// +build integration
package main_test
import (
var (
command = os.Args[0] + " -- "
amqpArgs = amqp.Table{
"x-message-ttl": int32(42),
"x-max-priority": int32(42),
var tests = []struct {
name string
// The arguments passed to the consumer command.
args []string
// The queue name
queue string
// The AMQ message sent.
msg amqp.Publishing
// The commands environment
env []string
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("default")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command + "-comp", "-c", "fixtures/compressed.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("compressed")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-o", "-e", command + "-output=-", "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("output")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-o", "-e", command + "-output=-", "-c", "fixtures/no_logs.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("noLogs")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-q", "altTest", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("queueName")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-i", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"},
ContentType: "text/plain",
CorrelationId: "679eaffe-e290-4565-a223-8b1ec10f6b26",
Body: []byte("properties"),
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/amqp_url.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("amqpUrl")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/no_amqp_url.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("noAmqpUrl")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/no_amqp_url.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("envAmqpUrl")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-q", "test"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("envAmqpUrlNoConfig")},
[]string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-pipe", "-e", command + "-pipe", "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"},
amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain", Body: []byte("pipe")},
var noDeclareTests = []struct {
name string
// The arguments passed to the consumer command.
args []string
{"noDeclare", []string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-q", "noDeclare", "-e", command, "-no-declare"}},
{"noDeclareConfig", []string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-q", "noDeclareConfig", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/no_declare.conf"}},
func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
conn, ch := prepare(t)
defer conn.Close()
defer ch.Close()
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
cmd, stdout, stderr := startConsumer(t, test.env, test.args...)
declareQueueAndPublish(t, ch, test.queue, test.msg)
waitForOutput(t, stdout, "Processed!")
stopConsumer(t, cmd)
output, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./command.log")
goldie.Assert(t, t.Name()+"Command", output)
assertOutput(t, stdout, stderr)
for _, test := range noDeclareTests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
declareQueue(t, ch,, amqpArgs)
cmd, stdout, stderr := startConsumer(t, []string{}, test.args...)
waitForOutput(t, stdout, "Waiting for messages...")
stopConsumer(t, cmd)
assertOutput(t, stdout, stderr)
t.Run("declareError", func(t *testing.T) {
declareQueue(t, ch, t.Name(), amqpArgs)
cmd, stdout, stderr := startConsumer(t, []string{}, "-V", "-no-datetime", "-q", t.Name(), "-e", command)
assert.EqualError(t, cmd.Wait(), "exit status 1")
assertOutput(t, stdout, stderr)
var closeTests = []struct {
name string
closeArgs []string
{"connection", []string{"exec", "-T", "rabbitmq", "/bin/bash", "-c", "until rabbitmqadmin list connections | grep -v 'No items' > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done; eval $(rabbitmqadmin list connections -f kvp); rabbitmqadmin close connection name=\"${name}\""}},
{"shutdown", []string{"stop"}},
func TestConnectionClose(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range closeTests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
conn, ch := prepare(t)
args := []string{"-V", "-no-datetime", "-e", command, "-c", "fixtures/default.conf"}
cmd, stdout, _ := startConsumer(t, []string{}, args...)
waitForOutput(t, stdout, "Waiting for messages...")
stop := exec.Command("docker-compose", test.closeArgs...)
if err := stop.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to close connection/shutdown server: %v", err)
assert.EqualError(t, cmd.Wait(), "exit status 10")
func assertOutput(t *testing.T, stdout, stderr *bytes.Buffer) {
goldie.Assert(t, t.Name()+"Output", bytes.Trim(stdout.Bytes(), "\x00"))
goldie.Assert(t, t.Name()+"Error", bytes.Trim(stderr.Bytes(), "\x00"))
func prepare(t *testing.T) (*amqp.Connection, *amqp.Channel) {
makeCmd := exec.Command("make", "build")
if err := makeCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not build binary for: %v", err)
stopCmd := exec.Command("docker-compose", "down", "--volumes", "--remove-orphans")
if err := stopCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to stop docker stack: %v", err)
upCmd := exec.Command("docker-compose", "up", "-d")
if err := upCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to start docker stack: %v", err)
conn, err := connect("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to open AMQP connection: %v", err)
ch, err := conn.Channel()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to open channel: %v", err)
return conn, ch
func connect(url string) (*amqp.Connection, error) {
timeout := time.After(15 * time.Second)
ticker := time.NewTicker(500 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout while trying to connect to RabbitMQ")
case <-ticker.C:
conn, err := amqp.Dial(url)
if err == nil {
return conn, nil
func declareQueue(t *testing.T, ch *amqp.Channel, name string, args amqp.Table) amqp.Queue {
q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(name, true, false, false, false, args)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to declare queue; %v", err)
return q
func declareQueueAndPublish(t *testing.T, ch *amqp.Channel, name string, msg amqp.Publishing) {
q := declareQueue(t, ch, name, nil)
if err := ch.Publish("", q.Name, false, false, msg); nil != err {
t.Errorf("failed to publish message: %v", err)
func startConsumer(t *testing.T, env []string, arg ...string) (cmd *exec.Cmd, stdout *bytes.Buffer, stderr *bytes.Buffer) {
stdout = &bytes.Buffer{}
stderr = &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd = exec.Command("./rabbitmq-cli-consumer", arg...)
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
cmd.Env = append(append(os.Environ(), "GO_WANT_HELPER_PROCESS=1"), env...)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to start consumer: %v", err)
return cmd, stdout, stderr
func stopConsumer(t *testing.T, cmd *exec.Cmd) {
if err := cmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to stop consumer: %v", err)
func waitForOutput(t *testing.T, buf *bytes.Buffer, expect string) {
timeout := time.After(10 * time.Second)
ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Errorf("timeout while waiting for output \"%s\"", expect)
case <-ticker.C:
if strings.Contains(buf.String(), expect) {