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Test Coverage
'use strict';

 * @module Browser
 * @desc Browser Detection - Gets Data Pertaining to User's Browser and OS
 * @typicalname browser
 * @example
 * ```
 * var browser = require("adlibs/lib/detect/browser")
 * ```

 * @type Image
 * @property {String} srcset

 * @type performance
 * @property {Object} timing
 * @property {Function} mark
 * @ignore

 * @type document
 * @property {Number} uniqueID
 * @property {String} hidden
 * @property {Object} all
 * @property {String} documentMode
 * @property {String} visibilityState
 * @property {Document} documentElement
 * @property {Function} webkitRequestFullscreen
 * @ignore

 * @type navigator
 * @property {String} platform
 * @property {Object} mozGetUserMedia
 * @property {Boolean} standalone
 * @property {Object} geolocation
 * @property {Object} mozBattery
 * @property {Object} webkitGetUserMedia
 * @property {String} userAgent
 * @property {Function} vibrate
 * @ignore

 * @type browser
 * @property {String} name
 * @property {Boolean} trustworthy
 * @property {Boolean} desktop
 * @property {Boolean} mobile
 * @property {Boolean} tablet
 * @property {Boolean} console
 * @property {String} version
 * @property {UA} ua
 * @property {Feature} feature
 * @property {Engine} engine
 * @property {OS} os
 * @property {Function} setVersionAgainstUaVersion

 * @type ua
 * @property {String} version

 * @type feature
 * @property {String} version

 * @type engine
 * @property {String} name
 * @property {String} version

 * @type os
 * @property {String} name
 * @property {String} version

 * @type style
 * @property {Object} KhtmlUserInput
 * @ignore

 * @type URL
 * @property {Function} createObjectURL
 * @ignore

 * @type history
 * @property {Object} replaceState
 * @ignore

/* This is a separator to keep the JSDOC from going insane */

var can = require('../canHas').can,
    has = require('../canHas').has,
    results = [],
    map = {},
    MAX = {
        EXCEED: 'ex',
        OK: 'ok'
    MAX_BROWSER_VER = 1000,
    TYPE = {
        MICROSOFT: 1,
        FIREFOX: 2,
        CHROME: 3,
        OPERA: 4,
        SAFARI: 5,
        ANDROID: 6,
        SAFARI_MOBILE: 7,
        OPERA_MINI: 8,
        OPERA_ANDROID: 9,
        CHROME_MOBILE: 10,
        FIREFOX_MOBILE: 12,
        BLACKBERRY: 13,
        KINDLE: 14,
        WEBVIEW: 15,
        UNKNOWN: 16,
        UNKNOWN_MOBILE: 17

 * @private
 * @returns {UA}
 * @constructor
var Ua = function () {
    this.version = DEFAULT_VERSION;

 * @private
 * @returns {Feature}
 * @constructor
var Feature = function () {
    this.version = DEFAULT_VERSION;

 * @private
 * @returns {Engine}
 * @constructor
var Engine = function () { = '';
    this.version = DEFAULT_VERSION;

 * @private
 * @returns {OS}
 * @constructor
var Os = function () { = '';
    this.version = DEFAULT_VERSION + '';

 * @private
 * @returns {Browser} Returns the Browser instance
 * @constructor
var Browser = function () {
    var self = this; // here for minification purposes = ''; // verified name
    self.trustworthy = true; // does the ua jive with the feature detection
    self.desktop = false; // is this a desktop browser = false; // is this a mobile phone browser
    self.tablet = false; // is this a mobile tablet browser
    self.console = false; // is this a video game or other console browser
    self.max = MAX.OK; // by default the ua version matches what is available
    self.version = DEFAULT_VERSION; // full version = new Ua();
    self.feature = new Feature();
    self.engine = new Engine();
    self.os = new Os();

 * Check for MathML support in browsers to help detect certain browser version numbers where this is the only difference.
 * @param {Document} d
 * @static
 * @returns {Boolean} returns true if browser has mathml support
var mathMLSupport = function (d) {
    var hasMathML = false;

    if (d.createElementNS) {
        var NAMESPACE = '',
            div = d.createElement('div'),
            mfrac; = 'absolute'; = = 0; = 'hidden'; = = 'auto'; = 'serif'; = 'normal';

        mfrac = div.appendChild(d.createElementNS(NAMESPACE,'math'))




        hasMathML = div.offsetHeight > div.offsetWidth;

    return hasMathML;

 * Performs a simple test to see if we're on mobile or not.
 * @param {Window=} win
 * @static
 * @returns {Boolean} returns true if mobile
var isMobile = function (win) {

    win = win || window;

    try {
        // Surface tablets have touch events, so we use the Pointer Lock API to detect them
        return !can(win.document, 'exitPointerLock') || !can(win.document, 'mozExitPointerLock');
    } catch (e) {
        // Opera Mini and IE10M don't support touch events
        // execCommand is only on desktop browsers
        return !can(win.document, 'execCommand');

