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35 mins
Test Coverage
package repositories

import (

    apierrors ""

    authv1 ""
    k8sclient ""


const SourceImageResourceType = "SourceImage"

//counterfeiter:generate -o fake -fake-name ImagePusher . ImagePusher

type ImagePusher interface {
    Push(ctx context.Context, creds image.Creds, repoRef string, zipReader io.Reader, tags ...string) (string, error)

type ImageRepository struct {
    privilegedK8sClient k8sclient.Interface
    userClientFactory   authorization.UserK8sClientFactory
    pusher              ImagePusher
    pushSecretNames     []string
    pushSecretNamespace string

func NewImageRepository(
    privilegedK8sClient k8sclient.Interface,
    userClientFactory authorization.UserK8sClientFactory,
    pusher ImagePusher,
    pushSecretNames []string,
    pushSecretNamespace string,
) *ImageRepository {
    return &ImageRepository{
        privilegedK8sClient: privilegedK8sClient,
        userClientFactory:   userClientFactory,
        pusher:              pusher,
        pushSecretNames:     pushSecretNames,
        pushSecretNamespace: pushSecretNamespace,

func (r *ImageRepository) UploadSourceImage(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, imageRef string, srcReader io.Reader, spaceGUID string, tags ...string) (string, error) {
    authorized, err := r.canIPatchCFPackage(ctx, authInfo, spaceGUID)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("checking auth to upload source image for failed: %w", err)

    if !authorized {
        return "", apierrors.NewForbiddenError(errors.New("not authorized to patch cfpackage"), PackageResourceType)

    _, err = name.ParseReference(imageRef)
    if err != nil {
        return "", apierrors.NewUnprocessableEntityError(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid image ref: %q", imageRef))

    pushedRef, err := r.pusher.Push(ctx, image.Creds{
        Namespace:   r.pushSecretNamespace,
        SecretNames: r.pushSecretNames,
    }, imageRef, srcReader, tags...)
    if err != nil {
        return "", apierrors.NewBlobstoreUnavailableError(fmt.Errorf("pushing image ref '%s' failed: %w", imageRef, err))

    return pushedRef, nil

func (r *ImageRepository) canIPatchCFPackage(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, spaceGUID string) (bool, error) {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("canIPatchCFPackage: failed to create user k8s client: %w", err)

    review := authv1.SelfSubjectAccessReview{
        Spec: authv1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec{
            ResourceAttributes: &authv1.ResourceAttributes{
                Namespace: spaceGUID,
                Verb:      "patch",
                Group:     "",
                Resource:  "cfpackages",
    if err := userClient.Create(ctx, &review); err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("canIPatchCFPackage: failed to create self subject access review: %w", apierrors.FromK8sError(err, PackageResourceType))

    return review.Status.Allowed, nil