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Test Coverage
package metrics

import (

    log ""

// Module init will register plugin
func init() {
    interfaces.AddPlugin("metrics", nil, Init)

// MetricsSpecification is a plugin to support the metrics endpoint type
type MetricsSpecification struct {
    portalProxy  interfaces.PortalProxy
    endpointType string

const (
    EndpointType  = "metrics"

type MetricsProviderMetadata struct {
    Type        string `json:"type"`
    URL         string `json:"url"`
    Job         string `json:"job,omitempty"`
    Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"`

type MetricsMetadata struct {
    Type         string
    URL          string
    Job          string
    EndpointGUID string
    Environment  string

type EndpointMetricsRelation struct {
    metrics  *MetricsMetadata
    endpoint *interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint

type PrometheusQueryResponse struct {
    Status string `json:"status"`
    Data   struct {
        ResultType string `json:"resultType"`
        Result     []struct {
            Metric struct {
                Name           string `json:"__name__,omitempty"`
                ApplicationID  string `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
                BoshDeployment string `json:"bosh_deployment,omitempty"`
                BoshJobID      string `json:"bosh_job_id,omitempty"`
                BoshJobName    string `json:"bosh_job_name,omitempty"`
                Environment    string `json:"environment,omitempty"`
                Instance       string `json:"instance,omitempty"`
                InstanceIndex  string `json:"instance_index,omitempty"`
                Job            string `json:"job,omitempty"`
                Origin         string `json:"origin,omitempty"`
            } `json:"metric"`
            Value []interface{} `json:"value"`
        } `json:"result"`
    } `json:"data"`

type MetricsAuth struct {
    Type     string
    Username string
    Password string

// Init creates a new MetricsSpecification
func Init(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {
    return &MetricsSpecification{portalProxy: portalProxy, endpointType: EndpointType}, nil

// GetEndpointPlugin gets the endpoint plugin for this plugin
func (m *MetricsSpecification) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return m, nil

// GetRoutePlugin gets the route plugin for this plugin
func (m *MetricsSpecification) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return m, nil

// GetMiddlewarePlugin gets the middleware plugin for this plugin
func (m *MetricsSpecification) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented!")

// AddAdminGroupRoutes adds the admin routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (m *MetricsSpecification) AddAdminGroupRoutes(echoContext *echo.Group) {
    echoContext.GET("/metrics/kubernetes/:podName/:op", m.getPodMetrics)

// AddSessionGroupRoutes adds the session routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (m *MetricsSpecification) AddSessionGroupRoutes(echoContext *echo.Group) {
    echoContext.GET("/metrics/cf/app/:appId/:op", m.getCloudFoundryAppMetrics)

    // Note: User needs to be an admin of the given Cloud Foundry to retrieve metrics
    echoContext.GET("/metrics/cf/cells/:op", m.getCloudFoundryCellMetrics)
    echoContext.GET("/metrics/cf/:op", m.getCloudFoundryMetrics)

func (m *MetricsSpecification) GetType() string {
    return EndpointType

func (m *MetricsSpecification) GetClientId() string {
    return m.portalProxy.Env().String(CLIENT_ID_KEY, "metrics")

func (m *MetricsSpecification) Register(echoContext echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("Metrics Register...")
    return m.portalProxy.RegisterEndpoint(echoContext, m.Info)

func (m *MetricsSpecification) Validate(userGUID string, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, tokenRecord interfaces.TokenRecord) error {
    return nil

func (m *MetricsSpecification) Connect(ec echo.Context, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, userId string) (*interfaces.TokenRecord, bool, error) {
    log.Debug("Metrics Connect...")

    params := new(interfaces.LoginToCNSIParams)
    err := interfaces.BindOnce(params, ec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false, err

    connectType := params.ConnectType
    auth := &MetricsAuth{
        Type: connectType,

    switch connectType {
    case interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds:
        auth.Username = params.Username
        auth.Password = params.Password
        if connectType == interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds && (len(auth.Username) == 0 || len(auth.Password) == 0) {
            return nil, false, errors.New("Need username and password")
    case interfaces.AuthConnectTypeNone:
        auth.Username = "none"
        auth.Password = "none"
        return nil, false, errors.New("Only username/password or no authentication is accepted for Metrics endpoints")

    authString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", auth.Username, auth.Password)
    base64EncodedAuthString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(authString))

    tr := &interfaces.TokenRecord{
        AuthType:     interfaces.AuthTypeHttpBasic,
        AuthToken:    base64EncodedAuthString,
        RefreshToken: auth.Username,

    log.Debug("Looking for Stratos metrics metadata resource....")

