

Test Coverage
title: Collections
sections: ["Database"]

A collection is a grouping of `@valkyr/db` documents. Documents within a collection can have different fields. A collection is the equivalent of a table in a relational database system.

In `@valkyr/db` there is no central `database` instance. Instead we simply create a collection and assign it to a variable of our choosing. A collection will automatically resolve and persist data when performing operations against it, so no preload step is required when interacting with a collection.


import { Collection, Document, IndexedDbAdapter } from "@valkyr/db";

type UserDocument = Document & {
  name: string;
  email: string;

const users = new Collection<UserDocument>("users", new IndexedDbAdapter());


# Insert Documents

`@valkyr/db` provides the following methods of inserting `documents` into a collection:


## .insertOne

Inserts a single document and returns a insert result.


collection.insertOne(document: PartialDocument<D>): Promise<InsertResult | InsertException>;


const result = await users.insertOne({ name: "John", email: "", views: 0 });


type InsertResult = {
  acknowledged: true;
  insertedId: string;

type InsertException = {
  acknowledged: false;
  exception: Error;


## .insertMany

Inserts multiple documents and returns a insert many result.


collection.insertMany(documents: PartialDocument<D>[]): Promise<InsertManyResult>;


const result = await users.insertMany([
  { name: "John", email: "", views: 0 },
  { name: "Jane", email: "", views: 0 }


type InsertManyResult = {
  acknowledged: boolean;
  insertedIds: string[];
  exceptions: Error[];


# Query Documents

`@valkyr/db` provides the following methods of querying `documents` in a collection:

Additional information can be found through [mongodb]( documentation.

`@valkyr/db` uses [mingo]( as the query driver, an excellent solution brining mongodb queries to TypeScript. Please refer to [differences from mongodb]( to familiarize yourself with query differences.


## .findById

Returns `document` that satisfies the specified `id`.


collection.findById(id: string): Promise<Document | undefined>;

This is a specialized method which reads the record straight from the document `storage` map. This is the most optimized method for fetching a known document and is the only query method that does not utilize [mingo](


const user = await users.findById("xyz");


## .find

Returns documents that satisfies the specified query `criteria` and `options` on the collection.


collection.find(criteria: RawObject = {}, options?: Options): Promise<Document[]>;

See [mongo.find()]( for additional information.


const users = await users.find({ name: "John" });


type Options = {
  sort?: {
    [key: string]: 1 | -1;
  skip?: number;
  limit?: number;


## .findOne

Returns one `document` that satisfies the specified query `criteria` and `options` on the collection. If multiple documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first `document` according to the natural order which reflects the order of documents on the disk. In capped collections, natural order is the same as insertion order. If no `document` satisfies the query, the method returns `undefined`.


collection.findOne(criteria: RawObject = {}, options?: Options): Promise<Document | undefined>;

See [mongo.findOne()]( for additional information.


const user = await users.findOne({ name: "John" });


type Options = {
  sort?: {
    [key: string]: 1 | -1;
  skip?: number;
  limit?: number;


## .count

Returns the count of documents that would match a `find()` query for the collection. The `collection.count()` method does not perform the `find()` operation but instead counts and returns the number of results that match a query.


collection.count(criteria: RawObject = {}): Promise<number>;


const userCount = await users.count({ email: { $regex: /@test\.com/i } });


## .query

Selects documents in a collection that satisfies the specified query `criteria` and returns a cursor to the selected documents.


collection.query(criteria: RawObject = {}): Promise<Cursor>;


const cursor = await users.query({ email: { $regex: /john@/i } });
// perform additional filtering behavior on the cursor
const users = cursor.all();


# Observe Documents

Subscriptions provides a observation layer for `.find` and `.findOne` type data filtering and wraps it in a `rxjs` observer instance. Any time the collection sees changes to data matching the observation filter the observer subscription is notified and forwards the changes.


## .observe

Returns observable which observes documents that satisfies the specified query `criteria` and `options` on the collection.


collection.observe(criteria: RawObject = {}, options?: Options): Observable<Document[]>;


const subscription = users.observe({ name: "John" }).subscribe((users) => {
  // list of users with name John


## .observeOne

Returns observable which observes document that satisfies the specified query `criteria` on the collection. If no `document` satisfies the query, the observer returns `undefined`.


collection.observeOne(criteria: RawObject = {}): Observable<Document | undefined>;


const subscription = users.observeOne({ name: "Jane" }).subscribe((user) => {
  // closest user with name Jane


Make sure to close the subscription when it is no longer needed or it will linger past its use. You can do this by simply executing the `.unsubscribe()` method on the `subscription` instance.




# Update Documents

The update command modifies documents in a collection. A single update command can contain multiple update statements.


**Supported Update Operations**

- [$set](
  - When accessing arrays use `ratings[0].rating` instead of `ratings.0.rating`
  - [$(update)](
    - Update with Multiple Array Matches is not supported. [Example](
- [$unset](
- [$push](
- [$pull](



## .updateOne

Update a document using the given filter.


collection.updateOne(criteria: RawObject, update: UpdateActions): Promise<UpdateResult>


const result = await users.updateOne({ name: "John" }, { email: "john.doe@fixture.none" });


type UpdateResult = {
  acknowledged: boolean;
  matchedCount: number;
  modifiedCount: number;
  exceptions: Error[];


## .updateMany

Updates all documents that match the specified filter for a collection.


collection.updateMany(criteria: RawObject, update: UpdateOperations): Promise<UpdateResult>;


const result = await users.updateMany({ views: { $lt: 10 } }, { views: 10 });


type UpdateResult = {
  acknowledged: boolean;
  matchedCount: number;
  modifiedCount: number;
  exceptions: Error[];


## .replaceOne

Replaces a single document within the collection based on the filter.


collection.replaceOne(criteria: RawObject, document: D): Promise<UpdateResult>;


const result = await users.replaceOne(
    name: "John"
    name: "Dave",
    email: "",
    views: 0


type UpdateResult = {
  acknowledged: boolean;
  matchedCount: number;
  modifiedCount: number;
  exceptions: Error[];


# Remove Documents

The remove command deletes documents in a collection.


## .remove

Removes documents from a collection.


collection.remove(criteria: RawObject, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise<RemoveResult>;


const result = await users.remove({ email: { $regex: /$@doe/i } });


type RemoveResult = {
  acknowledged: boolean;
  deletedCount: number;
  exceptions: Error[];