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Test Coverage
    log   local0
    log   local1 notice
    maxconn <%= node[:haproxy][:global][:maxconn] %>
    tune.bufsize <%= node[:haproxy][:global][:bufsize] %>
    tune.maxrewrite <%= node[:haproxy][:global][:maxrewrite] %>
    tune.chksize <%= node[:haproxy][:global][:chksize] %>
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    user <%= node[:haproxy][:platform][:user] %>
    group <%= node[:haproxy][:platform][:group] %>
    stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats.sock user haproxy group haproxy mode 0640 level operator

    tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
    ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 no-tlsv10
    ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3 no-tlsv10
    ssl-default-bind-ciphers DEFAULT_SUSE
    ssl-default-server-ciphers DEFAULT_SUSE

    log     global
    mode    tcp
    option  tcplog
    option  dontlognull
    option  redispatch
    retries 3
    timeout http-request 10s
    timeout http-keep-alive 10s
    timeout queue 1m
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout client 3h
    timeout server 3h
    timeout check 5s
    balance <%= node[:haproxy][:defaults][:balance] %>
<% # if stats are not enabled, but there's no configured section, we setup stats on to generate a valid config file (it needs at least one section) -%>
<% if node[:haproxy][:stats][:enabled] || node[:haproxy][:sections].empty? -%>

listen  admin-stats <%= node[:haproxy][:stats][:enabled] ? node[:haproxy][:stats][:address] : "" %>:<%= node[:haproxy][:stats][:port] %>
    mode http
    option httplog
    stats uri /
<% end -%>
<% node[:haproxy][:sections].keys.sort.each do |type| -%>
  <% node[:haproxy][:sections][type].keys.sort.each do |name| -%>

    <% content = node[:haproxy][:sections][type][name] -%>
<%= type %> <%= name %>
    <% if content[:terminate_ssl] -%>
    bind <%= content[:address] %>:<%= content[:port] %> ssl crt <%= content[:pemfile] %>
    <% else -%>
    bind <%= content[:address] %>:<%= content[:port] %>
    <% end -%>
    mode <%= content[:mode] %>
    <% unless content[:balance].nil? -%>
    balance <%= content[:balance] %>
    <% end -%>

    <% if content[:use_ssl] && !content[:terminate_ssl]  # -%>
    # maximum SSL session ID length is 32 bytes.
    stick-table type binary len 32 size 100k expire <%= content[:stick] ? content[:stick][:expire] : "32m" %>

    acl clienthello req.ssl_hello_type 1
    acl serverhello res.ssl_hello_type 2

    # use tcp content accepts to detects ssl client and server hello.
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if clienthello

    # no timeout on response inspect delay by default.
    tcp-response content accept if serverhello

    # SSL session ID (SSLID) may be present on a client or server hello.
    # Its length is coded on 1 byte at offset 43 and its value starts
    # at offset 44.
    # Match and learn on request if client hello.
    stick on payload_lv(43,1) if clienthello

    # Learn on response if server hello.
    stick store-response payload_lv(43,1) if serverhello

    <% elsif content[:mode] == "http" && content[:stick] &&
         content[:stick][:cookies] && !content[:stick][:cookies].empty?
       # There are various options here, described in:
       # We go with the stick-table to avoid no-cache and exposing backends
       # through cookies.
       # Note that appsession is easier, but deprecated:
    stick-table type string len 64 size 100k expire <%= content[:stick][:expire] %>
      <% content[:stick][:cookies].each do |cookie| -%>
    stick store-response res.cook(<%= cookie %>)
    stick match req.cook(<%= cookie %>)
      <% end -%>

    <% end -%>
    <% if content[:stick] && content[:stick][:on] && !content[:stick][:on].empty? -%>
    stick-table type ip size 1000
    stick on <%= content[:stick][:on] %>

    <% end -%>
    <% unless content[:rate_limit].nil? || content[:rate_limit] -%>
    # Rate limiting config options
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    acl too_many_reqs_by_user sc0_gpc0_rate() gt <%= content[:rate_limit] %>
    acl mark_seen sc0_inc_gpc0 gt 0
    stick-table type string size 100k expire 60s store gpc0_rate(60s)
    tcp-request content track-sc0 src

    use_backend be_429_slow_down if mark_seen too_many_reqs_by_user
    # End Rate limiting config options

    <% end -%>
    <% content[:options].each do |option| -%>
    option <%= option %>
    <% end -%>

    <% unless content[:max_connections].nil? -%>
    maxconn <%= content[:max_connections] %>

    <% end -%>
    <% unless content[:default_server].nil? -%>
    default-server <%= content[:default_server] %>

    <% end -%>
    <% content[:servers].each do |server| -%>
        ssl = content[:use_ssl] ? " check-ssl verify none" : ""
        inter = " inter #{server[:inter] || 2000}"
        fastinter = server[:fastinter] ? " fastinter #{server[:fastinter]}" : ""
        downinter = server[:downinter] ? " downinter #{server[:downinter]}" : ""
        rise = " rise #{server[:rise] || 5}"
        fall = " fall #{server[:fall] || 2}"
        backup = server[:backup] ? " backup" : ""
        on_marked_down_shutdown = server[:on_marked_down_shutdown] ? " on-marked-down shutdown-sessions" : ""
        terminate_ssl = content[:terminate_ssl] ? " ssl" : ""
        server <%= server[:name] %> <%= server[:address] %>:<%= server[:port] %> check<%= ssl %><%= inter %><%= fastinter %><%= downinter %><%= rise %><%= fall %><%= backup %><%= on_marked_down_shutdown %><%= terminate_ssl %>
    <% end -%>
  <% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @rate_limit_enabled -%>

backend be_429_slow_down
    mode http
    timeout tarpit 2s
    errorfile 500 <%= node[:haproxy][:platform][:error_dir] %>/429.http
    http-request tarpit
<% end -%>