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1 day
Test Coverage
 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: michael
 * Date: 4/16/18
 * Time: 7:57 AM

namespace dokuwiki\plugin\issuelinks\services;

use dokuwiki\Form\Form;
use dokuwiki\plugin\issuelinks\classes\Issue;
use dokuwiki\plugin\issuelinks\classes\Repository;
use dokuwiki\plugin\issuelinks\classes\RequestResult;

class Jira extends AbstractService

    const SYNTAX = 'jira';
    const DISPLAY_NAME = 'Jira';
    const ID = 'jira';

    protected $dokuHTTPClient;
    protected $jiraUrl;
    protected $token;
    protected $configError;
    protected $authUser;
    protected $total;

    // FIXME should this be rather protected?
    public function __construct()
        $this->dokuHTTPClient = new \DokuHTTPClient();
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $jiraUrl = $db->getKeyValue('jira_url');
        $this->jiraUrl = $jiraUrl ? trim($jiraUrl, '/') : null;
        $authToken = $db->getKeyValue('jira_token');
        $this->token = $authToken;
        $jiraUser = $db->getKeyValue('jira_user');
        $this->authUser = $jiraUser;

     * Decide whether the provided issue is valid
     * @param Issue $issue
     * @return bool
    public static function isIssueValid(Issue $issue)
        $summary = $issue->getSummary();
        $valid = !blank($summary);
        $status = $issue->getStatus();
        $valid &= !blank($status);
        $type = $issue->getType();
        $valid &= !blank($type);
        return $valid;

     * Provide the character separation the project name from the issue number, may be different for merge requests
     * @param bool $isMergeRequest
     * @return string
    public static function getProjectIssueSeparator($isMergeRequest)
        return '-';

    public static function isOurWebhook()
        global $INPUT;
        $userAgent = $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
        return strpos($userAgent, 'Atlassian') === 0;

     * Get the url to the given issue at the given project
     * @param      $projectId
     * @param      $issueId
     * @param bool $isMergeRequest ignored, GitHub routes the requests correctly by itself
     * @return string
    public function getIssueURL($projectId, $issueId, $isMergeRequest)
        return $this->jiraUrl . '/browse/' . $projectId . '-' . $issueId;

     * @param string $issueSyntax
     * @return Issue
    public function parseIssueSyntax($issueSyntax)
        if (preg_match('/^\w+\-[1-9]\d*$/', $issueSyntax) !== 1) {
            return null;

        list($projectKey, $issueNumber) = explode('-', $issueSyntax);

        $issue = Issue::getInstance('jira', $projectKey, $issueNumber, false);

        return $issue;

     * @return bool
    public function isConfigured()
        if (null === $this->jiraUrl) {
            $this->configError = 'Jira URL not set!';
            return false;

        if (empty($this->token)) {
            $this->configError = 'Authentication token is missing!';
            return false;

        if (empty($this->authUser)) {
            $this->configError = 'Authentication user is missing!';
            return false;

        try {
            $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook', [], 'GET');
//            $user = $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/api/2/user', [], 'GET');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->configError = 'The Jira authentication failed with message: ' . hsc($e->getMessage());
            return false;

        return true;

    protected function makeJiraRequest($endpoint, array $data, $method, array $headers = [])
        $url = $this->jiraUrl . $endpoint;
        $defaultHeaders = [
            'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode("$this->authUser:$this->token"),
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

        $requestHeaders = array_merge($defaultHeaders, $headers);

        return $this->makeHTTPRequest($this->dokuHTTPClient, $url, $requestHeaders, $data, $method);

     * @param Form $configForm
     * @return void
    public function hydrateConfigForm(Form $configForm)
        $url = '';
        $link = "<a href=\"$url\">$url</a>";
        $message = "Please go to $link and generate a new token for this plugin.";
        $configForm->addHTML("<p>{$this->configError} $message</p>");
        $configForm->addTextInput('jira_url', 'Jira Url')->val($this->jiraUrl);
        $configForm->addTextInput('jira_user', 'Jira User')
            ->attr('placeholder', '');
        $configForm->addPasswordInput('jira_token', 'Jira AccessToken')->useInput(false);

    public function handleAuthorization()
        global $INPUT;

