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package repositories

import (

    apierrors ""
    korifiv1alpha1 ""

    v1 ""
    k8serrors ""
    metav1 ""

const (
    RouteResourceType = "Route"
    RoutePrefix       = "cf-route-"

type RouteRepo struct {
    namespaceRetriever   NamespaceRetriever
    userClientFactory    authorization.UserK8sClientFactory
    namespacePermissions *authorization.NamespacePermissions

func NewRouteRepo(namespaceRetriever NamespaceRetriever, userClientFactory authorization.UserK8sClientFactory, authPerms *authorization.NamespacePermissions) *RouteRepo {
    return &RouteRepo{
        namespaceRetriever:   namespaceRetriever,
        userClientFactory:    userClientFactory,
        namespacePermissions: authPerms,

type DestinationRecord struct {
    GUID        string
    AppGUID     string
    ProcessType string
    Port        *int
    Protocol    *string
    // Weight intentionally omitted as experimental features

type RouteRecord struct {
    GUID         string
    SpaceGUID    string
    Domain       DomainRecord
    Host         string
    Path         string
    Protocol     string
    Destinations []DestinationRecord
    Labels       map[string]string
    Annotations  map[string]string
    CreatedAt    time.Time
    UpdatedAt    *time.Time
    DeletedAt    *time.Time

type AddDestinationsToRouteMessage struct {
    RouteGUID            string
    SpaceGUID            string
    ExistingDestinations []DestinationRecord
    NewDestinations      []DestinationMessage

type RemoveDestinationFromRouteMessage struct {
    RouteGUID       string
    SpaceGUID       string
    DestinationGuid string

type DestinationMessage struct {
    AppGUID     string
    ProcessType string
    Port        *int
    Protocol    *string
    // Weight intentionally omitted as experimental features

type PatchRouteMetadataMessage struct {
    RouteGUID string
    SpaceGUID string

func (m DestinationMessage) toCFDestination() korifiv1alpha1.Destination {
    return korifiv1alpha1.Destination{
        GUID: uuid.NewString(),
        Port: m.Port,
        AppRef: v1.LocalObjectReference{
            Name: m.AppGUID,
        ProcessType: m.ProcessType,
        Protocol:    m.Protocol,

type ListRoutesMessage struct {
    AppGUIDs    []string
    SpaceGUIDs  []string
    DomainGUIDs []string
    Hosts       []string
    Paths       []string

type CreateRouteMessage struct {
    Host            string
    Path            string
    SpaceGUID       string
    DomainGUID      string
    DomainName      string
    DomainNamespace string
    Labels          map[string]string
    Annotations     map[string]string

type DeleteRouteMessage struct {
    GUID      string
    SpaceGUID string

func (m CreateRouteMessage) toCFRoute() korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute {
    return korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute{
        TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
            Kind:       Kind,
            APIVersion: APIVersion,
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:        RoutePrefix + uuid.NewString(),
            Namespace:   m.SpaceGUID,
            Labels:      m.Labels,
            Annotations: m.Annotations,
        Spec: korifiv1alpha1.CFRouteSpec{
            Host:     m.Host,
            Path:     m.Path,
            Protocol: "http",
            DomainRef: v1.ObjectReference{
                Name:      m.DomainGUID,
                Namespace: m.DomainNamespace,

func (r *RouteRepo) GetRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, routeGUID string) (RouteRecord, error) {
    ns, err := r.namespaceRetriever.NamespaceFor(ctx, routeGUID, RouteResourceType)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get namespace for route: %w", err)

    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    var route korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute
    err = userClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: ns, Name: routeGUID}, &route)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get route %q: %w", routeGUID, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))

    return cfRouteToRouteRecord(route), nil

func (r *RouteRepo) ListRoutes(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message ListRoutesMessage) ([]RouteRecord, error) {
    nsList, err := r.namespacePermissions.GetAuthorizedSpaceNamespaces(ctx, authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list namespaces for spaces with user role bindings: %w", err)

