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Test Coverage
import io
import subprocess
import sys
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, STDOUT

import six

from import environment_append
from conans.errors import ConanException
from conans.util.files import decode_text
from conans.util.runners import pyinstaller_bundle_env_cleaned

class _UnbufferedWrite(object):
    def __init__(self, stream):
        self._stream = stream._stream if hasattr(stream, "_stream") else stream

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._stream.write(*args, **kwargs)

class ConanRunner(object):

    def __init__(self, print_commands_to_output=False, generate_run_log_file=False,
                 log_run_to_output=True, output=None):
        self._print_commands_to_output = print_commands_to_output
        self._generate_run_log_file = generate_run_log_file
        self._log_run_to_output = log_run_to_output
        self._output = output

    def __call__(self, command, output=True, log_filepath=None, cwd=None, subprocess=False):
        @param command: Command to execute
        @param output: Instead of print to sys.stdout print to that stream. Could be None
        @param log_filepath: If specified, also log to a file
        @param cwd: Move to directory to execute
        if output and isinstance(output, io.StringIO) and six.PY2:
            # in py2 writing to a StringIO requires unicode, otherwise it fails
            print("*** WARN: Invalid output parameter of type io.StringIO(), "
                  "use six.StringIO() instead ***")

        user_output = output if output and hasattr(output, "write") else None
        stream_output = user_output or self._output or sys.stdout
        if hasattr(stream_output, "flush"):
            # We do not want output from different streams to get mixed (sys.stdout, os.system)
            stream_output = _UnbufferedWrite(stream_output)

        if not self._generate_run_log_file:
            log_filepath = None

        # Log the command call in output and logger
        call_message = "\n----Running------\n> %s\n-----------------\n" % (command,)
        if self._print_commands_to_output and stream_output and self._log_run_to_output:

        with pyinstaller_bundle_env_cleaned():
            # Remove credentials before running external application
            with environment_append({'CONAN_LOGIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY': None}):
                # No output has to be redirected to logs or buffer or omitted
                if (output is True and not self._output and not log_filepath and self._log_run_to_output
                        and not subprocess):
                    return self._simple_os_call(command, cwd)
                elif log_filepath:
                    if stream_output:
                        stream_output.write("Logging command output to file '%s'\n" % (log_filepath,))
                    with open(log_filepath, "a+") as log_handler:
                        if self._print_commands_to_output:
                        return self._pipe_os_call(command, stream_output, log_handler, cwd, user_output)
                    return self._pipe_os_call(command, stream_output, None, cwd, user_output)

    def _pipe_os_call(self, command, stream_output, log_handler, cwd, user_output):

            # piping both stdout, stderr and then later only reading one will hang the process
            # if the other fills the pip. So piping stdout, and redirecting stderr to stdout,
            # so both are merged and use just a single get_stream_lines() call
            capture_output = log_handler or not self._log_run_to_output or user_output \
                             or (stream_output and isinstance(stream_output._stream, six.StringIO))
            if capture_output:
                proc = Popen(command, shell=isinstance(command, six.string_types), stdout=PIPE,
                             stderr=STDOUT, cwd=cwd)
                proc = Popen(command, shell=isinstance(command, six.string_types), cwd=cwd)

        except Exception as e:
            raise ConanException("Error while executing '%s'\n\t%s" % (command, str(e)))

        def get_stream_lines(the_stream):
            while True:
                line = the_stream.readline()
                if not line:
                decoded_line = decode_text(line)
                if stream_output and self._log_run_to_output:
                    except UnicodeEncodeError:  # be aggressive on text encoding
                        decoded_line = decoded_line.encode("latin-1", "ignore").decode("latin-1",

                if log_handler:
                    # Write decoded in PY2 causes some ASCII encoding problems
                    # tried to open the log_handler binary but same result.
                    log_handler.write(line if six.PY2 else decoded_line)

        if capture_output:

        ret = proc.returncode
        return ret

    def _simple_os_call(command, cwd):
            return, cwd=cwd, shell=isinstance(command, six.string_types))
        except Exception as e:
            raise ConanException("Error while executing '%s'\n\t%s" % (command, str(e)))