        $token = $INPUT->str('jira_token');
        $url = $INPUT->str('jira_url');
        $user = $INPUT->str('jira_user');

        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        if (!empty($token)) {
            $db->saveKeyValuePair('jira_token', $token);
        if (!empty($url)) {
            $db->saveKeyValuePair('jira_url', $url);
        if (!empty($user)) {
            $db->saveKeyValuePair('jira_user', $user);

    public function getUserString()
        return hsc($this->authUser);

    public function getRepoPageText()
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $jira_url = $db->getKeyValue('jira_url');
        $href = $jira_url . '/plugins/servlet/webhooks';
        $msg = $db->getLang('jira:webhook settings link');
        $link = "<a href=\"$href\" target='_blank'>$msg</a>";
        return $link;

    public function retrieveIssue(Issue $issue)
        // FIXME: somehow validate that we are allowed to retrieve that issue

        $projectKey = $issue->getProject();

        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $webhooks = $db->getWebhooks('jira');
        $allowedRepos = explode(',', $webhooks[0]['repository_id']);

        if (!in_array($projectKey, $allowedRepos, true)) {
//            Jira Projects must be enabled as Webhook for on-demand fetching

        $issueNumber = $issue->getKey();
        $endpoint = "/rest/api/2/issue/$projectKey-$issueNumber";

        $issueData = $this->makeJiraRequest($endpoint, [], 'GET');
        $this->setIssueData($issue, $issueData);

    protected function setIssueData(Issue $issue, $issueData)

        $versions = array_column($issueData['fields']['fixVersions'], 'name');
        $components = array_column($issueData['fields']['components'], 'name');

        if ($issueData['fields']['assignee']) {
            $assignee = $issueData['fields']['assignee'];
            $issue->setAssignee($assignee['displayName'], $assignee['avatarUrls']['48x48']);

        if ($issueData['fields']['duedate']) {

        // FIXME: check and handle these fields:
//        $issue->setParent($issueData['fields']['parent']['key']);

    public function retrieveAllIssues($projectKey, &$startat = 0)
        $jqlQuery = "project=$projectKey";
//        $jqlQuery = urlencode("project=$projectKey ORDER BY updated DESC");
        $endpoint = '/rest/api/2/search?jql=' . $jqlQuery . '&maxResults=50&startAt=' . $startat;
        $result = $this->makeJiraRequest($endpoint, [], 'GET');

        if (empty($result['issues'])) {
            return [];

        $this->total = $result['total'];

        $startat += $result['maxResults'];

        $retrievedIssues = [];
        foreach ($result['issues'] as $issueData) {
            list(, $issueNumber) = explode('-', $issueData['key']);
            try {
                $issue = Issue::getInstance('jira', $projectKey, $issueNumber, false);
            } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            $this->setIssueData($issue, $issueData);
            $retrievedIssues[] = $issue;
        return $retrievedIssues;

     * Get the total of issues currently imported by retrieveAllIssues()
     * This may be an estimated number
     * @return int
    public function getTotalIssuesBeingImported()
        return $this->total;

     * Get a list of all organisations a user is member of
     * @return string[] the identifiers of the organisations
    public function getListOfAllUserOrganisations()
        return ['All projects'];

     * @param $organisation
     * @return Repository[]
    public function getListOfAllReposAndHooks($organisation)
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $webhooks = $db->getWebhooks('jira');
        $subscribedProjects = [];
        if (!empty($webhooks)) {
            $subscribedProjects = explode(',', $webhooks[0]['repository_id']);

        $projects = $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/api/2/project', [], 'GET');

        $repositories = [];
        foreach ($projects as $project) {
            $repo = new Repository();
            $repo->displayName = $project['name'];
            $repo->full_name = $project['key'];
            if (in_array($project['key'], $subscribedProjects)) {
                $repo->hookID = 1;
            $repositories[] = $repo;
        return $repositories;

    public function createWebhook($project)
        // get old webhook id
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $webhooks = $db->getWebhooks('jira');
        $projects = [];
        if (!empty($webhooks)) {
            $oldID = $webhooks[0]['id'];
            // get current webhook projects
            $projects = explode(',', $webhooks[0]['repository_id']);
            // remove old webhook
            $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook/' . $oldID, [], 'DELETE');
            // delete old webhook from database
            $db->deleteWebhook('jira', $webhooks[0]['repository_id'], $oldID);

