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# Korifi Helm chart

This documents the [Helm]( chart for [Korifi](

The configuration for each individual component is nested under a top-level key named after the component itself.
Values at the top-level apply to all components.

Each component can be excluded from the deployment by the setting its `include` value to `false`.
See [_Customizing the Chart Before Installing_]( for details on how to specify values when installing a Helm chart.

Here are all the values that can be set for the chart:

- `adminUserName` (_String_): Name of the admin user that will be bound to the Cloud Foundry Admin role.
- `api`:
  - `apiServer`:
    - `internalPort` (_Integer_): Port used internally by the API container.
    - `port` (_Integer_): API external port. Defaults to `443`.
    - `timeouts`: HTTP timeouts.
      - `idle` (_Integer_): Idle timeout.
      - `read` (_Integer_): Read timeout.
      - `readHeader` (_Integer_): Read header timeout.
      - `write` (_Integer_): Write timeout.
    - `url` (_String_): API URL.
  - `authProxy`: Needed if using a cluster authentication proxy, e.g. [Pinniped](
    - `caCert` (_String_): Proxy's PEM-encoded CA certificate (*not* as Base64).
    - `host` (_String_): Must be a host string, a host:port pair, or a URL to the base of the apiserver.
  - `image` (_String_): Reference to the API container image.
  - `include` (_Boolean_): Deploy the API component.
  - `infoConfig`: The /v3/info endpoint configuration.
    - `custom`: `custom` attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
    - `description` (_String_): `description` attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
    - `minCLIVersion` (_String_): `minimum` CLI version attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
    - `name` (_String_): `name` attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
    - `recommendedCLIVersion` (_String_): `recommended` CLI version attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
    - `supportAddress` (_String_): `support` attribute in the /v3/info endpoint
  - `lifecycle`: Default lifecycle for apps.
    - `stack` (_String_): Stack.
    - `type` (_String_): Lifecycle type (only `buildpack` accepted currently).
  - `nodeSelector`: Node labels for korifi-api pod assignment.
  - `replicas` (_Integer_): Number of replicas.
  - `resources`: [`ResourceRequirements`]( for the API.
    - `limits`: Resource limits.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU limit.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory limit.
    - `requests`: Resource requests.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU request.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory request.
  - `tolerations` (_Array_): Korifi-api pod tolerations for taints.
  - `userCertificateExpirationWarningDuration` (_String_): Issue a warning if the user certificate provided for login has a long expiry. See [`time.ParseDuration`]( for details on the format.
- `containerRegistrySecret` (_String_): Deprecated in favor of containerRegistrySecrets.
- `containerRegistrySecrets` (_Array_): List of `Secret` names to use when pushing or pulling from package, droplet and kpack builder repositories. Required if eksContainerRegistryRoleARN not set. Ignored if eksContainerRegistryRoleARN is set.
- `containerRepositoryPrefix` (_String_): The prefix of the container repository where package and droplet images will be pushed. This is suffixed with the app GUID and `-packages` or `-droplets`. For example, a value of `` will result in `<appGUID>-packages` and `<appGUID>-droplets` being pushed.
- `controllers`:
  - `extraVCAPApplicationValues`: Key-value pairs that are going to be set in the VCAP_APPLICATION env var on apps. Nested values are not supported.
  - `image` (_String_): Reference to the controllers container image.
  - `maxRetainedBuildsPerApp` (_Integer_): How many staged builds to keep, excluding the app's current droplet. Older staged builds will be deleted, along with their corresponding container images.
  - `maxRetainedPackagesPerApp` (_Integer_): How many 'ready' packages to keep, excluding the package associated with the app's current droplet. Older 'ready' packages will be deleted, along with their corresponding container images.
  - `namespaceLabels`: Key-value pairs that are going to be set as labels on the namespaces created by Korifi.
  - `nodeSelector`: Node labels for korifi-controllers pod assignment.
  - `processDefaults`:
    - `diskQuotaMB` (_Integer_): Default disk quota for the `web` process.
    - `memoryMB` (_Integer_): Default memory limit for the `web` process.
  - `replicas` (_Integer_): Number of replicas.
  - `resources`: [`ResourceRequirements`]( for the API.
    - `limits`: Resource limits.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU limit.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory limit.
    - `requests`: Resource requests.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU request.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory request.