 * Saves a property to the results array and returns its index.
 * @param {*} result
 * @returns {Number}
var save = function (result) {
    if (typeof result === 'boolean') {
        results.push(result === true ? '1' : '0');
    } else if (typeof result === 'number') {
        results.push(result + '');
    } else {
    return results.length - 1;

 * Uses the min and max versions of a browser to determine its version.
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @param {Number} minVersion
 * @param {Number=} maxVersion
 * @static
 * @returns {Number} returns version number
var getVersion = function (uaVersion, minVersion, maxVersion) {
    var actualVersion = minVersion;
    if (uaVersion >= minVersion) {
        if (!maxVersion || uaVersion <= maxVersion) {
            actualVersion = uaVersion;
        } else if (maxVersion && uaVersion > maxVersion) {
            actualVersion = maxVersion;
    return actualVersion;

 * Searches for a match between the regex and specified string.
 * @param {RegExp} regex
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {*|Boolean} returns true if match found
var looksLike = function (regex, ua) {
    return regex.test(ua);

 * Parses the result of the RegExp match if it exists.
 * Gracefully falls back to the default version if not.
 * @param {String} ua
 * @param {RegExp} regex
 * @param {Number=} radix
 * @static
 * @returns {Number} returns the regex match or default version
var parseIntIfMatch = function (ua, regex, radix) {
    return ua.match(regex) !== null ? parseInt(ua.match(regex)[1], radix || 10) : DEFAULT_VERSION;

 * Parses the floating point value of the RegExp match if found.
 * Gracefully falls back to the default if not.
 * @param {String} ua
 * @param {RegExp} regex
 * @static
 * @returns  returns the regex match or the default version
var parseFloatIfMatch = function (ua, regex) {
    return ua.match(regex) !== null ? parseFloat(ua.match(regex)[1]) : DEFAULT_VERSION;

 * Determines the version of Android being used.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @static
 * @returns {Number} returns the Android version
var getAndroidVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var nav = win.navigator,
        androidVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION;

    if (can(nav, 'sendBeacon')) {
        androidVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 5.0, Infinity);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'now')) {
        androidVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4.4);
    } else if (has('FileList', win)) {
        androidVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4.0, 4.3);
    } else {
        androidVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 2.1, 4.0);

    return androidVersion;