    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return []RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    preds := []func(korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) bool{
        SetPredicate(message.DomainGUIDs, func(s korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) string { return s.Spec.DomainRef.Name }),
        SetPredicate(message.Hosts, func(s korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) string { return s.Spec.Host }),
        SetPredicate(message.Paths, func(s korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) string { return s.Spec.Path }),
    if len(message.AppGUIDs) > 0 {
        appGUIDsSet := NewSet(message.AppGUIDs...)
        preds = append(preds, func(r korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) bool {
            for _, dest := range r.Spec.Destinations {
                if appGUIDsSet.Includes(dest.AppRef.Name) {
                    return true
            return false

    filteredRoutes := []korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute{}
    spaceGUIDSet := NewSet(message.SpaceGUIDs...)
    for ns := range nsList {
        if len(spaceGUIDSet) > 0 && !spaceGUIDSet.Includes(ns) {

        cfRouteList := &korifiv1alpha1.CFRouteList{}
        err := userClient.List(ctx, cfRouteList, client.InNamespace(ns))
        if k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
        if err != nil {
            return []RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to list routes namespace %s: %w", ns, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))
        filteredRoutes = append(filteredRoutes, Filter(cfRouteList.Items, preds...)...)

    return returnRouteList(filteredRoutes), nil

func (r *RouteRepo) ListRoutesForApp(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, appGUID string, spaceGUID string) ([]RouteRecord, error) {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return []RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    cfRouteList := &korifiv1alpha1.CFRouteList{}
    err = userClient.List(ctx, cfRouteList, client.InNamespace(spaceGUID))
    if err != nil {
        return []RouteRecord{}, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType)
    filteredRouteList := filterByAppDestination(cfRouteList.Items, appGUID)

    return returnRouteList(filteredRouteList), nil

func filterByAppDestination(routeList []korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute, appGUID string) []korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute {
    var filtered []korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute

    for i, route := range routeList {
        if len(route.Spec.Destinations) == 0 {
        for _, destination := range route.Spec.Destinations {
            if destination.AppRef.Name == appGUID {
                filtered = append(filtered, routeList[i])

    return filtered

func returnRouteList(routeList []korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) []RouteRecord {
    routeRecords := make([]RouteRecord, 0, len(routeList))

    for _, route := range routeList {
        routeRecords = append(routeRecords, cfRouteToRouteRecord(route))
    return routeRecords

func cfRouteToRouteRecord(cfRoute korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) RouteRecord {
    return RouteRecord{
        GUID:      cfRoute.Name,
        SpaceGUID: cfRoute.Namespace,
        Domain: DomainRecord{
            GUID: cfRoute.Spec.DomainRef.Name,
        Host:         cfRoute.Spec.Host,
        Path:         cfRoute.Spec.Path,
        Protocol:     "http", // TODO: Create a mutating webhook to set this default on the CFRoute
        Destinations: cfRouteDestinationsToDestinationRecords(cfRoute),
        CreatedAt:    cfRoute.CreationTimestamp.Time,
        UpdatedAt:    getLastUpdatedTime(&cfRoute),
        DeletedAt:    golangTime(cfRoute.DeletionTimestamp),
        Labels:       cfRoute.Labels,
        Annotations:  cfRoute.Annotations,

func cfRouteDestinationsToDestinationRecords(cfRoute korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute) []DestinationRecord {
    result := []DestinationRecord{}

    for _, specDestination := range cfRoute.Spec.Destinations {
        record := DestinationRecord{
            GUID:        specDestination.GUID,
            AppGUID:     specDestination.AppRef.Name,
            ProcessType: specDestination.ProcessType,
            Port:        specDestination.Port,
            Protocol:    specDestination.Protocol,

        if record.Port == nil {
            effectiveDestination := findEffectiveDestination(specDestination.GUID, cfRoute.Status.Destinations)
            if effectiveDestination != nil {
                record.Protocol = effectiveDestination.Protocol
                record.Port = effectiveDestination.Port

        result = append(result, record)

    return result

func findEffectiveDestination(destGUID string, effectiveDestinations []korifiv1alpha1.Destination) *korifiv1alpha1.Destination {
    for _, dest := range effectiveDestinations {
        if dest.GUID == destGUID {
            return &dest

    return nil

func (r *RouteRepo) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message CreateRouteMessage) (RouteRecord, error) {
    cfRoute := message.toCFRoute()
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    err = userClient.Create(ctx, &cfRoute)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType)

    return cfRouteToRouteRecord(cfRoute), nil

func (r *RouteRepo) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message DeleteRouteMessage) error {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)
    err = userClient.Delete(ctx, &korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      message.GUID,
            Namespace: message.SpaceGUID,

    return apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType)

func (r *RouteRepo) GetOrCreateRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message CreateRouteMessage) (RouteRecord, error) {
    existingRecord, exists, err := r.fetchRouteByFields(ctx, authInfo, message)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("GetOrCreateRoute: %w", err)

    if exists {
        return existingRecord, nil

    return r.CreateRoute(ctx, authInfo, message)

