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// See the spec for a graph of the credit function and the rationale for this.

/* The main function is credit(t) which computes the fraction of full credit
you get for being t seconds late. It's roughly a continuous version of this:
  credit(t) = 1      if t<=0s  # not late so no penalty
  credit(t) = .99999 if t<60s  # seconds late (essentially no penalty)
  credit(t) = .999   if t<1h   # minutes late (baaaasically counts)
  credit(t) = .99    if t<1d   # hours late   (no big deal, almost fully counts)
  credit(t) = .9     if t<1w   # days late    (main thing is it's done)
  credit(t) = .5     if t<30d  # weeks late   (half counts if this late)
  credit(t) = .1     if t<1y   # months late  (mostly doesn't count)
  credit(t) = .01    if t<10y  # years late   (better late than never, barely)
  credit(t) = 0      otherwise # decades late (essentially zero credit)

const cSecs = 0.99999  // how much credit you get if you're  seconds  late
const cMins = 0.999    //                                    minutes
const cHrs  = 0.99     //                                    hours
const cDays = 0.9      //                                    days
const cWks  = 0.5      //                                    weeks
const cMos  = 0.1      //                                    months
const cYrs  = 0.01     // how much credit you get if you're  years    late

// Hand-picked magic h-values to give the lateness function sudden drops at all
// the focal lateness thresholds (a minute late, an hour late, etc) while still
// being continuous and strictly monotonically decreasing.
const hSecs = 300000   // h param for how steep the curve is if  seconds  late
const hMins = 3000     //                                        minutes
const hHrs  = 548      //                                        hours
const hDays = 32       //                                        days
const hWks  = 5.4      //                                        weeks
const hMos  = 4.2      //                                        months
const hYrs  = 4        // h param for how steep the curve is if  years    late

export const SID = 86400      // seconds in a day   ( NB: treat 30d as 1mo & 365d as )
export const SIW = 7   * SID  // seconds in a week  ( 1yr so that Schelling fence    )
export const SIM = 30  * SID  // seconds in a month ( deadlines are the same time of )
export const SIY = 365 * SID  // seconds in a year  ( day as the original deadline   )

const exp = Math.exp   // let's not ugly up all our pretty math
const log = Math.log   //  by littering it with "Math." prefixes
const pow = Math.pow   // (actually new javascript can do x**y for exponents)

// Linearly interpolate to return u when x=a and v when x=b
// This is equivalent to hscale with h=-1 and isn't used for but it's
// nice for comparison:
// function lscale(x, a, b, u, v) { return (b*u - a*v + (v-u)*x)/(b-a) }

// Exponentially interpolate to return u when x=a and v when x=b
// This is standard exponential growth and is the limiting case of h=0 in hscale
// below. That function isn't defined at h=0 so we need this as a special case.
// We could also just never set h to exactly 0 and use .000001 or something
// which would be plenty close enough but let's do it right cuz math is fun!
const escale = function(x, a, b, u, v) {
  return u*pow(u/v, a/(b-a))*exp(log(v/u)/(b-a)*x)

// Do an h-interpolation to return u when x=a and v when x=b.
// Special cases: h=-1 is linear, h=0 is exponential, h=1 is hyperbolic.
// As h approaches infinity this becomes a step function where hscale(a) = u
// but for x>a, hscale(x) = v (assuming u>v).
// For the derivation of this, see
const hscale = function(h, x, a, b, u, v) {
  if (h === 0) { return escale(x, a, b, u, v) }
  const r = (pow(v/u, -h)-1)/h/(a-b)
  return u*pow(1-h*r*(x-a), -1/h)

// Compute the credit you get for being t seconds late
export default function credit(t) {
  return t <= 0   ? 1 : // not late at all or early => full credit
         t < 60   ? hscale(hSecs, t, 0,    60,     1,     cSecs) :
         t < 3600 ? hscale(hMins, t, 60,   3600,   cSecs, cMins) :
         t < SID  ? hscale(hHrs,  t, 3600, SID,    cMins, cHrs)  :
         t < SIW  ? hscale(hDays, t, SID,  SIW,    cHrs,  cDays) :
         t < SIM  ? hscale(hWks,  t, SIW,  SIM,    cDays, cWks)  :
         t < SIY  ? hscale(hMos,  t, SIM,  SIY,    cWks,  cMos)  :
                    hscale(hYrs,  t, SIY,  10*SIY, cMos,  cYrs)

/* Side note:
An alternative simple late penalty function I've used before in another context
is 1-(t/(86400*7))^4 which gives you a couple days of very little penalty and
then your credit plummets till you get 0 credit for being more than a week late.
That week can be generalized by replacing the 86400*7 (number of seconds in a
week) in the equation with any amount of time.