 * Determines the version of Chrome being used.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @static
 * @returns {Number} returns the Chrome version
var getChromiumVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var chromiumVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION;
    // no session history management - version 4 - api
    // geolocation - version 5 - api
    // web notifications(prefixed) - version 5 - api
    // server-sent DOM events - version 6 - api
    // FileReader - version 6 - API
    // inline svg - version 7 - html5
    // typed arrays - version 7 - api
    // classList DOMTokenList - version 8 - API
    // defer attribute for external scripts - version 8 - html5
    // progress meter - version 8 - html5
    // matchMedia - version 9 - API
    // webP image format, partial support - version 9 - other
    // form validation - version 10 - html5
    // getComputedStyle - version 11 - html5
    // IndexedDB (prefixed)- version 11 - API
    // Details and summary elements - version 12 - html5
    // Navigation timing API - version 13 - API
    // File API, full support - version 13 - API
    // Web sockets, full support - version 14 - API
    // Full screen API (prefixed)- version 15 - API
    // WebGL, 3D Canvas Graphics - version 18 - API/HTML5 -- unreliable indicator
    // WebVVT - version 18 - other
    // Blob constructing - version 20 - API
    // high resolution time api (prefixed) - version 20 - API
    // Color input type - version 20 - HTML5
    // getUserMedia API - version 21 - API
    // web notifications - version 22 - api
    // touch events - version 22 - API/HTML5
    // Blob URLs - version 23 - API
    // WebRTC Peer Connection (prefixed)- version 23 - API
    // webP image format, full support - version 23 - other
    // requestAnimationFrame - version 24 - API
    // high resolution time api - version 24 - API
    // User timing API - version 25 - API
    // web speach api(prefixed) - version 25 - api
    // shadow dom, prefixed - version 25 - html5
    // HTML templates - version 26 - html5
    // mutation observer - version 27 - API
    // Canvas blend - version 30 - API
    // vibration API - version 30 - API
    // Promises - version 32 - api
    // page visibility - version 33 - api
    // Opus codec - version 33 - other
    // matches() DOM method - version 34 - API
    // srcset attribute - version 34 - api
    // shadow dom - version 35 - api/html5
    // toolbar/context menu - version 36 - html5
    // scoped css - version 36 - html5
    if (has('Proxy', win)) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 49, MAX_BROWSER_VER);
    } else if (has('PushManager', win)) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 44, 48);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'permissions')) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 43);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'sendBeacon')) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 39, 42);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'getBattery')) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 38);
    } else if (can(has('crypto', win), 'subtle')) {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 37);
    } else if (can(new Image(), 'srcset')) { // Chrome 34+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 34, 36);
    } else if (can(win.document, 'visibilityState')) { // Chrome 33+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 33);
    } else if (has('Promise', win)) { // Chrome 32+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 32);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'vibrate')) { // Chrome 30+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 30, 31);
    } else if (has('MutationObserver', win)) { // Chrome 27+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 27, 29);
    } else if (can(win.document.createElement('template'), 'content')) { // Chrome 26+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 26);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'mark')) { // Chrome 25+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 25);
    } else if (has('requestAnimationFrame', win)) { // Chrome 24+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 24);
    } else if (can(has('URL', win), 'createObjectURL')) { // Chrome 23+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 23);
    } else if (has('Notification', win)) { // Chrome 22+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 22);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'webkitGetUserMedia')) { // Chrome 21+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 21);
    } else if (has('Blob', win)) { // Chrome 20+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 20);
    } else if (can(win.document, 'webkitRequestFullscreen')) { // Chrome 15+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 15, 19);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'timing')) { // Chrome 13+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 13, 14);
    } else if (can(win.document.createElement('details'), 'open')) { // Chrome 12+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 12);
    } else if (has('webkitIndexedDB', win)) { // Chrome 11+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 11);
    } else if (can(win.document.createElement('input'), 'checkValidity')) { // Chrome 10+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 10);
    } else if (has('matchMedia', win)) { // Chrome 9+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 9);
    } else if (can(win.document.createElement('_'), 'classList')) { // Chrome 8+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 8);
    } else if (has('Uint32Array', win)) { // Chrome 7+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 7);
    } else if (has('FileReader', win)) { // Chrome 6+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 6);
    } else if (has('webkitNotification', win)) { // Chrome 5+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 5);
    } else if (can(has('history', win), 'replaceState')) { // Chrome 4+
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4);
    } else {
        chromiumVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 0, 3);
    return chromiumVersion;

 * @private
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @returns {Number}
var getGeckoVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var geckoVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION,
        d = win.document,
        nav = win.navigator;
    // Detect all versions of browsers who are using gecko as their rendering engine, prioritizing Firefox

    // all versions:
    // optimal version coverage:
    // versions accounted for:
    // versions covered by feature testing:
    if (has('PushManager', win)) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 44, MAX_BROWSER_VER);
    } else if (has('MessageChannel', win)) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 41, 43);
    } else if (has('fetch', win)) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 39, 40);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'mark')) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 38);
    } else if (can(has('crypto', win), 'subtle')) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 34, 37);
    } else if (can(win.navigator, 'sendBeacon')) {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 31, 33);
    } else if (has('SharedWorker', win)) { // FF 29+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 29, 30);
    } else if (has('AudioContext', win)) { // FF 25+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 25, 28);
    } else if (has('requestAnimationFrame', win)) { // FF 23+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 23, 24);
    } else if (has('Notification', win)) { // FF 22+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 22);
    } else if (can(d, 'hidden')) { // FF 18+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 18, 21);
    } else if (can(nav, 'mozGetUserMedia')) { // FF 17+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 17);
    } else if (has('indexedDB', win)) { // FF 16+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 16);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'now')) { // FF 15+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 15);
    } else if (has('MutationObserver', win)) { // FF 14+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 14);
    } else if (has('Blob', win)) { // FF 13+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 13);
    } else if (has('WebSocket', win)) { // FF 11+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 11, 12);
    } else if (can(nav, 'mozBattery')) { // FF 10+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 10);
    } else if (can(has('performance', win), 'timing')) { // FF 7+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 7, 9);
    } else if (has('matchMedia', win)) { // FF 6+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 6);
    } else if (has('Uint32Array', win)) { // FF 4+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4, 5);
    } else if (has('FileReader', win)) { // FF 3.6
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 3.6);
    } else if (has('JSON', win)) { // FF 3.5+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 3.5);
    } else if (has('postMessage', win)) { // FF 3+
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 3);
    } else {
        geckoVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 0, 2.9);

    return geckoVersion;

 * @private
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @returns {Number}
var getTridentVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var tridentVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION,
        d = win.document;
    // Detect all IE versions possible by feature detection

