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package auth

import (

    // ""
    log ""
    clientcmdapi ""


// AWSIAMUserInfo is the user info needed to connect to AWS Kubernetes
type AWSIAMUserInfo struct {
    Cluster   string `json:"cluster"`
    AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
    SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`

// AWSKubeAuth is AWS IAM Authentication for Kubernetes
type AWSKubeAuth struct {
    portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy

const authConnectTypeAWSIAM = "aws-iam"

// InitAWSKubeAuth creates a GKEKubeAuth
func InitAWSKubeAuth(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) KubeAuthProvider {
    return &AWSKubeAuth{portalProxy: portalProxy}

// GetName returns the Auth Provider name
func (c *AWSKubeAuth) GetName() string {
    return authConnectTypeAWSIAM

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) AddAuthInfo(info *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, tokenRec interfaces.TokenRecord) error {
    awsInfo := &AWSIAMUserInfo{}
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(tokenRec.RefreshToken), &awsInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // NOTE: We really should check first to see if the token has expired before we try and get another

    // Get an access token
    token, err := c.getTokenIAM(*awsInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Could not get new token using the IAM info: %v+", err)

    info.Token = token
    return nil

func (c *AWSIAMUserInfo) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) {
    return credentials.Value{
        AccessKeyID:     c.AccessKey,
        SecretAccessKey: c.SecretKey,
    }, nil

func (c *AWSIAMUserInfo) IsExpired() bool {
    return true

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) FetchToken(cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, ec echo.Context) (*interfaces.TokenRecord, *interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {

    // Place the IAM properties into a JSON Struct and store that in the Refresh Token
    // Then use the refresh method to get a current access token
    cluster := ec.FormValue("cluster")
    accessKey := ec.FormValue("access_key")
    secretKey := ec.FormValue("secret_key")

    if len(cluster) == 0 || len(accessKey) == 0 || len(secretKey) == 0 {
        return nil, nil, errors.New("Need cluster, access key and secret key")

    info := AWSIAMUserInfo{
        Cluster:   cluster,
        AccessKey: accessKey,
        SecretKey: secretKey,

    jsonString, err := json.Marshal(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    refreshToken := string(jsonString)

    // Use the AWS IAM library to get a token
    accessToken, err := c.getTokenIAM(info)

    // Tokens last 15 minutes
    expiry := time.Now().Local().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(15))

    tokenRecord := c.portalProxy.InitEndpointTokenRecord(expiry.Unix(), accessToken, refreshToken, false)
    tokenRecord.AuthType = authConnectTypeAWSIAM
    return &tokenRecord, &cnsiRecord, nil

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) GetUserFromToken(cnsiGUID string, cfTokenRecord *interfaces.TokenRecord) (*interfaces.ConnectedUser, bool) {
    return &interfaces.ConnectedUser{
        GUID: "AWS IAM",
        Name: "IAM",
    }, true

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) getTokenIAM(info AWSIAMUserInfo) (string, error) {
    generator, err := token.NewGenerator(false)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("AWS IAM: Failed to create generator due to %+v", err)

    sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
        AssumeRoleTokenProvider: token.StdinStderrTokenProvider,
        SharedConfigState:       session.SharedConfigEnable,
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("AWS IAM: Failed to create new session %+v", err)

    creds := credentials.NewCredentials(&info)
    stsAPI := sts.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
    tok, err := generator.GetWithSTS(info.Cluster, stsAPI)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("AWS IAM: Failed to get token due to: %+v ", err)

    // Got the token
    return tok.Token, nil

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) RegisterJetstreamAuthType(portal interfaces.PortalProxy) {
    // Register auth type with Jetstream
    c.portalProxy.AddAuthProvider(c.GetName(), interfaces.AuthProvider{
        Handler:  c.DoFlowRequest,
        UserInfo: c.GetUserFromToken,

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) DoFlowRequest(cnsiRequest *interfaces.CNSIRequest, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {

    authHandler := c.portalProxy.OAuthHandlerFunc(cnsiRequest, req, c.RefreshIAMToken)
    return c.portalProxy.DoAuthFlowRequest(cnsiRequest, req, authHandler)

func (c *AWSKubeAuth) RefreshIAMToken(skipSSLValidation bool, cnsiGUID, userGUID, client, clientSecret, tokenEndpoint string) (t interfaces.TokenRecord, err error) {

    userToken, ok := c.portalProxy.GetCNSITokenRecordWithDisconnected(cnsiGUID, userGUID)
    if !ok {
        return t, fmt.Errorf("Info could not be found for user with GUID %s", userGUID)

    // Refresh token is the IAM info
    var iamInfo AWSIAMUserInfo
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(userToken.RefreshToken), &iamInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return userToken, fmt.Errorf("Could not get the IAM info from the refresh token: %v+", err)

    token, err := c.getTokenIAM(iamInfo)
    if err != nil {
        return userToken, fmt.Errorf("Could not get new token using the IAM info: %v+", err)

    userToken.AuthToken = token
    return userToken, nil