectZeros.At(T); false && z != nil {
            id = z.(nodeid)
        } else {
            id = a.makeTagged(T, c.cgn, nil)
            a.reflectZeros.Set(T, id)
        if a.addLabel(c.result, id) {
            changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰Zero(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        typ:    a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// -------------------- (*reflect.rtype) methods --------------------

// ---------- func (*rtype) Elem() Type ----------

// result = Elem(t)
type rtypeElemConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rtypeElemConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = (*reflect.rtype).Elem(n%d)", c.result, c.t)

func (c *rtypeElemConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *rtypeElemConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    // Implemented by *types.{Map,Chan,Array,Slice,Pointer}.
    type hasElem interface {
        Elem() types.Type
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.nodes[tObj]
        if tHasElem, ok := T.Underlying().(hasElem); ok {
            if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(tHasElem.Elem())) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Elem(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (*rtype) Field(int) StructField ----------
// ---------- func (*rtype) FieldByName(string) (StructField, bool) ----------

// result = FieldByName(t, name)
// result = Field(t, _)
type rtypeFieldByNameConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    name   string // name of field; "" for unknown
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rtypeFieldByNameConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = (*reflect.rtype).FieldByName(n%d, %q)", c.result, c.t,

func (c *rtypeFieldByNameConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *rtypeFieldByNameConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    // type StructField struct {
    // 0    __identity__
    // 1    Name      string
    // 2    PkgPath   string
    // 3    Type      Type
    // 4    Tag       StructTag
    // 5    Offset    uintptr
    // 6    Index     []int
    // 7    Anonymous bool
    // }

    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.nodes[tObj]
        tStruct, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
        if !ok {
            continue // not a struct type

        n := tStruct.NumFields()
        for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
            f := tStruct.Field(i)
            if == "" || == f.Name() {

                // a.offsetOf(Type) is 3.
                if id := c.result + 3; a.addLabel(id, a.makeRtype(f.Type())) {
                // TODO(adonovan): StructField.Index should be non-nil.

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰FieldByName(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // If we have access to the callsite,
    // and the argument is a string constant,
    // return only that field.
    var name string
    if site := cgn.callersite; site != nil {
        if c, ok := site.instr.Common().Args[0].(*ssa.Const); ok {
            name = exact.StringVal(c.Value)

        cgn:    cgn,
        name:   name,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Field(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // No-one ever calls Field with a constant argument,
    // so we don't specialize that case.
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰FieldByIndex(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode)    {}
func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰FieldByNameFunc(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {}

// ---------- func (*rtype) In/Out(i int) Type ----------

// result = In/Out(t, i)
type rtypeInOutConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid
    out    bool
    i      int // -ve if not a constant

func (c *rtypeInOutConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = (*reflect.rtype).InOut(n%d, %d)", c.result, c.t, c.i)

func (c *rtypeInOutConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *rtypeInOutConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.nodes[tObj]
        sig, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
        if !ok {
            continue // not a func type

        tuple := sig.Params()
        if c.out {
            tuple = sig.Results()
        for i, n := 0, tuple.Len(); i < n; i++ {
            if c.i < 0 || c.i == i {
                if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(tuple.At(i).Type())) {
                    changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰InOut(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode, out bool) {
    // If we have access to the callsite,
    // and the argument is an int constant,
    // return only that parameter.
    index := -1
    if site := cgn.callersite; site != nil {
        if c, ok := site.instr.Common().Args[0].(*ssa.Const); ok {
            v, _ := exact.Int64Val(c.Value)
            index = int(v)
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),
        out:    out,
        i:      index,

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰In(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    ext۰reflect۰rtype۰InOut(a, cgn, false)

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Out(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    ext۰reflect۰rtype۰InOut(a, cgn, true)

// ---------- func (*rtype) Key() Type ----------

// result = Key(t)
type rtypeKeyConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rtypeKeyConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = (*reflect.rtype).Key(n%d)", c.result, c.t)

func (c *rtypeKeyConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

func (c *rtypeKeyConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    changed := false
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.nodes[tObj]
        if tMap, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Map); ok {
            if a.addLabel(c.result, a.makeRtype(tMap.Key())) {
                changed = true
    if changed {

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Key(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

// ---------- func (*rtype) Method(int) (Method, bool) ----------
// ---------- func (*rtype) MethodByName(string) (Method, bool) ----------

// result = MethodByName(t, name)
// result = Method(t, _)
type rtypeMethodByNameConstraint struct {
    cgn    *cgnode
    name   string // name of method; "" for unknown
    t      nodeid // (ptr)
    result nodeid

func (c *rtypeMethodByNameConstraint) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("n%d = (*reflect.rtype).MethodByName(n%d, %q)", c.result, c.t,

func (c *rtypeMethodByNameConstraint) ptr() nodeid {
    return c.t

// changeRecv returns sig with Recv prepended to Params().
func changeRecv(sig *types.Signature) *types.Signature {
    params := sig.Params()
    n := params.Len()
    p2 := make([]*types.Var, n+1)
    p2[0] = sig.Recv()
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        p2[i+1] = params.At(i)
    return types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(p2...), sig.Results(), sig.IsVariadic())

func (c *rtypeMethodByNameConstraint) solve(a *analysis, _ *node, delta nodeset) {
    for tObj := range delta {
        T := a.nodes[tObj]

        // We don't use Lookup( when != "" to avoid
        // ambiguity: >1 unexported methods could match.
        mset := T.MethodSet()
        for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
            sel := mset.At(i)
            if == "" || == sel.Obj().Name() {
                // type Method struct {
                // 0     __identity__
                // 1    Name    string
                // 2    PkgPath string
                // 3    Type    Type
                // 4    Func    Value
                // 5    Index   int
                // }
                fn := a.prog.Method(sel)

                // a.offsetOf(Type) is 3.
                if id := c.result + 3; a.addLabel(id, a.makeRtype(changeRecv(fn.Signature))) {
                // a.offsetOf(Func) is 4.
                if id := c.result + 4; a.addLabel(id, a.objectNode(nil, fn)) {

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰MethodByName(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // If we have access to the callsite,
    // and the argument is a string constant,
    // return only that method.
    var name string
    if site := cgn.callersite; site != nil {
        if c, ok := site.instr.Common().Args[0].(*ssa.Const); ok {
            name = exact.StringVal(c.Value)

        cgn:    cgn,
        name:   name,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),

func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Method(a *analysis, cgn *cgnode) {
    // No-one ever calls Method with a constant argument,
    // so we don't specialize that case.
        cgn:    cgn,
        t:      a.funcParams(cgn.obj),
        result: a.funcResults(cgn.obj),