    // all versions:                        1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.2, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
    // optimal version coverage:            6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
    // versions accounted for:                3-11
    // versions covered by feature testing: 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
    if (can(d, 'pointerLockElement')) {
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 13, MAX_BROWSER_VER);
    } else if (has('Proxy', win)) {
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 12);
    } else if (has('MutationObserver', win)) { // IE 11+
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 11);
    } else if (has('atob', win)) { // IE 10+
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 10);
    } else if (has('addEventListener', win)) { // IE 9+
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 9);
    } else if (has('localStorage', win)) { // IE 8+
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 8);
    } else if (can(d, 'all') && has('XMLHttpRequest', win) && !has('XDomainRequest', win) && !has('opera', win)) { // IE 7
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 7);
    } else if (can(d, 'all') && !has('XMLHttpRequest', win)) { // IE 6
        tridentVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 6);
    } else { // IE 3 - 5.5
        tridentVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION;

    return tridentVersion;

 * See
 * @private
 * @param {Number} ver
 * @returns {Number}
var getTridentEngineVersion = function (ver) {

    var engineVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION;

    if (ver >= 11) {
        engineVersion = 7;
    } else if (ver === 10) {
        engineVersion = 6;
    } else if (ver === 9) {
        engineVersion = 5;
    } else if (ver === 8) {
        engineVersion = 4;
    } else if (ver <= 7) {
        engineVersion = 3;

    return engineVersion;

 * Returns the version of the Safari browser.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @static
 * @returns {Number} returns the version of Safari
var getSafariVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var safariVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION,
        d = win.document,
        nav = win.navigator;

    if (has('WebAssembly', win)) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 11.0, Infinity);
    } else if (has ('Intl', win)) {
        // 10.10 chosen to account for any possible patch releases in the future
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 10.0, 10.10);
    } else if (can(has('CSS', win), 'supports')) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 9.0, 9.3);
    } else if (has('indexedDB', win)) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 8.0, 8.4);
    } else if (has('execCommand', d)) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 7.0, 7.1);
    } else if (has('requestAnimationFrame', win)) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 6.0, 6.1);
    } else if (has('Uint32Array', win)) {
        // Safari 6533.18.5 - iOS 4.3.5
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 5.1);
    } else if (can(nav, 'geolocation')) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 5.0);
    } else if (can(nav, 'onLine')) {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4.2, 4.3);
    } else if (has('JSON', win)) {
        // Safari 6531.22.7 - iOS 4.0.2
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 4.0, 4.1);
    } else if (has('postMessage', win)) {
        // webkit 531.21.10 - iOS 3.2.2
        // webkit 528.16 - iOS 3.1.3
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 3.2);
    } else {
        safariVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 0, 3.1);

    return safariVersion;

 * Creates a Browser instance with its attributed Kindle values.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {Number} uaVersion
 * @static
 * @returns {Number}
var getKindleVersion = function (win, uaVersion) {

    var kindleVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION,
        d = win.document;

    if (can(d, 'pointerLockElement')) {
        kindleVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 3.0, Infinity);
    } else if (has('PerformanceTiming', win)) {
        kindleVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 2.0);
    } else {
        kindleVersion = getVersion(uaVersion, 1.0);

    return kindleVersion;

 * Creates a Browser instance with its attributed OS and device type values.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the browser instance
var getOtherOS = function (win, ua) {

    var otherBrowser = new Browser();

    if (has('wiiu', win)) { = 'Wii';
        otherBrowser.os.version = 'U'; = 'NetFront';
        otherBrowser.console = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/Wii/i, ua)) { = 'Wii'; = 'NetFront';
        otherBrowser.console = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/PlayStation.4/i, ua)) { = 'PlayStation';
        otherBrowser.os.version = '4'; = 'NetFront';
        otherBrowser.console = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/PlayStation/i, ua)) { = 'PlayStation';
        otherBrowser.os.version = '3';
        otherBrowser.console = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/NgetOtherOSokiaN/i, ua)) { = 'Symbian'; = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/blackberry|RIM/i, ua)) { = 'Blackberry'; = true;
    } else if (win.navigator && win.navigator.platform === 'X11' || looksLike(/Linux/i, ua)) { = 'Linux';
        otherBrowser.desktop = true;
    } else { = 'Unknown';
    return otherBrowser;

 * Creates a Browser instance with its attributed Apple values.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
var getAppleOS = function (win, ua) {

    var mac = /Mac/i,
        iOS = /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i,
        appleBrowser = new Browser(),
        iOSVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION,
        macVersion = DEFAULT_VERSION;

    // Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53
    // webviews will not have Safari in their user-agent string
    if ((iOS.test(ua) || iOS.test(win.navigator.platform)) || !looksLike(/Safari|Firefox|Chrome/i, ua)) {
        if (!looksLike(/Version\/\d\.\d/i, ua)) {
   = '2.0';
        } else {
            if (looksLike(/.OS.(\d.\d+)/i, ua)) {
                iOSVersion = (ua.match(/.OS.(\d.\d+)/i)[1].replace('_','.'));
            } else if (looksLike(/.Version\/(\d\.\d+)/i, ua)) {
                iOSVersion = (ua.match(/.Version\/(\d\.\d+)/i)[1]);
        } = appleBrowser.os.version = iOSVersion; = 'iOS';
        appleBrowser.tablet = /ipad/i.test(win.navigator.platform); = /iphone|ipod/i.test(win.navigator.platform);
    } else if (mac.test(ua) || mac.test(win.navigator.platform)) {
        macVersion = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Mac.OS.X.10.(\d+)/i, 10); // this format was introduced at 3.0+
        if (macVersion > 0) {
   = 'Mac';
            appleBrowser.os.version = '10.' + macVersion;
        appleBrowser.desktop = true;

    return appleBrowser;

 * Creates a Browser instance with its attributed Windows values.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
var getMicrosoftOS = function (win, ua) {

    var microsoftBrowser = new Browser();

    if (looksLike(/XBox One/i, ua)) { = 'Xbox';
        microsoftBrowser.os.version = 'One'; = 'Internet Explorer';
        microsoftBrowser.version = '10.0';
        microsoftBrowser.console = true;
    } else if (looksLike(/Xbox/i, ua)) { = 'Xbox';
        microsoftBrowser.os.version = '360'; = 'Internet Explorer';
        microsoftBrowser.version = '7.0';
        microsoftBrowser.console = true;
    } else { = 'Windows';
        if (looksLike(/IEMobile/i, ua)) {
   = true;
   = 'Windows Phone';
            if (looksLike(/Windows.Phone.(?:os)?\s?(\d\d?\.?\d?\d?)/i, ua)) {
                microsoftBrowser.os.version = ua.match(/Windows.Phone.(?:os)?\s?(\d\d?\.?\d?\d?)/i)[1];
            } else if (looksLike(/WP(\d\d?\.?\d?\d?)/i, ua)) {
                microsoftBrowser.os.version = ua.match(/WP(\d\d?\.?\d?\d?)/i)[1];
        } else if (looksLike(/Windows.NT./i, ua)) {
            microsoftBrowser.desktop = true;
            var pcVersion = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Windows.NT.(\d\d?\.?\d?\d?)/i); // this format was introduced at 3.0+
            // List pulled from
            switch (pcVersion) {
                case 10:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '10.0';
                case 6.3:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '8.1';
                case 6.2:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '8';
                case 6.1:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '7';
                case 6:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = 'Vista';
                case 5.2:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '2003';
                case 5.1:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = 'XP';
                case 5.01:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '2000 SP1';
                case 5:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = '2000';
                case 4:
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = 'NT';
                    microsoftBrowser.os.version = DEFAULT_VERSION;
        } else if (looksLike(/Windows.9(\d)/i, ua)) {
            microsoftBrowser.os.version = '9x'; // 95, 98, or Me, which all must have a market share of nothingness by now so we dont care which it is
            microsoftBrowser.desktop = true;
        } else if (looksLike(/Windows.CE/i, ua)) {
            microsoftBrowser.os.version = 'CE'; // only matters that its mobile
   = true;
        } else {
            microsoftBrowser.os.version = DEFAULT_VERSION + '';
            microsoftBrowser.desktop = true;
    // special detection for MS Surfaces specifically
    if(looksLike(/Touch/i, ua) && !looksLike(/IEMobile/i, ua)) { = 'Window RT';

    return microsoftBrowser;

 * Creates a Browser instance with its attributed Android values.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
var getAndroidOS = function (win, ua) {

    var androidBrowser = new Browser(); = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Android\s(\d+\.\d+)/i); = 'Android'; = true;

    if (looksLike(/Chrome/i, ua)) {
        // modern Android browsers use the chrome engine = 'chrome';
        androidBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Chrome\/(\d+)/i, 10);
    } else if (looksLike(/AppleWebKit/i, ua)) {
        // old Android browsers uses webkit = 'webkit';
        androidBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/i, 10);
    } else { = 'unknown';
    // for now, we use the same logic for Android's browser and os detection
    androidBrowser.os.version = getAndroidVersion(win, + '';

    return androidBrowser;

 * Returns the Kindle's OS.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
var getKindleOS = function (win, ua) {

    var kindleBrowser = new Browser();

    if (looksLike(/Silk/i, ua)) { = 'silk';
        kindleBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Silk\/(\d+)/i, 10);
        // set the detected version equal to silk by default = kindleBrowser.engine.version;
    } else if (looksLike(/AppleWebKit/i, ua)) { = 'webkit';
        kindleBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/i, 10);
        // if the kindle doesn't have silk in the userAgent, something is wonky = 1;

    if (looksLike(/Version/i, ua)) {
        // some kindles have a Version property in their userAgent = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Version\/(\d+\.\d+)/i);

    kindleBrowser.version = getKindleVersion(win,;
    kindleBrowser.tablet = true;

    return kindleBrowser;

