package consumer
import (
// Connection describes the part of amqp.Connection required by this code base.
type Connection interface {
Channel() (*amqp.Channel, error)
// Channel describes the part of amqp.Channel required by this code base.
type Channel interface {
Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error
Consume(queue, consumer string, autoAck, exclusive, noLocal, noWait bool, args amqp.Table) (<-chan amqp.Delivery, error)
ExchangeDeclare(name, kind string, durable, autoDelete, internal, noWait bool, args amqp.Table) error
NotifyClose(receiver chan *amqp.Error) chan *amqp.Error
Publish(exchange, key string, mandatory, immediate bool, msg amqp.Publishing) error
Qos(prefetchCount, prefetchSize int, global bool) error
QueueBind(name, key, exchange string, noWait bool, args amqp.Table) error
QueueDeclare(name string, durable, autoDelete, exclusive, noWait bool, args amqp.Table) (amqp.Queue, error)