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Test Coverage
 * @desc Environment Detection - Gets Data Pertaining to User's Environment
 * @module Environment
 * @typicalname environment
 * @example
 * ```
 * var environment = require("adlibs/lib/detect/environment");
 * ```

/* jshint strict: false, nonstandard: true, browser: true, moz: true, esnext: true, es5: true */


'use strict';

var win = window,
    doc = win.document,
    nav = win.navigator,
    can = require('../canHas').can,
    has = require('../canHas').has;

 * Return this ad's position within the parent, in the order of the frames around us.
 * @param pos
 * @private
 * @returns {String}
var getFramePosition = function (pos) {
    if (win.parent.frames[pos] || pos > 100) {
        if (win.parent.frames[pos] === window) {
            return '' + pos;
        } else {
            return getFramePosition(pos + 1);
    } else {
        return '-1';

 * Return the ad's depth in iframes.
 * @param myWin {Object} window object
 * @param depth {Number} nest level
 * @private
 * @returns {Number}
var getFrameDepth = function (myWin, depth) {
    depth = depth || 0;
    myWin = myWin || window;

    if (myWin === top || depth > 100) {
        return depth;
    } else {
        return getFrameDepth(myWin.parent, depth + 1);

var versionMatch = /(\d+.\d+)/i;

 * Check the web standards compliant plugin interface for plugins by name.
 * @param name
 * @private
 * @returns {String}
var checkPlugin = function (name) {
     * @type plugin
     * @property description
     * @property version
     * @property name
    var plugin = has(name, has('plugins', nav));
    var    version;

    if (typeof plugin === 'object') {
        if (versionMatch.test(has('version', plugin).toString())) {
            version = plugin.version;
        } else if (versionMatch.test(has('description', plugin).toString())) {
            version = plugin.description;
        } else if (versionMatch.test(has('name', plugin).toString())) {
            version =;
        } else {
            version = '1.0'; // @todo come up with something a little more scientific

        // This has to come back with an array because it matched the test above in all cases.
        return '' + parseFloat(version.match(versionMatch)[1].replace('_', '.'));
    return '-1';

 * Check standards compliant and active x interfaces for the flash plugin version.
 * @private
 * @returns {String}
var getFlashVersion = function () {
    if (can(nav, 'plugins') && !has('ActiveXObject')) { // standards compliant browsers

        return checkPlugin('Shockwave Flash'); //Flash version

    } else if (has('ActiveXObject')) { // must be ie, but not the newest ie 11+ releases

        return (function () {
                var plugin,

                try {
                    plugin = (new has('ActiveXObject'))('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); // jshint ignore:line
                    pluginVersion = has('GetVariable', plugin)('$version');
                    if (typeof pluginVersion === 'string') {
                        pluginVersion.split(' ')[1].split(',');
                    return pluginVersion[0] + '.' + pluginVersion[1];
                } catch (e) {
                    //Flash Not Installed
                    return '-1';
            }()) || '-1';

    return '-1';

 * Detect environmental variables and return them wrapped within an object.
 * @returns {Object} returns the environment object
 * @static
 * @example
 * ```js
 * var flash = environment.detect().flash;
 * console.log(flash) // outputs the version of Flash
 * ```
var detect = function () {

    var environment = {},
        zoomRatio = 1,
        results = [],
        map = {};

    var save = function (result) {
        return results.length - 1;

    environment.parent_ads = has('length', has('frames', win.parent)) || '-1';
    map.PARENT_ADS = save(environment.parent_ads);

    try {
        environment.ad_order = getFramePosition(0);
    } catch (ex) {
        environment.ad_order = '-1';

    try {
        environment.ad_depth = getFrameDepth() + '';
    } catch (ex) {
        environment.ad_depth = '-1';

    map.AD_ORDER = save(environment.ad_order);
    map.AD_DEPTH = save(environment.ad_depth);

    if (can(screen,'deviceXDPI') && can(screen,'logicalXDPI')) { // old ie, so this must go before the IE check
        zoomRatio = (screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI).toFixed(3);
    } else if (has('all')) { // new ie
        zoomRatio = (doc.documentElement.offsetHeight / win.innerHeight).toFixed(3);
    } else if (has('orientation')) { // mobile webkit
        deviceWidth = (Math.abs(win.orientation) === 90) ? screen.height : screen.width;
        zoomRatio = (deviceWidth / win.innerWidth).toFixed(3);
    } else if (has('opera')) {
        zoomRatio = (top.outerWidth / top.innerWidth).toFixed(3);
    } // anything else is obnoxiously complex

    if (!isFinite(zoomRatio)) {
        zoomRatio = '-1';
    } else if (+zoomRatio !== 1) {
        zoomRatio = (+zoomRatio).toFixed(3);

    pixelDensity = has('devicePixelRatio') || 1;

    environment.zoom_ratio = zoomRatio;
    environment.pixel_density = pixelDensity.toFixed(3);
    map.ZOOM_RATIO = save(zoomRatio);
    map.PIXEL_DENSITY = save(pixelDensity.toFixed(3));