 * Reads the user agent string to determine OS.
 * @param {Window} win
 * @param  {String} ua
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
var getOsFromUa = function (win, ua) {

    var unknownOS = new Browser();

    if (looksLike(/Win|IEMobile/i, ua)) {
        unknownOS = getMicrosoftOS(win, ua);
    } else if (looksLike(/Mac|iPhone|iPad|iPod/i, ua)) {
        unknownOS = getAppleOS(win, ua);
    } else if (looksLike(/Android/i, ua)) {
        unknownOS = getAndroidOS(win, ua);
    } else if (looksLike(kindleBrowser, ua)) {
        unknownOS = getKindleOS(win, ua);
    } else {
        unknownOS = getOtherOS(win, ua);
    return unknownOS;

 * Returns an object containing browser details (e.g. name, os, version, etc.).
 * @param {Window=} win
 * @param {String=} userAgent
 * @static
 * @returns {Browser} returns the Browser instance
 * @example
 * ```js
 * var os = browser.detect();
 * console.log(os); // outputs OS name (e.g. Windows, Mac, Android, etc.)
 * ```
var detect = function (win, userAgent) {

    var detectedBrowser = new Browser(),
        browserType = '',
        w = win || window,
        d = w.document,
        ua = userAgent || w.navigator.userAgent,
        nav = w.navigator,
        style =;

    // reset the results array
    results = [];

    // see if this is a mobile browser = isMobile(w);

    // run thru mobile detection first if applicable
    if ( {
        // MS Surfaces pass the mobile test, so we account for them here
        // IE Mobile sometimes contain touch in the UA
        if (looksLike(/Win/i, ua) && looksLike(/Touch/i, ua) && !looksLike(/IEMobile/i, ua)) {
            browserType = TYPE.MICROSOFT;
        // Kindle feature support varies greatly, and they retain low market-share, so we trust the user agent for now
        } else if (looksLike(kindleBrowser, ua)) {
            browserType = TYPE.KINDLE;
        } else if (can(nav, 'permissions')) {
            // Chrome is the only mobile platform with permissions
            browserType = TYPE.CHROME_MOBILE;
        } else if (has('ondevicelight', w)) {
            // Only FF Mobile has the ambient light API
            browserType = TYPE.FIREFOX_MOBILE;
        } else if (has('setImmediate', w)) {
            // IE is the only mobile with setImmediate
            browserType = TYPE.MICROSOFT_MOBILE;
        } else if (!has('matchMedia', w)) {
            // only Opera Mini lacks matchMedia, thanks for making this easy Opera!
            browserType = TYPE.OPERA_MINI;
        } else if (has('speechSynthesis', w)) {
            // iOS began supporting internationalization api in iOS 10
            // iOS Safari has speech synth support that goes way back to older versions too
            browserType = TYPE.SAFARI_MOBILE;
        } else if (has('isFinite', w) || can(has('connection', nav), 'type')) {
            // Android is the only remaining one with isFinite
            // Very old Android supports nav.connection.type
            if (mathMLSupport(d)) {
                // Detect mathML to find webviews reporting themselves as Android
                browserType = TYPE.WEBVIEW;
            } else {
                // Android has never supported mathML as of 4.4.4
                browserType = TYPE.ANDROID;
        } else if (!has('Intl', w)) {
            // blackBerry is the only one left without Internationalization
            browserType = TYPE.BLACKBERRY;
        } else if (has('webkitRequestFileSystem', w)) {
            // Opera is the only one remaining with a File System API
            browserType = TYPE.OPERA_ANDROID;
        } else {
            browserType = TYPE.UNKNOWN_MOBILE;
    } else if (!has('EventSource', w) && can(nav, 'onLine')) {
        browserType = TYPE.MICROSOFT;
    } else if (has('InstallTrigger', w)) {
        browserType = TYPE.FIREFOX;
    } else if (has('chrome', w) && !has('opera', w) && !looksLike(/\sOPR\/\d+/i, ua)) {
        browserType = TYPE.CHROME;
    } else if (has('opera', w) || looksLike(/\sOPR\/\d+/i, ua)) {
        browserType = TYPE.OPERA;
    } else if (!has('webkitRequestFileSystem', w)) {
        browserType = TYPE.SAFARI;
    } else {
        browserType = TYPE.UNKNOWN;

