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package dashboard

import (

const stratosServiceAccountSelector = "stratos-role%3Dkubernetes-dashboard-user"

// KubeDashboardStatus will determine if the specified Kube endpoint has the dashboard installed and ready
func KubeDashboardStatus(p interfaces.PortalProxy, endpointGUID, userGUID string, includeToken bool) (*StatusResponse, error) {

    status := &StatusResponse{
        Endpoint:  endpointGUID,
        Installed: false,
        Running:   false,
        HasToken:  false,
        StratosInstalled: false,

    pod, err := getKubeDashboardPod(p, endpointGUID, userGUID, "app%3Dkubernetes-dashboard")
    if err != nil {
        pod, err = getKubeDashboardPod(p, endpointGUID, userGUID, "k8s-app%3Dkubernetes-dashboard")

    status.Pod = pod
    if err == nil {
        status.Installed = true
        status.Running = (pod.Status.Phase == "Running")

        // Get the image name
        if len(pod.Spec.Containers) == 1 {
            status.Version = pod.Spec.Containers[0].Image

    svc, err := getKubeDashboardServiceInfo(p, endpointGUID, userGUID)
    if err == nil {
        status.Service = &svc
        status.StratosInstalled = svc.StratosInstalled

    svcAccount, err := getKubeDashboardServiceAccount(p, endpointGUID, userGUID, stratosServiceAccountSelector)
    status.ServiceAccont = svcAccount
    if err == nil && includeToken {
        token, err := getKubeDashboardSecretToken(p, endpointGUID, userGUID, svcAccount)
        if err == nil {
            status.HasToken = true
            status.Token = token

    return status, nil