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import { AES, enc, PBKDF2 } from "crypto-js";

export class AccessKey {
  #key: string;

  constructor(key: string) {
    this.#key = key;

  // ### Instantiators

   * Generates a access key which can be used for further encryption of private
   * data. Provides a deterministic access key based on the given value and salt.
   * If the value and salt is the same, the access key will return a
   * deterministic result. Allowing the user to provide two known values to
   * produce a access key.
   * @returns deterministic access key
  static resolve(passphrase: string | CryptoJS.lib.WordArray, salt: string | CryptoJS.lib.WordArray): AccessKey {
    return new AccessKey(PBKDF2(passphrase, salt).toString());

  // ### Accessors

  get value(): string {
    return this.#key;

  // ### Encrypt & Decrypt

  encrypt<T = unknown>(value: T | T[]): string {
    return AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(value), this.#key).toString();

  decrypt<T = unknown>(value: string): T {
    return JSON.parse(AES.decrypt(value, this.#key).toString(enc.Utf8));