    //d.documentElement.clientWidth; // ad width
    //d.documentElement.offsetWidth; // ??
    //d.documentElement.scrollWidth; // ??
    //screen.availHeight; // total screen size available to the browser minus the os ui
    //screen.height; // total screen size
    //w.outerWidth; // potentially as close as we can get on safari and chrome to the window width
    //w.innerWidth; // ad width including a check for scrollbars
    //if (d.documentElement.clientWidth === w.innerWidth) { } // there are no horizontal scroll bars in the ad
    //if (d.documentElement.clientHeight === w.innerHeight) { } // there are no horizontal scroll bars in the ad
    //if (isMobile) {
    //    if (screen.width === screen.availWidth) { console.log(''); } // maximized width
    //    else if (screen.width === screen.availHeight) { console.log(''); } // maximized width
    //if (screen.height === screen.availHeight) { } // maximized width

    // Estimated screen size given the current screen, which is the only one we can measure

    environment.screen_w = ((has('width', screen) || '0') * pixelDensity).toFixed(0);
    environment.screen_h = ((has('height', screen) || '0') * pixelDensity).toFixed(0);

    // Estimated viewport size, but not really that accurate for IE without getting an event from IE 9-10 per the geometry strat
    // @todo fix this because it is definitely not correct the way it's implemented
    environment.avail_w = ((has('availWidth', screen) || '0') * pixelDensity).toFixed(0);
    environment.avail_h = Math.max((can(doc, 'documentElement') && has('clientWidth', doc.documentElement)) || 0, has('outerWidth') || 0).toFixed(0);

    environment.ad_w = Math.max((can(doc, 'documentElement') && has('clientWidth', doc.documentElement)) || 0, has('innerWidth') || 0).toFixed(0);
    environment.ad_h = Math.max((can(doc, 'documentElement') && has('clientHeight', doc.documentElement)) || 0, has('innerHeight') || 0).toFixed(0);

    environment.flash = getFlashVersion();

    // Do not track info from the browser. The Mozilla implementation and Microsoft implements vary quite a bit.
    if (can(nav, 'doNotTrack')) {
        environment.dnt = (nav.doNotTrack === 'yes' || parseInt(nav.doNotTrack, 10) === 1) ? '1' : '0';
    } else if (can(nav, 'msDoNotTrack')) {
        environment.dnt = (nav.msDoNotTrack === 'yes' || parseInt(nav.msDoNotTrack, 10) === 1) ? '1' : '0';
    } else {
        environment.dnt = '-1';

    // Rendering mode the browser is using. This represents a chance to check for quirks mode's target IE version
    environment.doc_mode = has('documentMode', doc) || '0';

    map.SCREEN_W = save(environment.screen_w);
    map.SCREEN_H = save(environment.screen_h);
    map.AVAIL_W = save(environment.avail_w);
    map.AVAIL_H = save(environment.avail_h);
    map.AD_W = save(environment.ad_w);
    map.AD_H = save(environment.ad_h);
    map.FLASH = save(environment.flash);
    map.DNT = save(environment.dnt);
    map.DOC_MODE = save(environment.doc_mode);

     * @returns {Number}
    module.exports.getFlashVersion = function () {
        return parseFloat(environment.flash); //Flash Version

     * @returns {String}
    module.exports.getFrameDepth = function () {
        return environment.ad_depth;

     * @returns {{height: (*|String|Undefined), width: (*|String|Undefined)}}
    module.exports.getAvailableScreenSize = function () {
        return {
            height: environment.avail_h,
            width: environment.avail_w

     * @returns {{height: (*|String|Undefined), width: (*|String|Undefined)}}
    module.exports.getScreenSize = function () {
        return {
            height: environment.screen_h,
            width: environment.screen_w

     * @returns {{height: (*|String|Undefined), width: (*|String|Undefined)}}
    module.exports.getAdDocSize = function () {
        return {
            height: environment.ad_h,
            width: environment.ad_w

    module.exports.details = environment; = map;
    module.exports.results = results;

    return environment;

module.exports.detect = detect;