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2 hrs
Test Coverage
package jacoco

import (


var searchPaths = []string{"jacoco.xml"}

func getSourcePaths() []string {
    return strings.Fields(envy.Get("JACOCO_SOURCE_PATH", ""))

type Formatter struct {
    Path string

func (f *Formatter) Search(paths ...string) (string, error) {
    paths = append(paths, searchPaths...)
    for _, p := range paths {
        logrus.Debugf("checking search path %s for jacoco formatter", p)
        if _, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil {
            f.Path = p
            return p, nil

    return "", errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("could not find any files in search paths for jacoco. search paths were: %s", strings.Join(paths, ", ")))

func (r Formatter) Format() (formatters.Report, error) {
    sourcePaths := getSourcePaths()

    rep, err := formatters.NewReport()
    if err != nil {
        return rep, err

    fx, err := os.Open(r.Path)
    if err != nil {
        return rep, errors.WithStack(err)

    xmlJacoco := &xmlFile{}
    err = xml.NewDecoder(fx).Decode(xmlJacoco)
    if err != nil {
        return rep, errors.WithStack(err)

    gitHead, _ := env.GetHead()
    for _, xmlPackage := range xmlJacoco.Packages {
        for _, xmlSF := range xmlPackage.SourceFile {
            num := 1
            filepath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", xmlPackage.Name, xmlSF.Name)
            absolutePath := filepath
            for _, sourcePath := range sourcePaths {
                absolutePath = path.Join(sourcePath, filepath)
                if _, err := os.Stat(absolutePath); err == nil {
            sf, err := formatters.NewSourceFile(absolutePath, gitHead)
            if err != nil {
                logrus.Warnf("Couldn't find file for path \"%s\" from %s coverage data. Ignore if the path doesn't correspond to an existent file in your repo.", absolutePath, r.Path)
            for _, l := range xmlSF.Lines {
                for num < l.Num {
                    sf.Coverage = append(sf.Coverage, formatters.NullInt{})
                ni := formatters.NewNullInt(l.Hits)
                sf.Coverage = append(sf.Coverage, ni)
            err = rep.AddSourceFile(sf)
            if err != nil {
                return rep, errors.WithStack(err)

    return rep, nil