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package k8s

import (


type ObjectWithDeepCopy[T any] interface {

    DeepCopy() *T

// Patch updates k8s objects by subsequently calling k8s client `Patch()` and
// `Status().Patch()` The `modify` lambda is expected to mutate the `obj` but
// does not take the object as an argument as the object should be visible in
// the parent scope
// Example:
//    var pod *corev1.Pod
//    patchErr = k8s.Patch(ctx, fakeClient, pod, func() {
//        pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = corev1.RestartPolicyOnFailure
//        pod.Status.Message = "hello"
//    })
// Note that this function should be used when current user has permissions to
// patch both object's spec and status, e.g. in controllers context
func Patch[T any, PT ObjectWithDeepCopy[T]](
    ctx context.Context,
    k8sClient client.Client,
    obj PT,
    modify func(),
) error {
    objCopy := PT(obj.DeepCopy())


    // Deep copy the original object after the modification is performed so
    // that we capture status modifications We need to do that because the
    // object patch below modifies the obj parameter to reflect the state in
    // etcd, i.e. clears all modifications on the status
    modifiedObj := PT(obj.DeepCopy())

    objHasStatus, err := hasStatus(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = k8sClient.Patch(ctx, obj, client.MergeFrom(objCopy))
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("patching-main-obj-failed: %w", err)

    if objHasStatus {
        err = k8sClient.Status().Patch(ctx, modifiedObj, client.MergeFrom(objCopy))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("patching-status-failed: %w", err)

        // Now that we have patched the status using the intermediate object
        // copy, we need to set it onto the original
        return copyInto(modifiedObj, obj)

    return nil

// PatchResource updates k8s objects by calling k8s client `Patch`. It does not
// patch the object status which makes it convenient to use in contexts where
// the current user is not permitted to patch the status, such as within the
// api repositories. The `modify` lambda is expected to mutate the `obj` but
// does not take the object as an argument as the object should be visible in
// the parent scope Example:
//    var pod *corev1.Pod
//    patchErr = k8s.PatchResource(ctx, fakeClient, pod, func() {
//      pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = corev1.RestartPolicyOnFailure
//    })
// Note that this function should be used when current user has permissions to
// patch both object's spec and status, e.g. in controllers context
func PatchResource[T any, PT ObjectWithDeepCopy[T]](
    ctx context.Context,
    k8sClient client.Client,
    obj PT,
    modify func(),
) error {
    originalObj := PT(obj.DeepCopy())


    return k8sClient.Patch(ctx, obj, client.MergeFrom(originalObj))

func hasStatus(obj runtime.Object) (bool, error) {
    unstructuredObj, err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.ToUnstructured(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    _, hasStatusField := unstructuredObj["status"]
    return hasStatusField, nil

func copyInto(sourceObj, targetObj runtime.Object) error {
    unstructuredSource, err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.ToUnstructured(sourceObj)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(unstructuredSource, targetObj)