    // Metadata indicates which Cloud Foundry/Kubernetes endpoints the metrics endpoint can supply data for
    metricsMetadataEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s/stratos", cnsiRecord.APIEndpoint)
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", metricsMetadataEndpoint, nil)
    if err != nil {
        msg := "Failed to create request for the Metrics Endpoint: %v"
        log.Errorf(msg, err)
        return nil, false, fmt.Errorf(msg, err)
    m.addAuth(req, auth)

    var h = m.portalProxy.GetHttpClient(cnsiRecord.SkipSSLValidation)
    res, err := h.Do(req)
    // Error performing the request?
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Error performing http request - response: %v, error: %v", res, err)
        errMessage := ""
        if res.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized {
            errMessage = ": Unauthorized"
        return nil, false, interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
            fmt.Sprintf("Could not connect to the endpoint%s", errMessage),
            "Could not connect to the endpoint: %s", err)

    defer res.Body.Close()

    // If we got anything other than a 200, then we did not find the Stratos Metrics metadata file
    if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        log.Debug("Did not find Stratos Metrics metadata file")
        log.Debug("Checking if this is a prometheus endpoint")
        // This could be a bosh-prometheus endpoint, verify that this is a prometheus endpoint
        statusEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/status/config", cnsiRecord.APIEndpoint)
        req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", statusEndpoint, nil)
        if err != nil {
            msg := "Failed to create request for the Metrics Endpoint: %v"
            log.Errorf(msg, err)
            return nil, false, fmt.Errorf(msg, err)
        m.addAuth(req, auth)

        // Get for /api/v1/status/config
        response, err := h.Do(req)
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Error fetching /api/v1/status/config - response: %v, error: %v", response, err)
            return nil, false, interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)

        defer response.Body.Close()
        if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
            log.Errorf("Error fetching /api/v1/status/config - response: %v, error: %v", response, err)
            return nil, false, interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)

        tr.Metadata, _ = m.createMetadata(cnsiRecord.APIEndpoint, h, auth)
        return tr, false, nil

    // We read the Stratos Metadata file ok
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    // Put the body in the token metadata
    tr.Metadata = string(body)

    return tr, false, nil

func (m *MetricsSpecification) addAuth(req *http.Request, auth *MetricsAuth) {
    if auth.Type == interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds {
        req.SetBasicAuth(url.QueryEscape(auth.Username), url.QueryEscape(auth.Password))

func (m *MetricsSpecification) createMetadata(metricEndpoint *url.URL, httpClient http.Client, auth *MetricsAuth) (string, error) {
    basicMetricRequest := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/query?query=firehose_total_metrics_received", metricEndpoint)
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", basicMetricRequest, nil)
    if err != nil {
        msg := "Failed to create request for the Metrics Endpoint: %v"
        log.Errorf(msg, err)
        return "", fmt.Errorf(msg, err)
    m.addAuth(req, auth)
    res, err := httpClient.Do(req)
    defer res.Body.Close()
    if err != nil || res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        log.Errorf("Error performing http request - response: %v, error: %v", res, err)
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)
    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Unexpected response: %v", err)
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)

    queryResponse := &PrometheusQueryResponse{}
    err = json.Unmarshal(body, queryResponse)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal response: %v", err)
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)
    if len(queryResponse.Data.Result) == 0 {
        log.Errorf("No series detecthed! No Firehose exporter currently connected")
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)

    if len(queryResponse.Data.Result) > 1 {
        log.Warnf("Multiple series detected, its possible multiple cloud-foundries are being monitored. Selecting the first one")

    if queryResponse.Data.Result[0].Metric.Environment == "" {
        log.Errorf("No environmnent detected in %v", queryResponse)
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)

    environment := queryResponse.Data.Result[0].Metric.Environment
    url := queryResponse.Data.Result[0].Metric.Environment
    job := queryResponse.Data.Result[0].Metric.Job

    // Ensure URL has wss:// prefix
    if !strings.HasPrefix(url, "wss://") {
        url = fmt.Sprintf("wss://%s", environment)

    // Array for case that metrics are provided for multiple endpoints
    var metricsMetadata []*MetricsProviderMetadata
    storeMetadata := &MetricsProviderMetadata{
        Type:        "cf",
        URL:         url,
        Job:         job,
        Environment: environment,
    metricsMetadata = append(metricsMetadata, storeMetadata)

    jsonMsg, err := json.Marshal(metricsMetadata)
    if err != nil {
        return "", interfaces.LogHTTPError(res, err)
    return string(jsonMsg), nil

// Init performs plugin initialization
func (m *MetricsSpecification) Init() error {
    return nil

func (m *MetricsSpecification) Info(apiEndpoint string, skipSSLValidation bool) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, interface{}, error) {
    log.Debug("Metrics Info")
    var v2InfoResponse interfaces.V2Info
    var newCNSI interfaces.CNSIRecord

    newCNSI.CNSIType = EndpointType

    _, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    var httpClient = m.portalProxy.GetHttpClient(skipSSLValidation)
    resp, err := httpClient.Get(apiEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    // Any error code >= 400 that is not 401 means something wrong
    if resp.StatusCode >= 400 && resp.StatusCode != 401 {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    newCNSI.TokenEndpoint = apiEndpoint
    newCNSI.AuthorizationEndpoint = apiEndpoint

    return newCNSI, v2InfoResponse, nil

func (m *MetricsSpecification) UpdateMetadata(info *interfaces.Info, userGUID string, echoContext echo.Context) {

    metricsProviders := make([]MetricsMetadata, 0)
    // Go through the metrics endpoints and get the corresponding services from the token metadata
    if metrics, ok := info.Endpoints[EndpointType]; ok {
        for _, endpoint := range metrics {
            // Parse out the metadata
            var m []MetricsProviderMetadata
            err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(endpoint.TokenMetadata), &m)
            if err == nil {
                for _, item := range m {
                    info := MetricsMetadata{}
                    info.EndpointGUID = endpoint.GUID
                    info.Type = item.Type
                    info.URL = item.URL
                    info.Job = item.Job
                    info.Environment = item.Environment
                    log.Debugf("Metrics provider: %+v", info)
                    metricsProviders = append(metricsProviders, info)