    // now that we know the environment, we run feature detection specific to it
    if (browserType === TYPE.MICROSOFT) {

        detectedBrowser = getMicrosoftOS(w, ua); = 'trident'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Edge\/(\d+)/i, 10);

        if ( === DEFAULT_VERSION) {
   = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /MSIE\/(\d+)/i, 10);

        detectedBrowser.version = getTridentVersion(w,;
        detectedBrowser.engine.version = getTridentEngineVersion(detectedBrowser.version);

        if (detectedBrowser.version >= 12) {
   = 'Edge';
        } else {
   = 'Internet Explorer';

        if ( === 'Edge' && !looksLike(/Edge/i, ua)) {
            detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false;
        } else if ( === 'Internet Explorer' && (!looksLike(/MSIE/i, ua) && !looksLike(/Trident/i, ua))) {
            detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false;

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.FIREFOX) {

        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = 'Firefox'; = 'gecko';
        detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /rv:(\d+)/i, 10); = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Firefox\/(\d+)/i, 10);
        detectedBrowser.version = getGeckoVersion(w,;

        if (!looksLike(/Firefox/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.CHROME) {
        // Detect all chrome versions possible by feature detection

        // all versions:                        1-38
        // optimal version coverage:            21, 35, 36, 37, 38
        // versions accounted for:                4-38
        // versions covered by feature testing: 4-13, 15, 20-27, 30, 32-34
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = has('CSS', w) ? 'blink' : 'webkit'; // should be all of version 27+ on blink
        // chrome uses a standard ua format and can always supported indexOf
        detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Chrome\/(\d+)/i, 10); = detectedBrowser.engine.version;
        detectedBrowser.version = getChromiumVersion(w,; = 'Chrome';

        if (!looksLike(/Chrome/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.OPERA) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua);

        if (looksLike(/Presto\/(\d+\.\d+)/i, ua)) {
            detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Presto\/(\d+\.\d+)/i);
        } else if (looksLike(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/i, ua)) {
            detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/i, 10);

        if (looksLike(/Nintendo/i, ua)) {
   = 'presto';
            detectedBrowser.version = '9.0';
            detectedBrowser.console = true;
        } else {
            if (can(has('opera', w), 'version')) {
                detectedBrowser.feature.version = parseFloat(w.opera.version()); // presto reveals its version via api
                detectedBrowser.version = detectedBrowser.feature.version;
       = 'presto'; // should be all of version 27+ on blink
            } else {
                detectedBrowser.version = getChromiumVersion(w,;
       = 'blink'; // chrome's blink engine would be the version of the engine here
                detectedBrowser.engine.version = detectedBrowser.version; // chrome's blink engine would be the version of the engine here

                if (looksLike(/OPR\/\d+.\d+/i, ua)) {
           = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /OPR\/\d+.\d+/i);

                if (detectedBrowser.version >= 28) { // chrome version is 28+ then it's on chrome's release cycle.
                    detectedBrowser.version = getVersion(, detectedBrowser.version - 13, MAX_BROWSER_VER); // Guess the version based on chrome's version.
        } = 'Opera';

        if (!looksLike(/Opera/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.SAFARI) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua);
        detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/, 10);
        // all versions:                        0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0
        // optimal version coverage:            6.1, 7.0, 8.0
        // versions accounted for:                *
        // versions covered by feature testing: 3.2, 4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
        detectedBrowser.desktop = true;

        if (looksLike(/Version\/(\d\.\d)/i, ua)) {
   = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Version\/(\d\.\d)/i); // this format was introduced at = parseFloat(ua.match()[1]);

        if (looksLike(/Mac.OS.X.10.(\d+)/i, ua)) {
            var macVersion = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Mac.OS.X.10.(\d+)/i, 10); // this format was introduced at 3.0+
            if (macVersion > 0) {
       = 'Mac';
                detectedBrowser.os.version = '10.' + macVersion;
            } else {
                detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua);
        } else {
            detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua);
        } = 'Safari'; = 'webkit';
        detectedBrowser.version = getSafariVersion(w,;

        if (!looksLike(/Safari/i, ua)) {
            detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false;