func (r *RouteRepo) AddDestinationsToRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message AddDestinationsToRouteMessage) (RouteRecord, error) {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    cfRoute := &korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      message.RouteGUID,
            Namespace: message.SpaceGUID,
    err = k8s.PatchResource(ctx, userClient, cfRoute, func() {
        cfRoute.Spec.Destinations = mergeDestinations(message.ExistingDestinations, message.NewDestinations)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to add destination to route %q: %w", message.RouteGUID, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))

    return cfRouteToRouteRecord(*cfRoute), err

func (r *RouteRepo) RemoveDestinationFromRoute(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message RemoveDestinationFromRouteMessage) (RouteRecord, error) {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    cfRoute := &korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      message.RouteGUID,
            Namespace: message.SpaceGUID,
    err = userClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(cfRoute), cfRoute)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get route: %w", apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))

    oldCfRoute := cfRoute.DeepCopy()

    updatedDestinations := []korifiv1alpha1.Destination{}
    for _, dest := range cfRoute.Spec.Destinations {
        if dest.GUID != message.DestinationGuid {
            updatedDestinations = append(updatedDestinations, dest)

    if len(updatedDestinations) == len(cfRoute.Spec.Destinations) {
        return RouteRecord{}, apierrors.NewUnprocessableEntityError(nil, "Unable to unmap route from destination. Ensure the route has a destination with this guid.")
    cfRoute.Spec.Destinations = updatedDestinations

    err = userClient.Patch(ctx, cfRoute, client.MergeFrom(oldCfRoute))
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove destination from route %q: %w", message.RouteGUID, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))

    return cfRouteToRouteRecord(*cfRoute), err

func mergeDestinations(existingDestinations []DestinationRecord, desiredDestinations []DestinationMessage) []korifiv1alpha1.Destination {
    destinations := destinationRecordsToCFDestinations(existingDestinations)

    for _, desired := range desiredDestinations {
        if contains(destinations, desired) {

        destinations = append(destinations, desired.toCFDestination())

    return destinations

func contains(existingDestinations []korifiv1alpha1.Destination, desired DestinationMessage) bool {
    for _, dest := range existingDestinations {
        if desired.AppGUID == dest.AppRef.Name &&
            desired.ProcessType == dest.ProcessType &&
            equal(desired.Port, dest.Port) &&
            equal(desired.Protocol, dest.Protocol) {
            return true

    return false

func equal[T comparable](v1, v2 *T) bool {
    if v1 == nil && v2 == nil {
        return true

    if v1 != nil && v2 != nil {
        return *v1 == *v2

    return false

func (r *RouteRepo) fetchRouteByFields(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message CreateRouteMessage) (RouteRecord, bool, error) {
    matches, err := r.ListRoutes(ctx, authInfo, ListRoutesMessage{
        SpaceGUIDs:  []string{message.SpaceGUID},
        DomainGUIDs: []string{message.DomainGUID},
        Hosts:       []string{message.Host},
        Paths:       []string{message.Path},
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, false, err

    if len(matches) == 0 {
        return RouteRecord{}, false, nil

    return matches[0], true, nil

func destinationRecordsToCFDestinations(destinationRecords []DestinationRecord) []korifiv1alpha1.Destination {
    var destinations []korifiv1alpha1.Destination
    for _, destinationRecord := range destinationRecords {
        destinations = append(destinations, korifiv1alpha1.Destination{
            GUID: destinationRecord.GUID,
            Port: destinationRecord.Port,
            AppRef: v1.LocalObjectReference{
                Name: destinationRecord.AppGUID,
            ProcessType: destinationRecord.ProcessType,
            Protocol:    destinationRecord.Protocol,

    return destinations

func (r *RouteRepo) PatchRouteMetadata(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, message PatchRouteMetadataMessage) (RouteRecord, error) {
    userClient, err := r.userClientFactory.BuildClient(authInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to build user client: %w", err)

    route := new(korifiv1alpha1.CFRoute)
    err = userClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: message.SpaceGUID, Name: message.RouteGUID}, route)
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get route: %w", apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType))

    err = k8s.PatchResource(ctx, userClient, route, func() {
    if err != nil {
        return RouteRecord{}, apierrors.FromK8sError(err, RouteResourceType)

    return cfRouteToRouteRecord(*route), nil

func (r *RouteRepo) GetDeletedAt(ctx context.Context, authInfo authorization.Info, routeGUID string) (*time.Time, error) {
    route, err := r.GetRoute(ctx, authInfo, routeGUID)
    return route.DeletedAt, err