

0 mins
Test Coverage
import { AES, enc } from "crypto-js";
import * as Jose from "jose";

 | Headers & Footers

const PUBLIC_KEY_FOOTER = "\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";

 | KeyPair Manager

export class KeyPair {
  #publicKey: Jose.KeyLike;
  #privateKey: Jose.KeyLike;
  #algorithm: string;

  constructor({ publicKey, privateKey }: Jose.GenerateKeyPairResult, algorithm: string) {
    this.#publicKey = publicKey;
    this.#privateKey = privateKey;
    this.#algorithm = algorithm;

  // ### Accessors

  get publicKey() {
    return this.#publicKey;

  get privateKey() {
    return this.#privateKey;

  get algorithm() {
    return this.#algorithm;

  // ### Exporters

  async export() {
    return {
      publicKey: await this.exportPublicKey(),
      privateKey: await this.exportPrivateKey()

  async exportPublicKey() {
    const key = await Jose.exportSPKI(this.#publicKey);
    return key.replace(PUBLIC_KEY_HEADER, "").replace(PUBLIC_KEY_FOOTER, "");

  async exportPrivateKey() {
    const key = await Jose.exportPKCS8(this.#privateKey);
    return key.replace(PRIVATE_KEY_HEADER, "").replace(PRIVATE_KEY_FOOTER, "");

  // ### KeyPair Access Key

   * Encrypt a public and private key using the provided access key.
   * This is a proposed method for being able to store a users security
   * information in a public ledger. The keypair can only be unlocked
   * by a deterministic encryption key based on a users known values such
   * as a password, fob, or some other value.
   * The security risk at this point would be the strength of the values
   * provided by the user. So enforcing users to provide strong non
   * guessable values is advised.
   * Through this method it is possible for users to change their access
   * key as long as they have their old access key available. Which
   * enabled support for periodic rotation of access key value.
   * @param accessKey - Key to use for encryption
   * @returns encrypted keypair
  async encryptKeyPair(accessKey: string): Promise<string> {
    return AES.encrypt(
        publicKey: await Jose.exportSPKI(this.#publicKey),
        privateKey: await Jose.exportPKCS8(this.#privateKey)

   * Decrypt a users key pair using a deterministic access key based on a
   * users known values such  as a password, fob, or some other value.
   * @param keyPair   - KeyPair to decrypt.
   * @param accessKey - Key used to decrypt the keys.
   * @returns decrypted keypair
  async decryptKeyPair(keyPair: string, accessKey: string): Promise<Jose.GenerateKeyPairResult> {
    const decoded = JSON.parse(AES.decrypt(keyPair, accessKey).toString(enc.Utf8));
    return new KeyPair(
        publicKey: await Jose.importSPKI(decoded.publicKey, this.algorithm),
        privateKey: await Jose.importPKCS8(decoded.privateKey, this.algorithm)

 | Factories

 * Create a new key pair using the provided algorithm.
 * @param algorithm - Algorithm to use for key generation.
 * @returns new key pair instance
export async function createKeyPair(algorithm: string): Promise<KeyPair> {
  return new KeyPair(await Jose.generateKeyPair(algorithm, { extractable: true }), algorithm);

 * Loads a keypair from a previously exported keypair into a new KeyPair instance.
 * @param keyPair   - KeyPair to load into a new keyPair instance.
 * @param algorithm - Algorithm to use for key generation.
 * @returns new key pair instance
export async function loadKeyPair({ publicKey, privateKey }: ExportedKeyPair, algorithm: string): Promise<KeyPair> {
  return new KeyPair(
      publicKey: await importPublicKey(publicKey, algorithm),
      privateKey: await importPrivateKey(privateKey, algorithm)

 * Get a new Jose.KeyLike instance from a public key string.
 * @param publicKey - Public key string.
 * @param algorithm - Algorithm to used for key generation.
 * @returns new Jose.KeyLike instance
export async function importPublicKey(publicKey: string, algorithm: string): Promise<Jose.KeyLike> {
  return Jose.importSPKI(`${PUBLIC_KEY_HEADER}${publicKey}${PUBLIC_KEY_FOOTER}`, algorithm, { extractable: true });

 * get a new Jose.KeyLike instance from a private key string.
 * @param privateKey - Private key string.
 * @param algorithm  - Algorithm to used for key generation.
 * @returns new Jose.KeyLike instance
export async function importPrivateKey(privateKey: string, algorithm: string): Promise<Jose.KeyLike> {
  return Jose.importPKCS8(`${PRIVATE_KEY_HEADER}${privateKey}${PRIVATE_KEY_FOOTER}`, algorithm, { extractable: true });

 | Types

export type ExportedKeyPair = {
  publicKey: string;
  privateKey: string;