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Test Coverage
package v1alpha1

import (
    corev1 ""

const (
    CFAppGUIDLabelKey        = ""
    CFAppRevisionKey         = ""
    CFAppLastStopRevisionKey = ""
    CFAppRevisionKeyDefault  = "0"
    CFPackageGUIDLabelKey    = ""
    CFBuildGUIDLabelKey      = ""
    CFProcessGUIDLabelKey    = ""
    CFProcessTypeLabelKey    = ""
    CFDomainGUIDLabelKey     = ""
    CFRouteGUIDLabelKey      = ""
    CFTaskGUIDLabelKey       = ""

    StagingConditionType   = "Staging"
    SucceededConditionType = "Succeeded"

    PropagateRoleBindingAnnotation    = ""
    PropagateServiceAccountAnnotation = ""
    PropagateDeletionAnnotation       = ""
    PropagatedFromLabel               = ""

type Lifecycle struct {
    // The CF Lifecycle type.
    // Only "buildpack" and "docker" are currently allowed
    Type LifecycleType `json:"type"`
    // Data used to specify details for the Lifecycle
    Data LifecycleData `json:"data"`

// LifecycleType inform the platform of how to build droplets and run apps
// allow only values "buildpack" or "docker"
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=buildpack;docker
type LifecycleType string

// LifecycleData is shared by CFApp and CFBuild
type LifecycleData struct {
    // Buildpacks to include in auto-detection when building the app image.
    // If no values are specified, then all available buildpacks will be used for auto-detection
    Buildpacks []string `json:"buildpacks,omitempty"`

    // Stack to use when building the app image
    Stack string `json:"stack"`

// Registry is used by CFPackage and CFBuild/Droplet to identify Registry and secrets to access the image provided
type Registry struct {
    // The location of the source image
    Image string `json:"image"`
    // A list of secrets required to pull the image from its repository
    ImagePullSecrets []corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"imagePullSecrets,omitempty"`

// RequiredLocalObjectReference is a reference to an object in the same namespace.
// Unlike, name is required.
type RequiredLocalObjectReference struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`