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.ANDROID) {

        detectedBrowser = getAndroidOS(w, ua); = 'Android';
        detectedBrowser.version = getAndroidVersion(w,;

        if (!looksLike(/Android/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Mobile/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.SAFARI_MOBILE) {

        detectedBrowser = getAppleOS(w, ua);
        // Feature detect Mobile Safari so we can tell if it's the real deal or an imposter = 'Mobile Safari';  = 'webkit';
        detectedBrowser.engine.version = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/, 10);
        if (looksLike(/Version\/(\d\.\d)/i, ua)) {
   = parseFloatIfMatch(ua, /Version\/(\d\.\d)/i); // this format was introduced at = parseFloat(ua.match()[1]);
        // all versions:                        1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0
        // optimal version coverage:            6.x, 7.x, 8.x
        // versions accounted for:                *
        // versions covered by feature testing:    3.2, 4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
        detectedBrowser.version = getSafariVersion(w,;
        detectedBrowser.os.version = detectedBrowser.version;

        if (!looksLike(/Safari/i, ua) || !looksLike(/iPhone|iPad/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.CHROME_MOBILE) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = 'Chrome Android'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Chrome\/(\d+)/i, 10); // we trust the UA for now
        detectedBrowser.version =;
        if (!looksLike(/Chrome/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Mobile/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.FIREFOX_MOBILE) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = 'Firefox Android'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Firefox\/(\d+)/i, 10); // we trust the UA for now
        detectedBrowser.version =;
        if (!looksLike(/Firefox/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Mobile/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.MICROSOFT_MOBILE) {
        detectedBrowser = getMicrosoftOS(w, ua); = 'Mobile IE'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /IEMobile\/(\d+)/i, 10); // we trust the UA for now
        detectedBrowser.version =;
        if (!looksLike(/MSIE/i, ua) || !looksLike(/IEMobile/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.WEBVIEW) {
        detectedBrowser = getAppleOS(w, ua); = 'iOS Webview';
        if (!looksLike(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Mobile/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }
    } else if (browserType === TYPE.OPERA_MINI) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = 'Opera Mini'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Opera Mini\/(\d+)/i, 10); // we trust the UA for now
        detectedBrowser.version =;
        if (!looksLike(/Opera/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Mini/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.OPERA_ANDROID) {
        detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua); = 'Opera Android'; = parseIntIfMatch(ua, /Opera\/(\d+)/i, 10); // we trust the UA for now
        detectedBrowser.version =;
        if (!looksLike(/Opera/i, ua) || !looksLike(/Android/i, ua)) { detectedBrowser.trustworthy = false; }

    } else if (browserType === TYPE.KINDLE) {
        detectedBrowser = getKindleOS(w, ua); = 'Kindle';
        // we rely on the user agent for all kindle detection, so we can't detect untrustworthiness
    } else if (browserType === TYPE.UNKNOWN || browserType === TYPE.UNKNOWN_MOBILE) {
        if (can(style, 'KhtmlUserInput')) {
   = 'Linux Browser';
   = 'khtml';
   = 'Linux';
            detectedBrowser.desktop = true;
        } else {
            detectedBrowser = getOsFromUa(w, ua);
   = 'Unknown';
   = 'Unknown';
   = 'Unknown';

    // if the user agent version is beyond
    if ( > detectedBrowser.version) {
        detectedBrowser.max = MAX.EXCEED;

    map.TRUSTWORTHY = save(detectedBrowser.trustworthy);
    map.BROWSER_NAME = save(;
    map.BROWSER_VERSION = save(detectedBrowser.version);
    map.ENGINE_NAME = save(;
    map.ENGINE_VERSION = save(detectedBrowser.engine.version);
    map.OS_NAME = save(;
    map.OS_VERSION = save(detectedBrowser.os.version);
    map.DESKTOP = save(detectedBrowser.desktop);
    map.MOBILE = save(;
    map.TABLET = save(detectedBrowser.tablet);
    map.CONSOLE = save(detectedBrowser.console);
    map.MAX = save(detectedBrowser.max);

    detectedBrowser.isIE = ( === 'Internet Explorer');
    detectedBrowser.isFF = ( === 'Firefox');
    detectedBrowser.isOpera = ( === 'Opera');
    detectedBrowser.isChrome = ( === 'Chrome');
    detectedBrowser.isSafari = ( === 'Safari');

     * Retrieve any results in the map by name because they're returned in an array without names.
     * @param {String} key
     * @returns {*}
     */ = function (key) {
        return results[key];
    }; = map;
    module.exports.results = results;
    module.exports.details = detectedBrowser;

    return detectedBrowser;

exports.detect = detect;
exports.isMobile = isMobile;
exports.mathMLSupports = mathMLSupport;
exports.getVersion = getVersion;
exports.looksLike = looksLike;
exports.parseIntIfMatch = parseIntIfMatch;
exports.parseFloatIfMatch = parseFloatIfMatch;
exports.getAndroidVersion = getAndroidVersion;
exports.getChromiumVersion = getChromiumVersion;
exports.getSafariVersion = getSafariVersion;
exports.getKindleVersion = getKindleVersion;
exports.getOtherOS = getOtherOS;
exports.getAppleOS = getAppleOS;
exports.getMicrosoftOS = getMicrosoftOS;
exports.getAndroidOS = getAndroidOS;
exports.getKindleOS = getKindleOS;
exports.getOsFromUa = getOsFromUa;