        // add new project
        $projects[] = $project;
        $projects = array_filter(array_unique($projects));
        $projectsString = implode(',', $projects);

        // add new webhooks
        global $conf;
        $payload = [
            'name' => 'dokuwiki plugin issuelinks for Wiki: ' . $conf['title'],
            'url' => self::WEBHOOK_URL,
            'events' => [
            'description' => 'dokuwiki plugin issuelinks for Wiki: ' . $conf['title'],
            'jqlFilter' => "project in ($projectsString)",
            'excludeIssueDetails' => 'false',

        $response = $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook', $payload, 'POST');

        $selfLink = $response['self'];
        $newWebhookID = substr($selfLink, strrpos($selfLink, '/') + 1);

        // store new webhook to database
        $db->saveWebhook('jira', $projectsString, $newWebhookID, 'jira rest webhooks have no secrets :/');
        return ['status' => 200, 'data' => ['id' => $newWebhookID]];

     * Delete our webhook in a source repository
     * @param     $project
     * @param int $hookid the numerical id of the hook to be deleted
     * @return array
    public function deleteWebhook($project, $hookid)
        // get old webhook id
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $webhooks = $db->getWebhooks('jira');
        $projects = [];
        if (!empty($webhooks)) {
            $oldID = $webhooks[0]['id'];
            // get current webhook projects
            $projects = explode(',', $webhooks[0]['repository_id']);
            // remove old webhook
            $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook/' . $oldID, [], 'DELETE');
            // delete old webhook from database
            $db->deleteWebhook('jira', $webhooks[0]['repository_id'], $oldID);

        // remove project
        $projects = array_filter(array_diff($projects, [$project]));
        if (empty($projects)) {
            return ['status' => 204, 'data' => ''];

        $projectsString = implode(',', $projects);

        // add new webhooks
        global $conf;
        $payload = [
            'name' => 'dokuwiki plugin issuelinks for Wiki: ' . $conf['title'],
            'url' => self::WEBHOOK_URL,
            'events' => [
            'description' => 'dokuwiki plugin issuelinks for Wiki: ' . $conf['title'],
            'jqlFilter' => "project in ($projectsString)",
            'excludeIssueDetails' => 'false',
        $response = $this->makeJiraRequest('/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook', $payload, 'POST');
        $selfLink = $response['self'];
        $newWebhookID = substr($selfLink, strrpos($selfLink, '/') + 1);

        // store new webhook to database
        $db->saveWebhook('jira', $projectsString, $newWebhookID, 'jira rest webhooks have no secrets :/');

        return ['status' => 204, 'data' => ''];

     * Do all checks to verify that the webhook is expected and actually ours
     * @param $webhookBody
     * @return true|RequestResult true if the the webhook is our and should be processed RequestResult with explanation
     *                            otherwise
    public function validateWebhook($webhookBody)
        $data = json_decode($webhookBody, true);
        /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */
        $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db');
        $webhooks = $db->getWebhooks('jira');
        $projects = [];
        if (!empty($webhooks)) {
            // get current webhook projects
            $projects = explode(',', $webhooks[0]['repository_id']);

        if (!$data['webhookEvent'] || !in_array($data['webhookEvent'], ['jira:issue_updated', 'jira:issue_created'])) {
            return new RequestResult(400, 'unknown webhook event');

        list($projectKey, $issueId) = explode('-', $data['issue']['key']);

        if (!in_array($projectKey, $projects)) {
            return new RequestResult(202, 'Project ' . $projectKey . ' is not handled by this wiki.');

        return true;

     * Handle the contents of the webhooks body
     * @param $webhookBody
     * @return RequestResult
    public function handleWebhook($webhookBody)
        $data = json_decode($webhookBody, true);
        $issueData = $data['issue'];
        list($projectKey, $issueId) = explode('-', $issueData['key']);
        $issue = Issue::getInstance('jira', $projectKey, $issueId, false);
        $this->setIssueData($issue, $issueData);

        return new RequestResult(200, 'OK');