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Test Coverage
# Strategy for Testing Frameworks

Date: 2021-08-27

## Status


## Context

Now that we are working on the cf-on-k8s project in earnest, we have the opportunity with a clean slate to decide on testing frameworks for our projects.

After investigating other Kubernetes projects, we landed on [ginkgo]( and [spec]( as potential testing framework candidates.

For matchers, we decided to stick with the standard [gomega](

### Ginkgo

Ginkgo uses Go's testing package and can live alongside your existing testing tests. Ginkgo allows you to write tests in Go using expressive [Behavior-Driven Development]( ("BDD") style.

* Pro: We know this one well and it supports the BDD testing style we’re familiar with from Rspec
* Con: It doesn’t support Go 1.7+ subtests, so the output isn’t very friendly when run via `go test` instead of the “ginkgo” command. This mostly affects IDE integrations, and fixed for Goland with

### Spec

Spec is a simple BDD test organizer for Go. It minimally extends the standard library testing package by facilitating easy organization of Go 1.7+ [subtests](

* Pro: Goes to complex lengths internally to avoid test pollution, which can be a tricky problem in ginkgo.
* Pro: Stephen Levine works for VMware on the buildpacks team and has historically been very helpful when we’ve had questions
* Con: the documentation is lacking

Comparing the two, we had the following questions and concerns:
* **Who are our contributors?**
  * Existing CF users/contributors would be most likely to contribute initially
  * Eventually members of the wider Kubernetes community
* **Concern about Go 1.7+ subtest support in Ginkgo**
  * Mostly affects IDE though
* **Ginkgo can be a blocker to community engagement as a library not as commonly used in the Go community**
* **Not many complaints against BDD itself (e.g. “when x,y,z, it does…”)**
  * There may be some traction with the sclevine/spec library in the buildpacks community

## Decision

The cf-k8s-controller project will use spec as its testing framework and gomega for matching.

## Consequences
* Kubebuilder generates ginkgo tests by default, there will be inital overhead to convert them to spec.