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35 mins
Test Coverage
package cmd

import (


type CoverageFormatter struct {
    CoveragePath string
    In           formatters.Formatter
    InputType    string
    Output       string
    Prefix       string
    AddPrefix    string
    writer       io.Writer

var formatOptions = CoverageFormatter{}

// a prioritized list of the formatters to use
var formatterList = []string{"clover", "cobertura", "", "excoveralls", "gcov", "gocov", "jacoco", "lcov", "lcov-json", "simplecov", "xccov", "dotcover"}

// a map of the formatters to use
var formatterMap = map[string]formatters.Formatter{
    "clover":      &clover.Formatter{},
    "cobertura":   &cobertura.Formatter{},
    "": &coveragepy.Formatter{},
    "excoveralls": &excoveralls.Formatter{},
    "gcov":        &gcov.Formatter{},
    "gocov":       &gocov.Formatter{},
    "jacoco":      &jacoco.Formatter{},
    "lcov":        &lcov.Formatter{},
    "lcov-json":   &lcovjson.Formatter{},
    "simplecov":   &simplecov.Formatter{},
    "xccov":       &xccov.Formatter{},
    "dotcover":    &dotcover.Formatter{},

// formatCoverageCmd represents the format command
var formatCoverageCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "format-coverage [coverage file]",
    Short: "Locate, parse, and re-format supported coverage sources.",
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
        if len(args) != 0 {
            logrus.Debugf("coverage path %s", args[0])
            formatOptions.CoveragePath = args[0]
            if formatOptions.InputType == "" {
                return errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("please specify the format of the coverage file \"%s\" using the --input-type flag", formatOptions.CoveragePath))
        return runFormatter(formatOptions)

func runFormatter(formatOptions CoverageFormatter) error {
    envy.Set("PREFIX", formatOptions.Prefix)
    envy.Set("ADD_PREFIX", formatOptions.AddPrefix)

    // if a type is specified use that
    if formatOptions.InputType != "" {
        if f, ok := formatterMap[formatOptions.InputType]; ok {
            logrus.Debugf("using formatter %s", formatOptions.InputType)
            _, err := f.Search(formatOptions.CoveragePath)
            if err != nil {
                logrus.Errorf("could not find coverage file %s\n%s", formatOptions.CoveragePath, err)
                return errors.WithStack(err)
            formatOptions.In = f
        } else {
            return errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("could not find a formatter of type %s", formatOptions.InputType))
    } else {
        logrus.Debug("searching for a formatter to use")
        // else start searching for files:
        for n, f := range formatterMap {
            logrus.Debugf("checking %s formatter", n)
            if p, err := f.Search(); err == nil {
                logrus.Debugf("found file %s for %s formatter", p, n)
                formatOptions.In = f

    if formatOptions.In == nil {
        return errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("could not find any viable formatter. available formatters: %s", strings.Join(formatterList, ", ")))

    return formatOptions.Save()

func (f CoverageFormatter) Save() error {
    rep, err := f.In.Format()
    if err != nil {
        return errors.WithStack(err)

    if len(rep.SourceFiles) == 0 {
        return errors.WithStack(errors.New("could not find coverage info for source files"))

    if f.writer == nil {
        f.writer, err = writer(formatOptions.Output)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.WithStack(err)

    err = rep.Save(f.writer)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.WithStack(err)
    return nil

func init() {
    pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
    formatCoverageCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&formatOptions.Prefix, "prefix", "p", pwd, "the root directory where the coverage analysis was performed")
    formatCoverageCmd.Flags().StringVar(&formatOptions.AddPrefix, "add-prefix", "", "add this prefix to file paths")
    formatCoverageCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&formatOptions.Output, "output", "o", ccDefaultCoveragePath, "output path")
    formatCoverageCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&formatOptions.InputType, "input-type", "t", "", fmt.Sprintf("type of input source to use [%s]", strings.Join(formatterList, ", ")))