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package datastore

import (


// NOTE: This migration script has been modified
// We originally had a triiger, which is removed in a later migration script
// This requires a certain level of privilege to create, so it has been removed in this scipt for new installs.
// Upgrades will still remove the trigger if it exists

func init() {
    RegisterMigration(20190522121200, "LocalUsers", func(txn *sql.Tx, conf *goose.DBConf) error {
        binaryDataType := "BYTEA"
        if strings.Contains(conf.Driver.Name, "mysql") {
            binaryDataType = "BLOB"

        //Add auth_endpoint_type to console_config table - allows ability to enable local users.
        addColumn := "ALTER TABLE console_config ADD auth_endpoint_type VARCHAR(255);"
        _, err := txn.Exec(addColumn)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        createLocalUsers := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS local_users ("
        createLocalUsers += "user_guid     VARCHAR(36) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
        createLocalUsers += "password_hash " + binaryDataType + "       NOT NULL, "
        createLocalUsers += "user_name     VARCHAR(128)  UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
        createLocalUsers += "user_email    VARCHAR(254), "
        createLocalUsers += "user_scope    VARCHAR(64), "
        createLocalUsers += "last_login    TIMESTAMP, "
        createLocalUsers += "last_updated  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "
        createLocalUsers += "PRIMARY KEY (user_guid) )"

        //Configure Postgres migration options
        if strings.Contains(conf.Driver.Name, "postgres") {
            createLocalUsers += " WITH (OIDS=FALSE);"
        } else {
            createLocalUsers += ";"

        _, err = txn.Exec(createLocalUsers)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        createIndex := "CREATE INDEX local_users_user_guid ON local_users (user_guid);"
        _, err = txn.Exec(createIndex)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        createIndex = "CREATE INDEX local_users_user_name ON local_users (user_name);"
        _, err = txn.Exec(createIndex)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        return nil