  - `taskTTL` (_String_): How long before the `CFTask` object is deleted after the task has completed. See [`time.ParseDuration`]( for details on the format, an additional `d` suffix for days is supported.
  - `tolerations` (_Array_): Korifi-controllers pod tolerations for taints.
  - `workloadsTLSSecret` (_String_): TLS secret used when setting up an app routes.
- `debug` (_Boolean_): Enables remote debugging with [Delve](
- `defaultAppDomainName` (_String_): Base domain name for application URLs.
- `eksContainerRegistryRoleARN` (_String_): Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to use to access the ECR registry from an EKS deployed Korifi. Required if containerRegistrySecret not set.
- `experimental`: Experimental features. Make sure you do not enable those on production. No guarantee provided! Backwards incompatible changes in future are quite probable!
  - `managedServices`:
    - `include` (_Boolean_): Enable managed services support
- `generateIngressCertificates` (_Boolean_): Use `cert-manager` to generate self-signed certificates for the API and app endpoints.
- `helm`:
  - `hooksImage` (_String_): Image for the helm hooks containing kubectl
- `jobTaskRunner`:
  - `include` (_Boolean_): Deploy the `job-task-runner` component.
  - `jobTTL` (_String_): How long before the `Job` backing up a task is deleted after completion. See [`time.ParseDuration`]( for details on the format, an additional `d` suffix for days is supported.
  - `replicas` (_Integer_): Number of replicas.
  - `resources`: [`ResourceRequirements`]( for the API.
    - `limits`: Resource limits.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU limit.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory limit.
    - `requests`: Resource requests.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU request.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory request.
  - `temporarySetPodSeccompProfile` (_Boolean_): Sets the pod .spec.securityContext.seccompProfile to RuntimeDefault. Setting this flag to true will cause a restart of all previously running pods.
- `kpackImageBuilder`:
  - `builderReadinessTimeout` (_String_): The time that the kpack Builder will be waited for if not in ready state, berfore the build workload fails. See [`time.ParseDuration`]( for details on the format, an additional `d` suffix for days is supported.
  - `builderRepository` (_String_): Container image repository to store the `ClusterBuilder` image. Required when `clusterBuilderName` is not provided.
  - `clusterBuilderName` (_String_): The name of the `ClusterBuilder` Kpack has been configured with. Leave blank to let `kpack-image-builder` create an example `ClusterBuilder`.
  - `clusterStackBuildImage` (_String_): The image to use for building defined in the `ClusterStack`. Used when `clusterBuilderName` is blank.
  - `clusterStackID` (_String_): The ID of the `ClusterStack`. Used when `clusterBuilderName` is blank.
  - `clusterStackRunImage` (_String_): The image to use for running defined in the `ClusterStack`. Used when `clusterBuilderName` is blank.
  - `include` (_Boolean_): Deploy the `kpack-image-builder` component.
  - `replicas` (_Integer_): Number of replicas.
  - `resources`: [`ResourceRequirements`]( for the API.
    - `limits`: Resource limits.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU limit.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory limit.
    - `requests`: Resource requests.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU request.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory request.
- `logLevel` (_String_): Sets level of logging for api and controllers components. Can be 'info' or 'debug'.
- `networking`: Networking configuration
  - `gatewayClass` (_String_): The name of the GatewayClass Korifi Gateway references
- `reconcilers`:
  - `app` (_String_): ID of the workload runner to set on all `AppWorkload` objects. Defaults to `statefulset-runner`.
  - `build` (_String_): ID of the image builder to set on all `BuildWorkload` objects. Defaults to `kpack-image-builder`.
- `rootNamespace` (_String_): Root of the Cloud Foundry namespace hierarchy.
- `stagingRequirements`:
  - `buildCacheMB` (_Integer_): Persistent disk in MB for caching staging artifacts across builds.
  - `diskMB` (_Integer_): Ephemeral Disk request in MB for staging apps.
  - `memoryMB` (_Integer_): Memory request in MB for staging.
- `statefulsetRunner`:
  - `include` (_Boolean_): Deploy the `statefulset-runner` component.
  - `replicas` (_Integer_): Number of replicas.
  - `resources`: [`ResourceRequirements`]( for the API.
    - `limits`: Resource limits.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU limit.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory limit.
    - `requests`: Resource requests.
      - `cpu` (_String_): CPU request.
      - `memory` (_String_): Memory request.
  - `temporarySetPodSeccompProfile` (_Boolean_): Sets the pod .spec.securityContext.seccompProfile to RuntimeDefault. Setting this flag to true will cause a restart of all previously running pods.
- `systemImagePullSecrets` (_Array_): List of `Secret` names to be used when pulling Korifi system images from private registries