    // Go through again, annotate this time with which have metrics
    for _, values := range info.Endpoints {
        for _, endpoint := range values {
            // Look to see if we can find the metrics provider for this URL
            log.Debugf("Processing endpoint: %+v", endpoint.CNSIRecord)
            if provider, ok := hasMetricsProvider(metricsProviders, endpoint.DopplerLoggingEndpoint); ok {
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics"] = provider.EndpointGUID
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics_job"] = provider.Job
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics_environment"] = provider.Environment
            // For K8S
            if provider, ok := hasMetricsProvider(metricsProviders, endpoint.APIEndpoint.String()); ok {
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics"] = provider.EndpointGUID
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics_job"] = provider.Job
                endpoint.Metadata["metrics_environment"] = ""

func hasMetricsProvider(providers []MetricsMetadata, url string) (*MetricsMetadata, bool) {
    for _, provider := range providers {
        if compareURL(provider.URL, url) {
            return &provider, true
    return nil, false

// Compare two URLs, taking into account default HTTP/HTTPS ports and ignoring query string
func compareURL(a, b string) bool {

    ua, err := url.Parse(a)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    ub, err := url.Parse(b)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    aPort := getPort(ua)
    bPort := getPort(ub)

    aPath := trimPath(ua.Path)
    bPath := trimPath(ub.Path)

    return ua.Scheme == ub.Scheme && ua.Hostname() == ub.Hostname() && aPort == bPort && aPath == bPath

func getPort(u *url.URL) string {
    port := u.Port()
    if len(port) == 0 {
        switch u.Scheme {
        case "http":
            port = "80"
        case "https":
            port = "443"
            port = ""

    return port

func trimPath(path string) string {
    if strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
        return path[:len(path)-1]
    return path

func (m *MetricsSpecification) getMetricsEndpoints(userGUID string, cnsiList []string) (map[string]EndpointMetricsRelation, error) {

    metricsProviders := make([]MetricsMetadata, 0)
    endpointsMap := make(map[string]*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint)
    results := make(map[string]EndpointMetricsRelation)

    // Get Endpoints the user is connected to
    userEndpoints, err := m.portalProxy.ListEndpointsByUser(userGUID)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    allUserAccessibleEndpoints := userEndpoints

    // Get Endpoints that are shared in the system
    systemSharedEndpoints, err := m.portalProxy.ListEndpointsByUser(tokens.SystemSharedUserGuid)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, endpoint := range systemSharedEndpoints {
        allUserAccessibleEndpoints = append(allUserAccessibleEndpoints, endpoint)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, endpoint := range allUserAccessibleEndpoints {
        if stringInSlice(endpoint.GUID, cnsiList) {
            // Found the Endpoint, so add it to our list
            endpointsMap[endpoint.GUID] = endpoint
        } else if endpoint.CNSIType == "metrics" {
            // Parse out the metadata
            var m []MetricsProviderMetadata
            err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(endpoint.TokenMetadata), &m)
            if err == nil {
                for _, item := range m {
                    info := MetricsMetadata{}
                    info.EndpointGUID = endpoint.GUID
                    info.Type = item.Type
                    info.URL = item.URL
                    info.Job = item.Job
                    info.Environment = item.Environment
                    metricsProviders = append(metricsProviders, info)

    for _, metricProviderInfo := range metricsProviders {
        for guid, info := range endpointsMap {
            // Depends on the type
            if info.CNSIType == metricProviderInfo.Type && compareURL(info.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, metricProviderInfo.URL) {
                relate := EndpointMetricsRelation{}
                relate.endpoint = info
                // Make a copy
                relate.metrics = &MetricsMetadata{}
                *relate.metrics = metricProviderInfo
                results[guid] = relate
                delete(endpointsMap, guid)
            // K8s
            log.Debugf("Processing endpoint: %+v", info)
            log.Debugf("Processing endpoint Metrics provider: %+v", metricProviderInfo)
            if compareURL(info.APIEndpoint.String(), metricProviderInfo.URL) {
                relate := EndpointMetricsRelation{}
                relate.endpoint = info
                // Make a copy
                relate.metrics = &MetricsMetadata{}
                *relate.metrics = metricProviderInfo
                results[guid] = relate
                delete(endpointsMap, guid)

    // Did we find a metric provider for each endpoint?
    if len(endpointsMap) != 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("Can not find a metric provider for all of the specified endpoints")
    return results, nil

func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
    for _, b := range list {
        if b == a {
            return true
    return false